“Medicine Maniac? This is a very unique title…”

Fang Yu muttered to himself: “The drug maniac Senior, I dont know what we are looking for What is a medicinal herb?”

“It’s okay to tell you. It’s…blue Resurrection Lily.”

The medicinal maniac replied.

“blue Resurrection Lily? I remember that Resurrection Lily tentatively is a rarer medicinal herb, right? Then blue Resurrection Lily is more rare?”

Fang Yu surprised Asked.

“Well, that’s it. Compared to the ordinary red Resurrection Lily, it is rarer.”

The drug lunatic said expre ionle .

“My dear!”

Fang Yu surprised: “If this thing is very rare, it is very rare, it has been improved, and it cannot be promoted. Isn’t it a pity?”


“What a pity? Wrong, wrong, what a pity, what a pity! I was too naive at the time, just…oh!”

The drug lunatic would not say more: “And blue Resurrection Lily may not be cultivated. Its just that my previous experiment, the usage was wrong, and a lot of wasted. Now it is not growing well, and the medicine has no effect at all. I can only take a risk. I dare say that after this trip , Everything is settled.”


The other party is solemnly vowed to this point, what can Fang Yu do?

What else can he say?



Feng Yaoguang woke up in a daze.

As soon as she woke up, she found that everyone was standing or sitting in the vicinity with ugly faces.

“Ai, how is this time good!”

Kegul is very distre ed: “According to Brother Fang, even if we want to retire now, we probably wont be able to go. Huh?”

“Well, he said, the fog lasts for at least three days. Before that, we can’t get in or get out. We can’t help it.”

Mo Ling Apart from nodded, he said: “I have tried it. What he said is true. I really can’t go out unless Formation attains the Grandmaster level. There is some hope.”

“Array Grandmaster? If I were the Array Grandmaster, I would probably not come to participate in the selection of the four major academies, right?”

Bai Wuxies corner of the mouth twitched, said.

“Then we can only wait…or small-scale activities.”

Lou Shuzhang made a final decision.

If Fang Yu is not here, it should be her Vice Captain who will play the role.

“What happened?”

Feng Yaoguang asked in confusion: “Where is Fang Yu?”

“Fang Yu, he and a Senior is gone… Said it is Senior, but as soon as he came up, he turned us over. I don’t want to meet the second one with this kind of Senior.”

Kegurnu snorted and said.


Feng Yao’s face turned pale.

“Sister Fengda, don’t be anxious!”

Mo Ling said quickly: “After all, the me age Fang Yu left behind is voluntary. I made sure that there is no danger before going there.”


“Is there really no danger?”

Feng Yaoguang sighed: “I have a bad feeling.”

“No matter how bad you feel, its all It didnt help. The old man at the time was too powerful and didnt even sense how he did it. We were overturned by the medicine. It is conservatively estimated that they are all Grand Alchemist and also have the Martial King strength. Even if Fang Yu doesnt want to follow him, Im afraid its all very difficult.”

Bai Wuxie said indifferently: “But, the other party really hurts us or what, Fang Yu alone cannot stop us so much, just Could it be that the other party is really not bad-hearted, he meets us, and the medicine is over us, it is more like a temptation to see if there is a suitable helper among us, if there is a suitable helper, it is best if there is, if not, probably not What will happen to us.”

“In short, Fang Yu asked us to wait for him for three days. After three days, we will know for ourselves, and I think Fang Yu is a very life-saving person, if it is really dangerous , He can also retreat with his whole body.”

Lou Shuzhan comforted Feng Yaoguang.

“Okay, then just wait three days, if Fang Yu has not returned after three days…”

Feng Yaoguang’s eyes were sharp.

She sat cro -legged straight after she said, cultivation started.

Immediately afterwards, a feeling of transformation permeated Feng Yaoguang’s within the body.

“Fortunately, no one else can come in for three days…Although we are not far away from this place, it is still po ible to do a small survey, and there are many strange flowers and minerals here. It’s worth studying.”

Lou Shuzhang said with some excitement.

She is a half-step Artifact Refining Grandmaster, and she has a natural preference for special materials.

The Screaming Cave is indeed weird and dangerous, but it also has a lot of unfathomable mystery materials, which makes Lou stretched heartily.

“It is said that there are some creatures crying like human mourning? I will kill a few to see.”

Bai Wuxie also be eager to have a try.

“I will go too!”

Kegur volunteered: “I don’t know if these creatures can eat?”

Mo Ling witnessed everyone doing their own things, she I was beating a go ip plate boredly, showing hesitation.


“Senior, medicinal maniac, we seem to have been walking for a long time, and there seems to be blue flowers on the way… Dont you see if its blue Resurrection Lily? “

Fang Yu reminds the drug lunatic.

Fang Yu is hardly a poet who has read poetry, but Resurrection Lily is still seen in some cla ics.

No matter which world you are in, Resurrection Lily is considered to be a flower with a special symbol. It should not be underestimated.

Along the way, although there are not many, but a few small blue Resurrection Lily appeared by chance. Why dont the drug lunatics pick them? Where are they going now?

As Fang Yu and the others went deep into the cave of sorrow, the sound of sorrow here became more and more obvious, making people frightened.

Fang Yu was surprised to find that these sorrows can affect the spirit!

Very weird, very weird!

“There is blue Resurrection Lily.”

The drug lunatic answered truthfully: “But…not the blue Resurrection Lily I want.”

“This… “

Fang Yu was speechless for a while.

It is blue Resurrection Lily, but not the blue Resurrection Lily you want…Do you know what you are talking about?

First of all, there is a difference between a blue Resurrection Lily medicinal power and two blue Resurrection Lily medicinal powers, so I dont need some immature blue Resurrection Lily.

“Furthermore, I have used all my previous ones, and to be honest, I am not very satisfied with their medicinal power. Although I have found the correct way to use them, the medicinal power is insufficient, which will still affect the ratio. Yes.”

“The improvement of this medicine pill has reached the final step. As long as it succeeds, my atonement will be tentatively over…At this point, I dont want any mistakes.”


The answer of the drug lunatic was well-founded and Fang Yu couldn’t refute it for a while.

“Then the blue Resurrection Lily that the drug lunatic Senior is looking for is…”

Fang Yu asked tentatively.

Because he can say that he has some bad feelings now?

Now, he seems to have broken into a bottomless mouth, with a path under his feet, but no end in front…

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