“Oh? It’s unexpected that you are not angry!”

Kegul clicking one’s tongue in wonder.

How can Bai Wuxie not be angry? Is this unexpected?

“Why should I be angry?”

Bai Wuxie replied.

“Oh, I understand!”

Kegul’s face is very meaningful: “Since she occasionally recruits powerful men, then you must have recruited powerful women by accident! So if you come and go, you guys are actually in a tie, right?”

Kegul’s words made Bai Wuxie a little unsure how to refute.

Because before coming to participate in the selection, there were indeed several female martial artists who came here admiringly and worshipped under the Bai Family.

At that time, Bai Wuxie was responsible for recruiting them.


Bai Wuxie is lightly snorted, no comment.

Kegul stared at Bai Wuxie with a smile on his face, his face full of expre ion can be spelled into three words I understand.

When Fang Yu sat in meditation, time pa ed bit by bit.

Noon is coming.

After a period of adjustment, Fang Yu’s state has returned to its peak.

Actually, Fang Yu didn’t suffer much from the repeated battles last night.

However, if people know that Fang Yu’s hiding is so deep, I am afraid it is not a good thing.


At this time, Fang Yu also noticed some changes.

For example, the [EXP] in the super slaughter system turned out to be a percentage!

“1%, mean I still have 99% to advance?”

Fang Yu asked.

“Ding! Yes.”

“Why are they not numbers? I think numbers are good.”

“Ding! The realm of martial arts, the Lord is The word spirit is very variable, and ordinary numbers are difficult to calculate accurately, so they are converted to percentages.”

“This…I can’t refute it!”

Fang Yulue After thinking about it, I found that I had no room for rebuttal, and I couldn’t help but feel distre ed!

“What about the rest… By the way, dont I have a Profound Level cultivation technique random study voucher? Learn Lieweis cultivation technique for me!”

Fang Yuxiang Thinking of something, said.

Continuous changes before, made him almost forget the busine !

“Ding! is randomly learning the Profound Level cultivation technique from Liewei!”

“Ding! Succe fully learned!”

“Lie Didian, cultivation Technique article, Profound Level!”


“Lie Didian!”

Fang Yu’s eyes were hot.

He is no longer the Xiaobai he used to be. He came all the way and understood more or less what a Martial Emperor is!

Martial Emperor, when they achieve Martial Emperor, they will create their own cultivation technique and martial arts based on their own avenues.

There are also all-inclusive ones, called cla ics!

Lie Didian, the cultivation technique chapter, is the cultivation technique created by Lie Di.

Similarly, there are martial arts related to Lie Emperor in the Lie Emperor Code.

Unfortunately, Fang Yu’s random learning coupon is a cultivation technique, and it is limited to Profound Level. Others have nothing to do with him.

Lou Shuzhang looked at Fang Yu shaking his head and sighed, a little confused, but he didn’t dare to ask questions.

While there was still time, Fang Yu’s consciousness entered the Ring of the Elf Emperor.


As soon as Fang Yu’s consciousness came in, he was immediately stunned.

Because this place is completely different from before!

“This, this is…”

Fang Yu was a little surprised.

The gold and jade in glorious splendor here is very different from before, just like the difference between a rundown town and a big city.

“How is the change so great…”

Fang Yu said to himself.

Although it was changed from the Ring of the Spirit King to the Ring of the Spirit King, is the difference really that big?


Klein and the others appeared and knelt down immediately: “Congratulations to the emperor for taking the next step and transforming the Ring of Spirit King into the Ring of Spirit King!”< /p>

“I didn’t expect that after the conversion, the difference would be so big.”

Fang Yu said.

“Because the emperor is stronger!”

Klein said convincingly.


Fang Yu did not deny it.

Now he is the superior of this group of Fire E ence spirits. If he is too humble, it will be bad.

“By the way, about what I said before…”

Fang Yu turned around and said.

“It’s ready.”

Klein quickly presented something: “Alice has a very good memory. I used my clans Secret Art medicine many years ago. I wrote it down, including some that I dont understand.”

“Oh? So its very difficult to deal with.”

Fang Yu was a little surprised.

If the understandable part is written down, then there is nothing strange.

After all, knowing is about remembering!

Now, Alice wrote down all the things she didnt understand… Is it really that amazing?

Fang Yu browsed and was slightly surprised: “Alice, you did a great job!”

“Yes, many thanks, the emperors praise!”

Alice answered sincerely.

She is now convinced by Fang Yu’s strength!

“Since you understand this, you can arrange the medicinal herb you brought back before! You generals will perform their duties, and the elves will surely flourish.”

< p>Fang Yu said seriously.

“This…many thanks, Emperor!”

Alice was very excited.

She actually likes refining medicine more, but over the years, their family has been displaced, and even survival has become a big problem.

How can you concentrate on refining medicine like this?

Now that everything has stabilized, and Fang Yu, their elves can finally get back on track.

“I know that there will be some demand for refining medicine, so you can directly report it to Klein, and you two, and there will be many things after that. It is for your division of labor and cooperation. Whatever needs you have, all You can tell Klein and report it.”

Fang Yu did not forget to say to the other two Fire E ence Spirit General troops.

Now there are only four Fire E ence Spirit General troops, all of whom are his right-hand men. They can’t be wasted.

“Super Slaughter System, help me integrate all the medicine information I have now.”

Fang Yu said.

He still has another chance to integrate for free!

I just dont know if he can integrate what he wants.


“Noon has arrived, and the core area is open!”

A wave of joy and sorrow sounded in the air.

Soon, the power to isolate the space quickly di ipated, and the core area slowly appeared.


“Are you still not agreeing to cooperate?”

The evil spirit once again pre ed Azure Dragon Mirror.

“My patience is limited, I hope you don’t exhaust my patience!”

The demon paused and said.

“If you can deal with Fang Yu, you can deal with him directly… You keep chatting with me, don’t you just fear Fang Yu?”

Azure Dragon Mirror indifferently said.

Originally, it was hoped that Fang Yu was true, but Fang Yu’s ability is good. It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to clean up evil spirits.

The reason why demons can’t kill is that there are too many people in Demon Race, too powerful!

The environment of Demon Race is actually very poor. Compared with Myriad Spirits Continent, it is only about one or two. It is very difficult to cultivation.

As the saying goes, barren mountains and unruly rivers are unruly.

Just like this, the battle strength of Demon Race is extraordinary, even more powerful than Barbarian Race.

Because of the famous devour raw meat and fowl of Barbarian Race, it is actually a big lo . Barbarian Race is poor in the land, but it is more unsuitable for cultivation, so survival is not a problem.

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