
Qianxunyue directly returned the word haha, and then asked: “Then again, your robbery is complete At that time, Im afraid its not young, you actually sacrificed it directly… You are really bold enough! Are you not afraid of ruining this retest?”

“Its not because of the teachers who helped me What am I afraid of… Okay, okay, let me be frank, I didnt think so much at the time, I didnt expect it would cause such a formation, otherwise how would I say I will not be so impulsive, but after I sacrificed, I was already if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, what can I do? I can only hold on to the end!”

Fang Yu sighed and said.

This stunned Chihiro Yue.

This is it?

The reason why there is such a disturbance is that you did not consider the consequences before you cro ed the catastrophe?

“Why? Don’t you believe it?”

Fang Yu helple ly said: “Even if you don’t believe it, this is the truth.”

“I Believe it.”

Qianxunyue said: “However, you asked me to meet after the robbery, it shouldnt be casual.”

For this, Fang Yu is also the same. startled.

Actually, what he said to Chihiro Tsuki at the time was mostly polite.

However, Fang Yu made such a stir, and of course Chihiro Moon was curious to see what was going on.

Now that Qian Xun Yue mentioned it, Fang Yu didn’t know how to take the move.

“Why? It was really nothing serious at the time? Are you so frivolous to women?”

Qianxun Yuexiao asked hehe, who felt like he had commanded an army.

“This…definitely not. By the way, Miss Chihiro Moon, I want to ask, about Spirit Fusion Technique, how did you deal with Azure Dragon Academy?”< /p>

Fang Yu turned around and said.

Suddenly asked by Fang Yu, Qian Xun Yue, who was caught off guard, giggled: “Of course it belongs to Azure Dragon Academy. What can we have…”

” Its not a good habit to lie.”

Fang Yu said: “Miss Qian Xun Yue, you are busine men. Cant you see the potential of Spirit Fusion Technique?”

Chihiro Moon put her smile away.

Yes, just like Fang Yu said, Spirit Fusion Technique, the potential is huge!

Although it will not affect the cultivation pattern of Myriad Spirits Continent, after all, the cultivation system of Myriad Spirits Continent has been multiplying for many years, and it has tended to be perfect. Even if something new emerges and wants to occupy a position, It is quite difficult.

However, with the emergence of Spirit Fusion Technique, Wantong Trading Company and Azure Dragon Academy have seen a probability.

Spirit Fusion Technique can complement a part of Myriad Spirits Continent cultivation system.

It is true that the cultivation system of Myriad Spirits Continent is already very complete, but when it comes to perfection, this is definitely not enough.

If Wantong Trading Company and Azure Dragon Academy can achieve something on Spirit Fusion Technique, whether it is prestige or money, absolutely kill two birds with one stone!

For this reason, Wantong Trading Company actually reached a certain consensus with Azure Dragon Academy.

Develop Spirit Fusion Technique together!

Because the soldiers of Spirit Fusion Technique let them see, Spirit Fusion Technique is not limited to this, Spirit Fusion Technique has a broader future!

However, they did not announce this matter.

In fact, there is no announcement. There is no word in the character. The announcement of the wool is announced. However, Fang Yu lay bare the truth with one remark, Chihiro Moon was still a little surprised and wary.

“Chihiro Moon Girl doesn’t need to be like that. I got Spirit Fusion Technique by accident and I was willing to sell it to Azure Dragon Academy. There was no such thing as hiding.”

Fang Yu Smiled and said.

“It is true.”

Chihiro Moon had to admit that Fang Yu’s statement was correct.

If Fang Yu intends to hide himself, there is no need to sell Spirit Fusion Technique.

He is definitely not a fool. If he wants to make a fuss on Spirit Fusion Technique, Fang Yu definitely has a hundred methods.

So…what does Fang Yu mean now?

“I have an idea for the follow-up.”

Fang Yu took out one thing and said: “Miss Qianxunyue, you can take a look.”


Qianxunyue looked at Fang Yu’s mysterious look, and couldn’t help scanning the Spiritual Consciousne , and saw the contents of this thing.


Qianxunyue startedled and said: “This is…”

“Yes, this is my follow-up to Spirit Fusion Technique Some thoughts.”

Fang Yu said frankly.

These are not Fang Yu’s random thoughts, but the big Spirit Fusion Technique given by the super slaughter system, as well as the thinking of the Spirit Fusion Technique of the military system, and the dead end.

Between Spirit Fusion Technique and Great Spirit Fusion Technique, the difference between Heaven and Earth is not difficult to see from the description of the ancient world Chen Lili.

Therefore, if Myriad Spirits Continent is allowed to study it on its own, I really dont know that the year of the monkey will only make progre .

So, Fang Yu helped them!

“Did you just think of it? Not long after you broke through the spirit of martial arts, this thing was recorded with Spiritual Consciousne …”

Chihiro Moon was a little confused.

It stands to reason that if Fang Yu presents this thing now, if it is handed over to Azure Dragon Academy, it is estimated that he will get a lot of resources.

Just give it to yourself?

Just to complete a polite remark that I said casually before?

Is this person sick?

“I just thought of it. As for the purpose…to contribute to the cultivation system of Myriad Spirits Continent?”

Fang Yu thought for a while and said.

“Do your best? Wouldn’t it be better for you to directly hand over to the instructor of Azure Dragon Academy?”

Chihiro Tsuki said again.

“Well, what you said is indeed a method, but for me, I wont hide it. Im in a showdown. I want to catch your Wantong Trading Company line anyway. Achievements and so on, you have made progre . According to the agreement, dont you also want to handover with Azure Dragon Academy? Its a truth.”

Fang Yu said with a serious expre ion: “But I will probably try again later As long as I become the rising star of Azure Dragon Academy, doesnt this contribution seem a bit tastele ? That being the case, why not sell the little elder sister of Qianxunyue, you are good, and take your Vantone Trading Company. What about a line?”

“You are really an innate talent for Auctioneer, how about learning to be an Auctioneer from me?”

Chihiro was silent for a while Zhong, after a lot of inner struggles, just said slowly.

She was not joking. Based on Fang Yu’s words, she concluded that Fang Yu has great potential in Auctioneer’s busine .

Most likely is no less than Fang Yus cultivation talent.

I can talk so well, its a pity not to be an Auctioneer.

“Auctioneer? This…”

Fang Yu didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

The topic of Chihiro Moon has become a bit faster!

Why does he want to be Auctioneer?

Although Auctioneer should have a lot of income, it is e entially different from Refiner Master, Medicine Refining Master, Array Master, etc., right?

He couldn’t think about how much he wanted to become an Auctioneer with Qian Xun Yue.

Even if this little elder sister is a beautiful woman.

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