“Huh? This…”

Luo Lan was dumbfounded.

She hasnt really considered this i ue yet!

Looking back now, it seems that this is really the case!

“That is to say, Fang Yu sold part of the Jiebao to me, and then when he cro ed the Tribulation, he directly sacrificed the remaining Jiebao…Isn’t this pitting me?”


Luo Lan is angry.

Everyone agrees.

Although it is not nece arily that Fang Yu deliberately cheated them, but Fang Yu did this, more or less this thought.

What a vicious guy!

In fact, Fang Yu didn’t have such thoughts.

Jie Bao was sold and paid back. This is the main purpose. As for who bought it and how to use it, this is not within Fang Yu’s consideration.

In other words, Jiebao is a double-edged sword!

In the supplementary introduction of the dragon Celestial Immortal later, Fang Yu mentioned that if someone else took out the stronger Jiebao, then the weaker Jiebao might be married to others. Clothes out.

Luo Lan has no reason to know this.

However, when they knew it, they still went their own way and boldly took out this thing. If they didn’t look at the situation before doing it, it would be too small to underestimate the heroes of the world.

Power should be every le on!

If Fang Yu was in front of her, he would definitely explain this way.

“So what should I do now? Forcibly attracting Ninth Tribulation and destroying Fang Yu’s robbery?”

One person put forward his own idea.

These words made Luo Lan and Zuo Mu even rolled their eyes: “Thunder Tribulation is uncontrollable, or it is not controlled by the human power of a common martial artist! If we can control the rhythm of Thunder Tribulation, we Cro ing the robbery is almost a certainty, why bother to cross the robbery together and plunder the Power of Heaven and Earth of nearby martial artists?”

“Then what do you mean…”

This person For a moment, he said quickly.

“spirit strength vortex is unaware. There are only strengths and weaknesses in its concept. Fang Yus spirit strength vortex is too large and directly obscures our spirit strength vortex… if our spirit strength vortex Can solve Fang Yus spirit strength vortex, Fang Yu has already failed, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, where can he go to heaven?”

Zuo Mu sighed.

He doesn’t like Fang Yu very much.

However, I have to admit that Fang Yu is qualified to break his wrist with them.

Otherwise, they won’t be deflated every time.

Zuo Mu still has basic IQ.

If this is not the case, there is no need for the three-eyed Martial Emperor’s protagonist to take action, naturally someone will kick him out.

Zuo Mu can stay until now, one is that he can really do things, endure hardships and stand hard work.

Secondly, he is loyal, he will correct his mistakes, and his basic IQ is online.

It can be said that under the guarantee and protection of such a team, the son of the Sanme Martial Emperor has a great chance to become the next Martial Emperor!

“Now tentatively makes Fang Yu arrogantly proud…There are always times when he can’t be proud!”

Luo Lan gnashing teeth.

Above the sky.

Fang Yu used the Dragon Rising Technique to reach the center of his spirit strength vortex.

“This, this is…”

Fang Yu looked at the chaotic Power of Heaven and Earth here, pupil shrink!

He has a hunch that it is suicidal to cross the robbery here!

“Is it really no problem to cross the robbery here!”

Fang Yu couldn’t help asking.

This is a very important question!

“Ding! Within the host’s tolerance!”

Super Slaughter System replied.


In this case, Fang Yu has no choice but to go.


Fang Yu just appeared, and the spirit strength vortex rioted again.

It is not ordinary Thunder Tribulation, but Thunder Punishment!

There are additional Power of Heaven and Earth attracted by the curse of thunder.

If a real martial spirit is here, Im afraid Im going to retreat.

However, Fang Yu has a super slaughter system, even if it is this desperate situation that seems ten deaths without life, he dared to give it a try.

“Ninth Tribulation, come on!”

Fang Yu’s words fell, and Ninth Tribulation had arrived in a thunderous manner!

“hong long long!”

When Thunder Tribulation fell, Fang Yu felt that he could bear it.

After all, he is someone who can make a name for himself in many Heaven’s Chosen Child. If you don’t have some ability, who would believe it.

However, Fang Yu’s face changed immediately!

“Ah, ah, ah…”

The superposition of Thunder Punishment, Curse of Thunder, etc., made Fang Yu’s life force drop to the freezing point all of a sudden!


At this time, the ring of the elf emperor shines.

Like a sun, illuminating the sky!

A special bird song pierced Thunder Tribulation, and a trace of flame enveloped Fang Yu!

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for one of the triggering abilities of the Elf King Ring, undying bird fire!”

“Ding! undying bird fire, Spiritual God undying bird of the element continent The flame of Myriad Spirits Continent is similar to Phoenix Lineage of Myriad Spirits Continent.”

“Ding! The life of the host is protected by the fire of undying bird, and the health value will not be less than 1%!”

< p>_

Fang Yu died again and again, and reborn again and again!

This is the effect of the Elf Emperor Ring.

Everything is ups and downs between destruction and rebirth.

Soon, Fang Yu’s breath changed.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for the breakthrough succe , the current level is one-star martial arts!”

The moment Fang Yu’s aura changed, the super slaughter system reported his current realm .


Vice President Wang seemed to have sensed something. He flicked his fingers and called up the monitoring data of the Azure Dragon mirror.

Since they are all in the Azure Dragon mirror, everything is naturally invisible.

“Sure enough, Fang Yu’s breakthrough succeeded!”

Seeing Fang Yu’s realm cultivation base, Vice Dean Wang couldn’t help but say.

Fang Yu is the first breakthrough martial artist of Wu Ling!

“Fang Yu’s first breakthrough Wuling, points +10000!”

Azure Dragon mirror also added points to Fang Yu.


This change has hints in everyone’s tokens.

Now they are very proficient in the use of tokens, and they feel the news at once, and they can’t help but change their colors!

It stands to reason that Fang Yu’s appearance, wanting to survive safely, is simply impossible!

There was such a big disturbance that even Vice President Wang and his ilk were dispatched. Obviously, the situation was unexpected and beyond control.

It turns out that Fang Yus breakthrough succeeded. What happened?

Even though many people have seen Fang Yu’s hard-shaking Thunder Punishment before, he even went to heaven in front of everyone.

However, no one knows the specific situation!

“Ding! Does the host end the robbery now?”

asked the super slaughter system.

“breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough!”

Fang Yu was a little silent, almost shouting.

After he was ignited by the fire of undying bird, he is now in an excellent state. If he is not breakthrough now, when will he wait?

Although the ring of the elf emperor, the fire of the undying bird is a bit strange, but he does not know much about the element continent, and these things are not important for the time being. After that, it will not be too late to understand. , But the breakthrough opportunity, mi ed, but mi ed!

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