“The Sixth Tribulation…It seems that these people want to be rich and safe.”

Fang Yu smiled slightly.

During Thunder Tribulation, the accumulated power is equivalent to the boost in the final impact, and how much can it be improved in one breath after the breakthrough.

For martial artists of overwhelming majority, it is already very remarkable to be able to reach the second-star martial arts after the breakthrough.

It is simply a genius among geniuses.

However, geniuses are already in the minority, and the genius among the geniuses… is even more self-evident!

Many people actually know their situation.

You can imagine what position you are among a group of geniuses.

The best way to do it is to accept it when you see it!

Otherwise, if you really get involved in a group of Heaven’s Chosen Child, I’m afraid it is because you don’t even know how you failed, so you just lose!

What’s the point of this?

Therefore, many people directly choose to plunder resources before the last three calamities!

Anyway, the Seventh Tribulation will come later, and many people will do it. Some of them are not strong enough. If they want to fight back, they will come about one’s own destruction.

So, if you have grudges, you must avenge it now.


“Zuo Mu and the others might target Fang Yu and the others?”

Liewei said coldly.

One of the great things about the robbery room is that you can communicate with each other and chat in real time as long as you are in the room.

“Yes, but what about this? Of course I care about Kegur, but they can’t even solve this little thing, so I also have nothing to say.”

Mei An said indifferently.

“Hehe, it makes sense, even if it is worried, what about it? Hey, in fact, I persuaded Xiaobai, but he just refused to come. He wants to compete with Fang Yu! “

Liewei laughed, then helple ly said: “Fang Yu is so amazing?”

She asked Mei An about this.

Even though they agreed on the location in Blazing City, in fact, when Liehua landed, with some deviation, he actually landed in the more distant Storm City.

For this reason, they delayed more than a day before they reunited.

However, Liewei knew that Mei An had met Fang Yu and the others.

The same is true. She is very curious about these things and cares a lot.

Fang Yu… Is it really so powerful?


Mei’an nodded: “I think he is probably not weaker than us.”


Liehua was surprised.

She was really surprised.

Liehua is not an ordinary martial artist. She is the granddaughter of Emperor Lie. What about Mei An…also has a powerful identity, otherwise they would not team up.

Now, Fang Yu is not weaker than them…Is he really not joking?

“What I said is indeed a joke, but this is a fact! Maybe Fang Yus upper limit is not equal to me, but Fang Yu is not weaker than us now.”


Mei An said seriously.

“Then I want to see more… and Xiaobai lost to him before. I dont know how Xiaobai lost. Tomorrow, if Fang Yu has a smooth breakthrough, Xiaobai and Zuo Mu, I guess its enough for him to drink a pot.”

Lee Wei smiled and said, “Zuo Mu is a person seeking revenge for the slightest grievance. He dare not retaliate against us, but dare Fangyu and the others. . After all, as far as the background is concerned, Fang Yu is still weaker.”


Mei An nodded.

She didn’t mean to look down on Fang Yu, but Fang Yu’s background is indeed not strong.

If it hadnt been for Fang Yu to come up, it would be a fierce stance of punching the old Master to death. Later, he disappeared for several days and couldnt find anyone. Im afraid Fang Yu might not be able to Succe fully cross the robbery.

However, one thing is worthy of recognition.

Fang Yu, not weaker than them.

At least now Fang Yu is like that.

“During the Seventh Tribulation, are you going to take action?”

Mei An asked.

When to shoot, this is their own freedom.

Even Mei An cannot help them decide casually.

Similarly, not all people will do it during Ninth Tribulation.

Ninth Tribulation is the final moment to determine success or failure. If there is no full confidence, Ninth Tribulation will bring about one’s own destruction!

So, it is better to do it in advance.

The seventh and eighth calamities are both good choices.

Of course, the martial artist is extremely dangerous.

It’s just that the four major academies have almost explored the ways of impacting Wuling over the years.

As long as there is no major mistake, it will almost never fail when there is capital.

If there is any flaw in this method, it is only suitable for Heaven’s Chosen Child, some elderly martial artists, if they use this method indiscriminately, they will kill themselves!

“I will do it in the eighth calamity!”

“I may do it in the seventh calamity. I have to look at it again.”

“I Ninth Tribulation.”


Mei An also knows the reply from her companion.


“We are all doing this in Ninth Tribulation!”

Zuo Mu said to Luo Lan and the others.


Everyone has no objection.

Ninth Tribulation is about to take advantage of the power of Jiebao and Spirit Seal to snatch the power of Heaven and Earth!

In fact, this approach is a bit foul.

However, this foul is also within the rules!

If they say they are not doing the right thing, it won’t work!

Because they do everything within the scope of the rules.

If there is anything wrong, it will offend many people this time.

However, will Zuo Mu be afraid to offend the person?


“About Spirit Seal, you must be careful, but don’t let it run away.”

Luo Lan hesitated a bit, but couldn’t help but remind.

Spirit Seal is their alternative to not photographing the physique blood crystal.

Although they brought Spirit Seal back, there was nothing wrong with it, but their trip was generally not smooth, Luo Lan wanted to be stable.

Luo Lan is different from Zuo Mu. He has been taught by grandfather since he was a child, and he must be serious about matters concerning Martial Emperor and Young Master!

“Dont worry, we do things very securely!”

Zuo Mu grinned: “Also, we will grab Fang Yu and the others before the core area is lifted tomorrow. Rout one by one!”

“Including Bai Wuxie?”

Luo Lan asked.

“This…it depends on the situation! For the time being, it provokes Liewei, which will not do us much good.”

Zuo Mu froze for a while, said.

Yes, Liehua is crazy sometimes, playing cards out of order.

In case they really get on the bar, it must be a disaster for Zuo Mu and the others!

It is important to know that the martial artists under the command of the three-eye Martial Emperor are a bit simple and rude, and actually offend a lot of forces.

But the three-eye Martial Emperor is too powerful, too powerful, they are just unhappy, they can’t do anything!

However, they cannot behave to the Sanmu Martial Emperor, which does not mean that they cannot behave to themselves and the others!

Just like this, it is undoubtedly a blockage for himself to provoke Liehua.

Zuo Mu thought of what Luo Lan had said. They did feel that everything went wrong during their trip.

So, static braking is better?

As Zuo Mu thought, the thunderbolt above the sky changed rapidly!

The seventh calamity, here comes!

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