“Thank you!”

The knock on the door broke the calm.

“Please come in.”

Fang Yu couldn’t help but look at someone knocking on the door. After finding that it was Feng Yaoguang, he couldn’t help asking: “What’s wrong?”


“Fang Yu, do you think I… will change?”

Feng Yaoguang hesitated for a moment, said.


Fang Yu was taken aback for a moment, and said: “It has changed…what does this mean?”

“It means, I have suddenly changed so much, and I still have feelings about this fo il egg. Do you think I am really a reincarnated person?”

“I heard that the reincarnated people are very powerful Existence, such as the little Martial King Dai Meng, her future achievements will definitely not go far, and there are rumors that the little Martial King Dai Meng has become more and more violent.”

“You see her name has a cute character, you know how her original character is, at least it is definitely not so aggre ive and violent now!”


Wind Yaoguang said in one breath: “Moreover, for many reincarnated people, the method of reincarnation is not a righteous and peaceful way. It may be harmful to the world and reason. In short, I am afraid that after I awaken, I will not be me!”

Fang Yu himself was stunned after saying so much to Feng Yaoguang.

He didn’t expect Feng Yaoguang to change so much in these days when he was absent!

Fang Yu dare to say that Feng Yaoguang is definitely the same as Dragon Celestial Immortal said. When he was po e ed by the evil spirit, the evil spirit helped Feng Yaoguang awaken something by the way.

Although it is not nece arily deliberate, but po e ing demons is still too exciting for martial artists.

For example, Feng Yaoguang’s awakening, she may not really be awakened.

This kind of reincarnation is not nece arily a succe .

There is a certain probability of failure!

If it fails…then the previous lifes efforts will be in vain, that is, they will die directly. There is nothing to say.

The trajectory of Feng Yaoguang’s this life has changed a lot.

The cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds in the last few days…If Feng Yaoguang had such a momentum before, she would definitely be able to compete with Mo Ling and the others.

It can be seen from this that if it were not po e ed by the evil demon, Feng Yaoguang might still be Feng Yaoguang and would not be what it is now.

“You may think that this change is not good now, but in my opinion, it may not be!”

Fang Yu said suddenly.

“Why did you say this?”

Feng Yaoguang didn’t understand why Fang Yu said this.

Get power, but can’t control it. Isn’t it better than not having it?

So, what does Fang Yu mean now?

“Actually, do you know what my biggest emotion is after I came to take the retest?”

Fang Yu asked.

“I don’t know.”

Feng Yaoguang answered truthfully.

Actually, Feng Yaoguang didn’t think Fang Yu would have any emotion.

The reason is very simple. Fang Yu has been succe ful up to now, even if he was accidentally teleported outside of Myriad Spirits Continent, but he came back alive and well, and there was even a gain… this Looks like, can you say that Fang Yu suffered?

No way!

Therefore, now that Fang Yu said the biggest gain, Feng Yaoguang thought of several answers, but she felt that they were probably not the answer to the question Fang Yu asked.

“The world is huge, and there are many powerhouses!”

Fang Yu said seriously.

“The world is big, and there are many powerhouses?”

Feng Yaoguang was a little confused.

What answer is this?

Does Fang Yu mean it?

“Why? Do I seem to be cracking a joke?”

Fang Yu asked.

“No, no, but…”

Feng Yaoguang stopped talking.

“Do you think Fang Yu is very strong?”

Fang Yu asked slowly.


Feng Yaoguang is nodded.

If such Fang Yu is not strong, then who can be called a powerhouse?

“But, have you forgotten that Fang Yu is just the son of a small family in Skydome City. He asked for your help at the Treasure House, and only then got through the storm. If you didn’t help, I guess Fang Yu , Li Family, its very dangerous.”

Fang Yu said with a smile.

“What you said… is that you want me to die in shame?”

Feng Yaoguang didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“no! I just want to say, whether its you or me, both have fortuitous encounters and each have their own good fortune. If you and I are too entangled with good fortune, it is good or bad, then we are Should I throw away all the good fortune I got?”

Fang Yu continued to ask.

“No, it’s not…but, my good fortune is that I want to throw it away, and I can’t throw it away.”

Feng Yaoguang was taken aback for a moment, and said again.

“This is not the point!”

Fang Yu avoided this topic with a big wave of his hand.

The point is, why dont you try to master the power of this? Its like a saber, which can kill people and protect your family. Why do you think that you will definitely hurt those around you? “

Fang Yu said seriously.

These are his true words, what he really wants to say to Feng Yaoguang.

He also got a powerful slaughter system, but he also didnt have anyone around him backlash, and even with the super slaughter system, he helped the family and Li Family!

Fang Yu has done a lot of things he can do!


Feng Yaoguang’s heart moved slightly, she was about to say something, but Fang Yu’s conversation changed.

“Its only a quarter of an hour from the beginning of the robbery. Go back and prepare yourself. You can’t understand much of what I say alone. You can only understand what I said only after you personally experience it. What does it mean?”

Fang Yu said with a smile.

“Okay, I will go back and think about it!”

Feng Yaoguang nodded, turned around and went back.

“This girl should really be a reincarnated person.”

The dragon Celestial Immortal suddenly appeared: “Actually speaking of which, you and I are similar. Right! You are the wild species in your family. By coincidence, I am also the wild species in Dragon Race!”

“Get out!”

Fang Yu gave this stupid white look Mother dragon, does she think that wild species is praise?

“In short, tonight is destined not to be too peaceful.”

Fang Yuyan returned to the subject.

“Um… after all, the evil demon is still beginning to stir!”

Long Celestial Immortal naturally knew what Fang Yu was talking about.

The evil spirit is not a saint, it is definitely a care , she must remember the things Fang Yu did before, waiting for the opportunity to find the place back!

Tonight is a great opportunity for revenge!

Long Celestial Immortal said, Fang Yu naturally knew that demons were also within his consideration.

So, come on!

Is there any means, all come!

He Fang Yu will follow.

The time pa ed bit by bit, and soon it was midnight.


There was a roar between Heaven and Earth, Fang Yu, like many people, raised his eyes to look up at the sky.

“Does anyone preemptively start…then I will come too!”

Fang Yu said to himself, then closed his eyes.

Transfer the robbery, start!

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