“Hmm, I want to.”

Fang Yu is nodded seriously.

This makes the dragon soul speechle !

I want to…you thought you were shopping!

If you want it, you dont want it. Its really too light!

“But for Spirit Seal…”

The dragon soul groaned a little, and said: “For you now, it is indeed very good! If you can get it, it is indeed A great thing!”

This is speaking frankly.

The many benefits of Spirit Seal do not need to be described too much, as long as every time it appears, it can set off foul wind and bloody rain.

Therefore, if Fang Yu can get Zuo Mu’s Spirit Seal, it is undoubtedly like a tiger that has grown wings.

“But there is a problem. In this way, you will offend a Martial Emperor family… The three-eye Martial Emperor will definitely not care about you or target you because of these trivial things. , You dont have the qualifications yet! But their people will probably follow you. The so-called Hades is easy to pa , and the little ghosts are difficult. Thats the truth!”

The Dragon Soul said anxiously.

Fang Yu was silent, and said: “It’s okay, there is really something to deal with me, directed at me, I will take it.”

He fearless fight!

“It feels like you have changed… become arrogant?”

The Dragon Soul said a little uncertainly.

“Be more confident, take it out!”

Fang Yu said seriously.

After finishing speaking, he also laughed: “The one who cracked a joke, he used to be poor in strength. It must be timid. Now he is one step away from the martial spirit. In Myriad Spirits Continent, it is When youre on the journey, its so arrogant, whats wrong.

Yes, although the Great Martial Master is famous in some small places and is comparable to the big one, but in the huge Myriad Spirits Continent, This is still not enough!

Therefore, Wuling is the real starting point.

“Now, let’s discuss things about cro ing the robbery!”

Fang Yu said to everyone.


Everyone is slightly nodded and has no objections.

“First of all, tonight is destined to be the night of the robbery…Why do you choose to do the robbery tonight, in fact, there are still some particulars.”

Lou Shuzhang cleared up. Voice, said.

They are now forming a team, Fang Yu is Captain, but Lou Zhans responsibility is similar to Vice Captain!

Fang Yu acquiesced in this, and Lou Shuzhang also acquiesced in this role.

That’s the case. Lou Shuzhan is now responsible for the more elaborate tasks.

Fang Yu’s role, at this moment, it is more appropriate to say that it is Captain than a mascot.

“There are a few key points in the robbery, now lets briefly talk about it.”

Lou Shuzhan said in deadly earnest: “First of all, a robbery room can accommodate ten people… _eaning, there are ten Formations, which can provide ten auxiliary breakthrough positions, and there are some subtle differences in them, which can be selected according to each situation.”

“We have selected the room in advance.”

Feng Yaoguang raised her hand to speak.


The floor stretched slightly nodded and didn’t care.

Because the difference between this is not very big, some people care, and some don’t.

She falls into the category of indifferent.

Lou Shuzhang doesn’t care anymore, and the others don’t care too much.

Just because the real point is, it is the room itself!

Others are the icing on the cake.

“As for those who can’t take pictures of the room of the robbery, they will also roam the robbery in this area, first for safety, secondly, to seek an opportunity.”

say here Lou Shuzhang obviously took a lot more seriously: “When cro ing the Tribulation, it will attract a huge Power of Heaven and Earth. With so many people cro ing the Tribulation together, Power of Heaven and Earth will become larger and larger. When the time comes, whoever has more , Whoever has less depends on ability.”

“I really want to describe it, that is, a lot of gamblers put their chips on the table and start the gambling game! Won, or If you lose, it all depends on your own strength, and no one is forcing must to cross the catastrophe tonight, so you can happily eat melons and watch the show, but it is a rare opportunity, who doesn’t want to finish the catastrophe, immediately will be the two-star Wuling, three-star Wu Ling, so… the importance of cro ing the robbery room is shown.”

Lou Shuzhang continued: “It can guarantee that we can absorb a considerable part of the power of Heaven and Earth, but we lose. , There are guarantees, so its not unreasonable for everyone to take so enthusiastically.”


Fang Yu nodded: “Although it took two 300,000 points, but Its not bad to be able to guarantee that oneself will not fail in the triumph.”

Not failing, for Fang Yu and the others, it is almost a certainty.

Their innate talent, their strength and so on, all make them mi ed by failure.

Although it’s not absolute, it’s not wrong to say that you are sure of it.

It just depends on whether you can get more benefits.

As for other martial artists, they may just be able to break through, and it is difficult to go further, so they join this gambling game, betting whether they can get some benefits, and step into the two-star martial arts in one fell swoop.

Dont think that the two-star Wuling seems to be one-star ahead of thats all. Putting it in actual combat may be a life-saving straw.

Especially after the core area is lifted, the strength is stronger, doesn’t it mean you have a greater certainty?

However, if there is no room for the robbery, it is just an ordinary retreat room, and it fails, and one’s spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth is robbed of a lot, and the succe or is weak, it is undoubtedly a failure.

“There are still a lot of people who have not been able to take pictures of Dujie’s room, but I see a lot of people be eager to have a try. I think it will be wonderful tonight.”

Lou Shuzhang continued.

“Yes, who bought Jiebao?”

Fang Yu asked.

“It’s Luo Lan.”

Lou Shuzhan said hesitantly: “Although Luo Lan came with Zuo Mu, she is the relative of the third general under the command of the Martial Emperor of the three eyes. Granddaughter, the strength is unquestionable, innate talent and so on, even more a ured, if she goes well, she may be able to break through to Samsung Wuling in one breath. When the time comes, we will be in trouble.”

Yes, although it is unknown, who can’t tell that they are in dire straits with each other?

Sooner or later there will be a battle.

Time, maybe tomorrow, maybe waiting day, in short, this battle will definitely come.

Whether it is for the sake of face or whatever, this account will not be easily revealed.

“You wont sell Jiebao, right?”

Bai Wuxie seemed to have thought of something, and said with a strange expre ion: “This thing has sold millions of points. Luo Lans high price was made up by a few pieces of stuff.”

“Millions…tsk tsk!”

Fang Yu cant stop talking.

It’s really profitable!

Although these are all based on Qian Xun Yues ability, he still has to say it directly, sour!

“You didn’t have any tricks, did you?”

Bai Wuxie Fox questioned: “I advise you not to do this, Luo Lan is not easy to provoke …I mean, she is going crazy, Zuo Mu has to stand aside.”

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