“It’s just a small meaning…”

Fang Yu waved his hand, not paying attention.

85,000 points, a lot of them, but compared to Feng Yaoguangs help, not worth mentioning.

Even if it is his scenery now, the wind and the Yaoguang are in despair.

Fang Yus own reasoning is to pay back the favors I owe!

“These 85,000 points are a lot, why don’t you mean something to me?”

Mo Ling asked with a smile.

“If you really want it, I will give it.”

Fang Yu said in deadly earnest.

When he said this, Mering didn’t dare to make a second.

Fang Yus favor, its hard to pay it back.

Although as long as Mo Ling wants to pay it back, there is no unforgettable favor.

However, let’s wait and see for now!

Seeing that Mo Ling is not on the bait, Fang Yu curl one’s lip.

“What about me, what about me? I’m not afraid of owing favors!”

Kegul grinned and said.

“Don’t you have Mei’an? There is a rich woman covered, and what do I need Fang Yu to do?”

Fang Yu smiled helple ly and said: “After that, how are they Isn’t it there anymore?”


hearing this, Mo Ling sighed, and then said the matter without omi ion and in detail.

Fang Yu has no joy or sorrow.

For this event, for this result, he can only say that he expected it!

The original development of this team was a bit unexpected.

If this weren’t the case, before Fang Yu disappeared, he would not spend great efforts to integrate this team.

The helpless thing is that after Fang Yu disappeared, what should have come is still here, and everyone fell apart because of the running-in problem!

Fortunately, now he is back, otherwise the previous friends suddenly turned against each other and met each other. It was really not fun at all.

“What are you going to do?”

Mo Ling consulted Fang Yu.

Well, Fang Yu is the boss of this team. It depends on what Fang Yu means.

“What can you do…what you said, I understand, did they say to leave directly?”

Fang Yu asked back.


Mo Ling hesitated slightly.

“You, maybe you have seen too many, very genius, very enchanting, and also a person who thinks a lot, so the basic trust between people is very shallow, unless you have Interests are constrained, otherwise…hehe.”

Fang Yu didn’t speak too bluntly.

He is not going to have a showdown with Mo Ling, and he is not going to put aside all considerations of face.

“Can you blame me? You are gone, I am a weak woman, what can I do? Lou Shuzhang is also unable to control these monsters.”

Mo Ling said very wronged.

Fang Yus mouth twitched, which means she is not one after another monster!

“All in all, when it’s over, they will be back…huh?”

Fang Yu didn’t finish speaking, and he saw Lou Shu Zhan and several grandiose people coming. .

Although there are only a few people, it is particularly abrupt here in the auction house.

“Oh? Isn’t this the person who was invited by Zuo Mu before? It belongs to Fang Yu’s team! Could it be that Fang Yu has returned and left Zuo Mu again?”

“No way? Even if Fang Yu is back, can it be better than Zuo Mu?”

“It’s hard to say, I didn’t expect Fang Yu to get angry for a woman just now, and he got 85,000 points directly? “


The person who speaks is eccentric.

Firstly, I felt that Fang Yu fell into the altar, making them less fearful than before. Secondly, Fang Yu’s performance of throwing money just now really shocked them.

85,000 points without blinking!

It’s amazing!

The other is Zuo Mu’s background, definitely surpa ing most of the people present.

Even a henchman, a running dog, is also a henchman and running dog of the Martial Emperor family.

Not everyone can be.

“Fang Yu, welcome you back.”

Lou Shuzhan stepped forward and said seriously.

“Well, okay, sit down.”

Fang Yu answered casually.

Lou Shuzhang glanced around, there was no room left.

Even if there is, it is not near Fang Yu.

“Several people, I don’t know if it is convenient to give the location to my friends?”

Fang Yu said to a few people nearby.

These words left these people in a daze.

What is this operation!

“My Fang Yu owes a few people a favor.”

Fang Yu said positively.

This makes Mo Ling a bit speechle .

Isn’t this Mo Ling’s trick just now?

I did the same thing so quickly, okay?

Really good!

“I, we…”

The person who was asked also zhi zhi um.

I have to say that Fang Yu’s direct confrontation with Zuo Mu just now was really eye-opening and a little scary.

This is the guy who dared to fight against people from the Martial Emperor family. Even though Zuo Mu and the others are side disciplines, they are also famous for finished apprenticeship, but they were beaten like this by Fang Yu…

“Okay, that’s what you said!”

In the end, the few people still left in Fang Yu Zhengyi’s eyes.

“many thanks!”

Fang Yu cup one fist in the other hand Thanks, but the super slaughter system has a hint.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the random behavior and defeating the soldiers without fighting, [slaughter points] +3.0!”

Fang Yu startled.

The super slaughter system has no tricks, so it can be used for slaughter points. Its amazing!

Although it is only 3.0, although it is not the first time, Fang Yu still finds it novel.

“Why are you back? Did you break up with Zuo Mu?”

Fang Yu asked with interest.

“I didn’t think about agreeing to him, but I couldn’t refuse directly, so I had to sit down.”

lou Shu shook the head, said with some headaches.

If you change someone, you will definitely feel that Lou Shu Zhan is pretending to make excuses for himself.

But Fang Yu knows that Lou Shu Zhan is very real.

stand by one’s word, she said so, that’s it.

If she really wants to leave, she will be perfectly clear, instead of playing some imaginary things.

Therefore, Lou Shuzhang really never thought about leaving.

“The next thing to be auctioned is the Dujie Room.”

Chihiro Moon on the high platform announced.

“What? The Tribulation Room? This is the first Tribulation Room, right? It’s auctioned now? Isn’t it!”

“The Tribulation Room is a good thing, I think there should be a lot of cro ing tribulations tonight, and there should be more than demand for the tribulation room!”

“How big is a tribulation room? It seems to be able to accommodate ten people?”


People talk about it.

Many people have heard of the name of the Dujie Room, even for it!

“cross the robbery room?”

Fang Yu looked suspiciously towards his little friend.

“This is a place specially prepared for martial artists to cross the robbery, but there are some differences, but this type of robbery room is very luxurious, and can even provide the Spirit Stone you need… Of course it is not free Yes, it can provide exchange services. You know, some peoples attributes are biased toward fire, and some are biased toward water. When cro ing the catastrophe, Spirit Stone is an auxiliary, but the more the better one!”

< p> Mo Ling said endle ly.

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