“What is this?”

Chihiro Moon also found a clue.

She is not a vase, she is a Martial King!

After discovering that one silhouette had fallen, she immediately urged a streamer on her body to kill her!

“Is it an attack?”

Everyone felt tight!

After all, if you dare to engage in a a ination or a ault at this time, you should be either a lunatic or a peerless powerhouse.

And the goal is still Chihiro Moon… Is it the enemy of Wantong Trading Company?

Qianxunyue waited for it, and the streamer in a flash turned into a sword, killing all the people!


The fallen man’s eyes condensed, and he slashed out!

“Heaven sun rises at first!”

This blade smashed the head and covered the face and fell, making Qianxunyue deng deng back!


Seeing this, many people were shocked.

Chihiro Moon is not an ordinary character, even if he is not good at fighting Martial King, Martial King is Martial King!

There is no doubt about this.

Now that he has been driven back by a single blow, who is it?

“This, this is…”

Others may not have reacted, but someone has already recognized it. Whose move is this.


Fang Yu steadily landed: “Myriad Spirits Continent is really dangerous, I almost got a heartbreak!”

“Fang, Fang Yu, it’s you!”

Mo Ling stood up excitedly: “Is it really you!”

“Oh? You are here!”< /p>

After Mo Ling stood up, Feng Yaoguang and Keguer stood up one after another, allowing Fang Yu to recognize them at a glance.

Seeing this, Fang Yu himself was actually relieved.

He was really worried before that if he was teleported to other places by unfathomable mystery, what should he do!

Its fine now, its really best to return to my acquaintances.

“In this way, Martial King’s control over teleportation is really powerful, I said…Huh?”

Before Fang Yu could finish speaking, he found that the Void Rat was trapped Fell asleep.

“What’s wrong?”

Fang Yu asked in surprise.

“Do you think it is easy to come back? Especially with such precise positioning, it is almost overdrawn. I am afraid that I will not be able to wake up for a while.”

The Dragon Soul is a little helpless .

If this is not the case, the vastly increased Void Rat is definitely their trump card.

However, to return safely is already a great ble ing in misfortune. How can I take so much into consideration?

“Its Fang Yu? Hes Fang Yu? Didnt it mean that hes mi ing or maybe even died?”

“Its Fang Yu! I met him when I was in Blazing City, he He also fought Dai Meng in the beast tide!”

“How did he come back? Or suddenly appeared, is it po ible that what I said before is true? He is in a lost space?”< /p>


People discuss spiritedly, and they did not expect such a result.

Isn’t it?

In the lost space, it is even po ible to leave Myriad Spirits Continent directly.

It is as strong as the quasi emperor, and even the Martial Emperor may not come back.

Fang Yu is back after a round?

Really incredible!

“Are you Fang Yu?”

Qian Xun Yue asked with interest.

When the retest started, she came here to make preparations.

As for the changes in the list, she is watching.

She knows even the disappearance of Fang Yu.

Based on her experience, Fang Yu is probably going to be cold.

As everyone knows, Fang Yu is back.

Nothing is impossible!

“Yes, just…I am sorry.”

Fang Yu said with a trace of apology.

“It’s okay…In that case, please take a seat.”

Chihiro Moon said with a smile.

At first, she had doubts about whether this was Fang Yu, but when she wanted to talk, someone from Azure Dragon Academy gave her a look.

Indicating that Fang Yu has no problem.

Because after Fang Yu came back, he quickly recovered from the list.

“Fang Yu, over here, over here… this little brother, can you please move a position? If you have something later, we can pay you back.”

Mo Ling said to the teenager next to him.

The young man looked dull, and was suddenly nodded by Mo Ling so begged.

When he reacted, Fang Yu was already seated, and his companion asked to regain this position. After a little hesitation, he shook the head: “That’s all, I just agreed, and they again We didn’t get our position in vain.”

See this, his companion didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Yes, there is no denying that what Mo Ling said just now was very beautiful.

But this promise also has a lot of loopholes, OK?

After a while, Mo Ling casually took it with him. Wouldn’t they have lost everything?

However, as the dull boy said, the other party has already promised, and it is a position, nothing at worst.

Fang Yu did not speak, but noted the person who gave up his seat.

“What happened to you?”

Mo Ling asked impatient.

“Let me say one after another.”

Fang Yu said with a wry smile.

“Wait, is this fo il egg going to be finalized now?”

Kegul reminded.

If it hadnt been for Fang Yus sudden fall, it is estimated that Fo il Egg had already completed the transaction.

“Oh? What are you going to buy?”

Fang Yu asked.

“It’s this fo il egg…I want to buy her, but it’s a bit expensive.”

Feng Yaoguang smiled bitterly.

50000 points, even adding the upper universe is not enough.

“Is this…”

Fang Yu looking thoughtful.


“He unexpectedly came back!”

Lou Shuzhan’s heart caused an uproar.

“younger sister…”

Lou Tianbing asked.

The reason why they might fall apart is that Fang Yu is gone?

But now that Fang Yu is back, dont you say…

“Dont worry, wait until this auction is over, then talk about it.”

With that, Lou Shuzhan glanced at Zuo Mu.

As expected, Zuo Mu’s face is ugly now.

Originally, Mo Ling couldn’t win, but instead of pulling the building to stretch, there was some anger, and it was a little unpleasant with Luo Lan.

Bai Wuxie and Liehua also snipe their bid.

Now that Fang Yu is back, the series of changes brought…make Zuo Mu very upset!

“This thing, we must buy it!”

Zuo Mu said to Luo Lan.


Luo Lan was slightly surprised.

She understands what Zuo Mu’s words mean.

How do you say it’s been good for many years, is it difficult to understand what the other party means?

“Okay, I won’t let you down.”

Luo Lan’s eyes flickered and said with a smile.

“Fang Yu, is he back?”

Bai Wuxie’s eyes lit up.

Fang Yu, his number one enemy, unexpectedly returned!

It is very good!

“What’s the matter, you are very happy? You are more happy than seeing me?”

Lie Wei asked slowly.

“cough cough…how is this po ible!”

Bai Wuxie said righteously.

It is said that seeing an opponent is more pleasant than seeing Fiancee, no matter how you look at it!

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