“It’s a bit bad!”

Fang Yu said quickly.

It’s not that he really can’t stand it anymore, but he feels that the Void Thunder Tribulation is targeting him!

For him?

This is not right!

It’s not him who cro ed the robbery, so why did you target him?

“Could it be…”

Fang Yu suddenly thought of a probability: “Thunder Tribulation is alive?”

“Some Thunder Tribulation is alive… Jie Ling!”

The dragon soul said quickly: “But the chance is very small, don’t you want to say we met?”

“most likely!”

Fang Yu answered with an ugly face.

This made the Dragon Soul stunned.

So, their luck is also very good!

No such thing!

“What should I do?”

Fang Yu asked.

This kind of problem is too high-end, and it is very different from the time in the Profound Sky world, so he doesn’t know what to do.

“Let me merge with the page of the soul book!”

The dragon soul said his decision heavily.


Fang Yu has some doubts.

Although their situation is not good, they have not yet reached the point where the dragon soul is fighting for their lives, so they are going to…

“You, what a fool, you know The number of times the robbers appear is very small, what does it mean? Every time they appear, it is not a disaster or good fortune!”

“Speaking of human words, if you dont die, you are good fortune!”

” However, relying on you alone is really mysterious. I don’t want to die here, so… I can only give it a go!”

The dragon soul slowly appeared: “As long as the Void Thunder Tribulation is defeated, and the Jie Ling is defeated, Void Rat will probably become an intermediate Monster King in one breath…The last time, it will also be the Samsung Monster King, so this opportunity is extremely rare.”

“And you, you can also take the opportunity to get some benefits…Don’t you want to attack the martial spirit? Don’t you want to attract the robbery?”

After a pause, the dragon soul said again.

Fang Yu’s body shook and said: “This…I don’t really think about it.”

“Unambitious guys! In short, we are gra hoppers on a rope, if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers, if you guys improve quickly, I will return to the top, just around the corner!”

Dragon Soul doesnt know why he told Fang Yu so much. Nothing.

In short, it just thinks it should be said!

“You’re so long-winded…Nemo is not a female dragon, right?”

Fang Yu seemed to think of something, said.

“You…you want to take care of it!”

The Dragon Soul was dumbfounded and cursed.

“It’s also impossible. You said you’re looking for a little female dragon. Why would a female dragon find a female dragon, right?”

Fang Yu said to himself , Leaving the dragon soul speechle .

“You aliens, it’s really fun…”

In the Void Thunder Tribulation, an immature voice sounded.

The voice is too immature to tell whether it is a male or a female.

“This…is there really a robbery? I’m just talking about it, just in case! Although it looks like the signs, it’s probably pretty close!”


Their luck is really great!

“You should die here…”

The voice in the Void Thunder Tribulation suddenly became cold.

“We can still ask questions!”

Fang Yu said quickly.

Actually, a sensible enemy does not terrifying, but terrifying is that the opponent is not sensible and is not afraid of death!

How to play this?

Dont have fun, OK?

“Hush cold and ask warm…its not nece ary! Isnt there a saying on your side that the villain dies because of a lot of talk? I talk too much, dont it appear that I am a villain? Although I die Its not really dead.”

After finishing speaking, Jie Ling seemed to feel that he had said too much, so he stopped talking and increased his horsepower to put Fang Yu and the others to death!

“Dragon soul, the page of the soul book!”

Fang Yu summoned the page of the soul book, and the dragon soul fuse together with the page of the soul book.


The combination of the two, the effect is surprisingly good!

“It didn’t take the initiative to devour me, but I find it difficult to use its power, unless it is in the soul book world…”

The Dragon Soul said in disbelief.


Fang Yu grabbed the page of the soul book fused with the dragon soul: “Big, big, big!”

Under Fang Yu’s three consecutive large characters, the dragon soul really turned into a shield, hardly taking the Void Thunder Tribulation’s attack!

“Ah…Fang Yu, you!”

Dragon Soul eye socket cracked!

Fang Yu’s method of use is too rough!

“Do you hurt?”

Fang Yu asked coldly.

“It doesn’t hurt, but it feels strange!”

The Dragon Soul answered truthfully.

When Fang Yu used it as a shield, its first reaction was that it might explode in place.

However, after Fang Yu asked, it found that it was not as painful as expected, although the offensive of Void Thunder Tribulation was indeed terrifying and frightening.

“Of course you are fine. This is the body of the page of the soul book. With you, the spirituality is more powerful. Unfortunately, this thing is still incomplete. If you want to exert your full strength, it is basically impossible. If its not like that…”

While speaking, Fang Yu suddenly realized: “If its not, its probably impossible to deal with it. After all, its not a soul and so on, or its hard to say whether it has a soul or not. It makes no difference.”

The dragon soul was speechless for a while, dare you to speak seriously for a long time, and finally turned into a complaint to yourself?

“hong long long!”

Void Thunder Tribulation was silent a little, and the offensive became stronger again.

Jie Ling was really irritated!


“The three ranked high, they can be seated at the front of the auction house.”

The auction house personnel checked the Feng Yaoguang table Human token, said respectfully.

“Oh? I saw there are boxes…I dont know what conditions are required to sit in the box?”

Mo Ling glanced at the direction of 2-Layer, said .

“The first ten, each has a box, this is the traditional rule.”

The staff answered.

“That’s a shame.”

Mo Ling curl one’s lip.

A few of them are not in the top ten.


The staff guides Mo Ling and the others.

“en? It’s the building that stretches them…”

Walking, I noticed the direction of the second floor with my eyes, and Feng Yaoguang, who was trailing the building stretched out and the others, stayed for a while. .

“Are they…with Zuo Mu?”

Kegul touched his chin and said.

Then things are interesting.

“Not nece arily, but we can’t stop them.”

Mo Ling was silent a little, said.

Zuo Mu is not an easy person.

If you do business with Zuo Mu, you have to pay an unimaginable price. Don’t even think about what advantage Zuo Mu can take.

This is something that everyone who is familiar with the tributaries of the Martial Emperor knows.

The offshoots of the three-eyed Martial Emperor are proud of the prostitutes and daughters who climbed the three-eyed Martial Emperor, and then they die hard for these people.

Its not that they did something wrong.

But some people do have self-knowledge, or admit their fate early, have not set the ambitious goal of the Martial Emperor, and have a clear understanding of reality.

After all, among those who did not admit their fate, how many people became Martial Emperors?

Choose one ten thousand li. There is no chance of one hundred thousand.

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