After all, within the Azure Dragon mirror, there is no existence that can surpass the Azure Dragon mirror.

At least they are the idea.

Now it is said that Yue Piaopiao has encountered life and death matters…how it is po ible!

“However, the Soul Devouring Curse will not be activated for no reason. There must be some reason…Where did Yue Piaopiao last appear?”

A man asked.

“Near Blue Water City!”

Someone answered.

“Blue Water City…”

black robed man said to himself.

He is the Senior Brother of these people!

In addition to Yue Piaopiao, several other candidates, Sainte , came with this time.

His task is to ensure that these candidates Saintess are not affected, and it is best to enter Azure Dragon Academy in the end. Even if they did not, it was a good experience.

Because of the selection of the four major academies, it can be described as a gathering of the best geniuses in the world.

If you can make it, it will definitely be worthwhile.

As a result, Yue Piaopiao asked to act alone, and he slipped away on the 2nd day. Now something happened, how could he not be anxious!

You must know that worshipping souls is a typical patriarchal patriarch!

There is no other reason, women are feminine, and they are born to go this way.

Men are more of a support, which can be called a maternal society.

However, these men have been cultivated and grown up by the Spiritualism since they were young, and there is no problem with this difference.

Now Yue Piaopiao, one of the candidates for Sainte , really has an accident. He said he was not in a hurry and was fake.

“I said Senior Brother Lin, come here this time, Master, they have confe ed that everything is up to you! Now Yue Piaopiao runs away by himself, even if he encounters a mortal danger, he cant complain You!”

A candidate Saintess said with a smile.

“Isn’t it? I support Yue Piaopiao, and this woman has a lot of ghosts and thoughts, who can tell, is there really something wrong with her? I remember once, she was not Caution sent out a distress signal, our people rushed to find someone, and finally she took the Supreme Treasure first.”

Another candidate, Sainte , helped.

They and Yue Piaopiao are absolutely competitive.

What’s so real is that Yue Piaopiao has a great innate talent in this respect!

In this way, they have become their big competitors!

Now this competitor feels unhappy and has fallen into a quagmire. They are pretty good if they don’t hit a person when he’s down.

And just as they said, God knows Yue Piaopiao is still misunderstanding this time?

If so, would they waste their energy again?

Don’t do this kind of thing anymore!

“Well then! Let’s see tentatively, if she really has an accident, we will save people!”

Senior Brother Lin groaned a little and said.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to take responsibility, but Yue Piaopiao, Junior Sister, is indeed a bit unreliable!

This kind of thing happened more than once in the past.

Therefore, wait for a while, see the situation clearly, and then make plans without worry.



Yue Piaopiao gradually woke up.

“Where is this place? I remember being attacked by Fang Yu’s sneak attack, and then fainted, so he locked me up?”

Yue Piaopiao startled!

She wanted to summon a spiritual weapon to protect herself, but found that storage ring and the like were gone!

“This…well, the Soul Eater has been triggered, I believe they will come to rescue me soon!”

Yue Piaopiao thought confidently.

In her opinion, those who are also candidates for Sainte , are simply her own foot-washing servants and should obey her.

Moreover, Senior Brother Lin obviously has a good opinion of him, and will not leave him alone.

When the time comes, she must take revenge on Fang Yu fiercely!

And grab the page of the soul book!

When I think of the pages of the soul book being lost and regaining it, and even one more page of the soul book, Yue Piaopiao’s heart becomes hot!

“Just give up! No matter who it is, I dont want to rescue His Highness Fang Yus enemies from my Klein!”

Suddenly, a cold male voice sounded. Yue Piaopiao was shocked.

“Who, who is it!”

Yue Piaopiao asked quickly.

“Who I am, it doesnt matter, whats important is that you are the enemy of His Highness Fang Yu! As long as His Highness Fang Yu doesnt let you out, even if you become a pile of bones, you will be locked in. !”

Klein coldly said.

But he obeyed Fang Yu’s instructions and did not meet with Yue Piaopiao.

He knew that this was a little le on that His Highness Fang Yu wanted to teach Yue Piaopiao!

The invisible enemy is the most terrifying!

This is a soldier who defeats others without a fight. His Highness Fang Yu is really high!


Yue Piaopiao was extremely angry and smiled back: “Okay, okay, okay! When my soul worshipping army is killed, I think you still have a roar Your Royal Highness Fang Yu, will you not be able to eat it!”

“General, let me tear her up! How dare your Royal Highness Fang Yu be disrespectful!”

Leonard flustered and exasperated.

He is definitely a big fan of Fang Yu now.

Now someone is insulting their emperor, insulting his Leonard idol, can this be tolerated?

Yue Piaopiao was startled, a little scared.

Because when Leonard gets angry, there is a hot air coming.

This kind of heat seems to burn her to ashes, making her instinctively afraid!

“All follow His Highness Fang Yu’s instructions! His Highness Fang Yu must shut her down first, there must be a deep meaning from His Highne , so we can do it!”

Klein finished speaking, just let it go Throw a few pieces of Fire Attribute Spirit Stone in.

“This…this is the Spirit Stone?”

Look at what this is, Yue Piaopiao was stunned, what the hell is that!

“This is for you, lest you starve to death…Leonard, let’s go!”

After that, Klein and Leonard gradually walked away .


Hearing this, Yue Piaopiao panicked.

Lets not say that the cultivation technique of the soul worship is quite different from the Fire Attribute of the most Firm most Yang, and she is also the Great Martial Master. She has not yet reached the point of bigu, and she still needs to eat fireworks.

Even if you can barely rely on the Spiritual Qi of Spirit Stone to maintain your life, you still have to eat in the end.

Now that the Spirit Stone attribute is all wrong, she has to be kept closed, without food or drink…How can this be done?

“Also, where’s the latrine? Even if the fairy does not need to be convenient, you have to give me a latrine…”

Yue Piaopiao hurriedly shouted, but Klein and the others have already Go far.

“Fang Yu, you are back…what is going on?”

Seeing Fang Yu’s return, Feng Yaoguang hurriedly asked.

At this time, Lou Shu and the others also woke up one after another.

Fang Yu left, maybe in a short time will not disturb them, but Fang Yu has been out for a while, and suddenly there is one mi ing person, they can still feel it.

Then why did Fang Yu leave?

When they woke up, they asked Feng Yaoguang and they knew the answer.

So, they are also waiting for Fang Yu’s return to see what Fang Yu’s answer is.

“Worship the soul!”

Fang Yu took a deep breath and answered seriously.

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