The same is true. Mo Ling tried her best to a ist Fang Yu, hoping to get greater luck while encountering greater danger!

“It’s better to take the opportunity to kill Blood Demon Wolf!”

Lou Tianbing suggested.

According to the strength they have just shown, it is not impossible to take the opportunity to kill Blood Demon Wolf.

Kegul also be eager to have a try.


Mo Ling refused: “Although Fang Yu used some means to pull them into a special world, you acted rashly. There is still a po ibility of awakening the Blood Demon Wolf addiction. Because now the Blood Demon Wolf addiction is immersed in this special world, once you attack, you will undoubtedly give it the external force to leave this World, absolutely not!”

“You can only sit and wait for death?”

Wang Zhong frowned.

This is indeed a great opportunity, to miss it in vain, it is too wasteful!

“It’s not just sitting and waiting…but waiting for the opportunity!”

Mo Ling said seriously: “Fang Yu is probably dealing with Blood Demon Wolf… I know you may not believe it. But now that Fang Yu has taken the shot, he must be sure to stay with Blood Demon Wolf!”

“I agree with this.”

Bai Wuxie lazily said: “Fang Yuneng Becoming my innocent opponent, naturally I have two brushes. He is waiting for the opportunity to take action against Blood Demon Wolf. He is definitely certain, even if he cant suppress and kill Blood Demon Wolf in the end, at least It also made it seriously injured, so before the results come out, we dont to act blindly without thinking, understand?”

Bai Wuxie’s words are more or less uncomfortable!

But, it does make sense.

Fang Yu is not a person who likes to do useless work.

Since he did, he must have a certain degree of certainty.

Then they just wait!


“Blood Demon Wolf, kill him!”

The woman in the long skirt ordered the Blood Demon Wolf to kill Fang Yu and Dragon Soul .

She doesn’t care about the pages of the soul book, what she wants is to vent her hatred!

She is the master of Demon Domain, but can she be played by a junior?

It’s just unbearable!

“hmph! I said, the dragon soul becomes stronger!”

Fang Yu coldly snorted, said.

“Hey, Fang Yu…Huh?”

The dragon soul didn’t finish speaking, but I felt the changes inside!

It’s really getting stronger gradually!

Martial King, Wuhuang, Martial Sect… the dragon soul is still getting stronger!


At this time, the woman in the long skirt finally changed color!

This is not Illusion Technique, not an illusion, but the dragon soul is really getting stronger!

If not, she would be impossible to feel fear.

“Oh? I am really recovering my strength!”

The Dragon Soul is overjoyed!

He has had enough of himself when he was young.

A hundred years, a hundred years!

It has become stronger again, and has recovered again!


The dragon soul roared, stunned Heaven and Earth, and the blood demon wolf instinctively shrank his head.

Because of Dragon Race’s bloodline, for them, it is absolutely suppre ed!

It is powerful, but the current dragon soul, no matter the bloodline or the cultivation base, is above it… it is impossible to be the opponent of the dragon soul!

“Solve them.”

Fang Yuyouyou said.


The dragon soul promised and rose into the sky!


It sticks out of the dragon’s palm and snaps it with one claw. Blood Demon Wolf evades it and is directly photographed as the soul flew away and scattered!

“You dare!”

The woman in the long skirt was angry at the dragon soul approaching step by step.

Years ago, she ended up in such a field because of Dragon Race. Is it because of Dragon Race today that she failed?

hong long!

Dragon Soul did not give her any chance. After being addicted to Blood Demon Wolf, it was another claw, simple and crude, and women in long skirts directly scattered ashes. and dispersed smoke.

“Is she dead?”

The Dragon Soul asked.

To be honest, it feels that the other party is not dead.

Because it feels different from killing Blood Demon Wolf.

Blood Demon Wolf is really the soul flew away and scattered, it can feel it, Blood Demon Wolf is dead.

But this is not the case for women in long skirts.

She seems to be dead, and she seems not dead!

“Of course she didnt die… She was po e ed here, at most a trace of a separated soul. Admittedly, this is not without any impact on her, but it is far from dead. To the point.”

Fang Yu’s tone is not strange, as if he had already expected it.

In any case, this is the guy who was able to survive the battle with Dragon Race back then. It is said that he was shot to death by the dragon soul today. How could it be po ible!

“Then it is our turn to settle the bill!”

The dragon soul suddenly said with a smile.

“Oh? What is the account?”

Fang Yu asked curiously.

“Calculate your account for bullying me!”

The dragon soul smiled and said: “You brat bullied me badly before!”


“Oh, is that right.”

Fang Yu didn’t care.

“Oh, yes!”

The dragon soul stopped doing it immediately: “Fang Yu, you humiliated me before, I want to get it back from both principal and interest !”

“Is this taking the opportunity to retaliate against me?”

Fang Yu blinked.

“You say yes.”

The dragon soul looks like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and said: “Don’t say it, forget your bullying of me! “

“Um…is this bullying?”

Fang Yu asked, tilting his head.

“Does this count? Motherfucker, I want you to look good now and let you pay some interest!”

After that, the dragon soul turned out to be Fang Yu’s blow.

Of course, it is not really killing Fang Yu. It and Fang Yu are related to if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers. This is still clear to him.

However, this kid must be taught a little bit, lest he be arrogant to himself all day long, does his dignified dragon soul have any dignity?

However, Fang Yu didn’t slow down and snapped his fingers directly.


next moment, the dragon soul seemed to be discouraged, and became weak and weak.

Waiting for its punch to fall in front of Fang Yu, it turned out to be as light as a feather.

“Ah, this…”

The dragon soul was stunned.


Fang Yu slapped the dragon soul away.

“Ouch…my mother!”

The dragon soul screamed.

It hurts, it hurts!

It feels like it is about to be slapped the soul flew away and scattered!

“Give you some sunshine and you will be bright…you guy, that’s okay.”

Fang Yu said indifferently.

“cough cough cough…no such thing, no such thing!”

Dragon Soul quickly explained.

“By the way, how did you just make me stronger, and then suddenly weaker?”

The Dragon Soul cautiously asked.

“Your energy comes from the page of the soul book, Soul World, but this method consumes its energy. If it is complete, its okay to say, but its incomplete. This method is very Wounded, if it werent for killing the Blood Demon Wolf, the energy they supplemented would be worthy of this hand. I definitely…huh?”

Fang Yu hasnt finished talking yet, the super slaughter system has popped up. A hint.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, the restoration of the pages of the soul book is 20%!”

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