Since it is a human being, what kind of king do you say?

Isnt that nonsense?


See here, Fang Yu is coldly snorted, the soul’s flame king mark casts power.

In fact, Fang Yu is very guilty.

Because of the imprint that the Spirit King inheritance gave to himself, it was unexpected that he was resurrected from the dead.

Before encountering this Fire E ence Spirit General army, there was no response. Even Fang Yu himself did not notice this. It was even more weird.

However, there was no turning back arrow when he opened the bow. Since Fang Yu is here, he must find out.

The best practice between elves and elves is not to fight and kill, but to suppress their existence according to their own cla !

This is real tyranny, real domineering!

Similarly, if a guy who can survive this kind of suppre ion is absolutely terrifying, it is probably po ible to become a Spirit King.

However, this female spirit in the Spirit General army is obviously not this defying existence.

As soon as Fang Yu’s breath appeared, he had an obvious target for it, and it immediately became cold and sweaty, and it was untenable.


The Fire E ence Spirit General army, who led the way, was very anxious.

They are all people of the same ethnic group. They are relatives and friends, brother sisters. Now that Alice is suppre ed by Fang Yu’s cla , it is extremely uncomfortable. How could she not be anxious?

Alice gritted her teeth, but refused to speak or bow her head.


Immediately afterwards, Alice couldn’t bear the heavy pre ure and lay directly on the ground.

A Fire E ence Spirit General army was suppre ed to the ground. It was an extraordinary shame and humiliation, but Alice did not have the slightest resistance to it!

“Alice… King!”

This Fire E ence Spirit General army begs for mercy for Alice.

“I will meet your king soon, I will spare your life first.”

Fang Yu said indifferently.

The competition between elves is sometimes very harmonious, sometimes very bloody!

The same ethnic group naturally leaves a thread in everything.

After all, the other party is likely to have a distant relationship with him, and the life e ence of the elves is very long. It is not a good thing to really kill.

However, if it is not a race, sometimes the red eye is killed, and if you kill it, you kill it.

Since then, a debt of blood must be paid in blood, and its all about paying for it!

In the Profound Sky world, based on Fang Yu’s knowledge of Elf Race, some branches were just as extinct.

“Be that as it may, this mark of mine is very weak. It is probably related to my rebirth in Myriad Spirits Continent. In short, the effect that can be exerted is limited.”

Fang Yu secretly thought Tao.

Thats right, he let go of the other party, it was not kind, just keep going, Fang Yu himself would not be able to bear it, nothing more.

In case of revealing the stuff in advance, it will be troublesome.

“Many thanks to the kindness of the king!”

The Fire E ence Spirit General army breathed a long sigh of relief.

There are not many clansman in their race. Alice is a rare genius. If she died here, it would be a huge blow to the race.

This king can let Alice go, really very good!

Alice didn’t speak, but after she got up, she made a way out, tentatively approving Fang Yu, and said she bowed her head.

At this time, Fang Yu saw clearly what this place was.

“Is this the space you built yourself?”

Fang Yu looked all around and said.

This opened up space is very rough!

Yes, elves are born, more or less innate talent and abilities.

However, few can carry forward.

Not even the strength of the wizard King level, it is basically impossible to create a space.

After all, this kind of thing is here in Myriad Spirits Continent, and Martial Saint can do it. The difficulty is definitely not low.

“Yes… Our home has been almost destroyed in the wanderings. If we continue, we may be annihilated when we are asleep. So the king opened up this space. When we wake up When I came, it had become Blazing City.”

The Fire E ence Spirit General said with a wry smile.

Fang Yu was slightly nodded, and did not go into details.

Even the Fire E ence Spirit General army is good. In the wanderings of chaotic space, it is destined to become weaker and weaker. This is helple .

As a result, Alice was suppre ed by Fang Yu.

Otherwise, if Alices bloodline is strong, she can definitely resist one or two, and will not be powerless to resist.

It can only be that it is too weak, and it doesn’t even have the capital to resist.

However, Fang Yu did not intend to go further.

According to the current situation, the Fire E ence Spirit General army has limited knowledge. For more things, you still have to ask the Spirit King yourself!



Lou Tianbing with no difficulty drove out the guys who occupied the North Gate Tower.

These people are strong, but Lou Tianbing didn’t keep his hands at all. With the strength and the powerful spiritual weapon, there is no suspense.

Not to mention the presence of He Ping and Wang Zhong in the raid, as long as they are not fools, they will not rush into conflict with them.

“Although there are a lot of unexpected powerhouses, they don’t seem to be interested in the mystery of Blazing City… In other words, they have a lot of plans and don’t want to waste time and energy here?”

Lou Shuzhan couldn’t help thinking.

That’s right, near the North Gate Tower, there is a squad that is no less powerful than them.

They came here very early and didnt choose the North Gate Tower. They also didnt play the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind, but they really didnt have any interest in this place. There is no desire to explore.

This is strange!

“They gathered here all of a sudden… Could it be that something we don’t know happened?”

Wang Zhong muttered a little, said.

Actually, the best way is to ask directly.

Helple , these unfamiliar powerhouses are definitely not weaker than them, and they are really in groups, and they will not take advantage of them.

Although their entire group will not become a target, they also attracted a lot of attention.

Its not a good thing to continue to be noticeable when the gun is shot.

Because this is the first day!

They will be here for another month.

No need to be so anxious.

“Fang Yu and the others are at the South Gate Tower.”

He Ping said.

Fang Yu and their whereabouts are no secret.

Because Kegurs name has been on the Ranking List, and Kegur has now beaten back several waves of criminals.

Although there was no shortage of Mo Ling’s help, their names came out all of a sudden.

However, without news of Fang Yu, it is not difficult to infer that Fang Yu and Feng Yaoguang went to explore the mysteries of Blazing City, leaving Kegur and Mo Ling to look after the house.

“Their Fang Yu is desperate…”

Knowing that Keguer and Mo Ling are willing to take care of Fang Yu, Lou Shu’s tone was a bit sour.

Barbarian Race worship is definitely a powerhouse. Mo Ling comes from Heavenly Knowledge Hall. The ability to seize every opportunity is top-notch. They all choose Fang Yu, and they are desperate. Doesnt it mean that her building is far less stretched than Fang Yu? ?

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