hearing this, Bai Wuxie couldn’t help being stunned.

Because it seems to be such a truth!

“As long as I Fang Yu doesn’t want to do it, no matter who of you comes, you will never find me… I will do what I say.”

Fang Yu said indifferently.

“But your abacus is too loud!”

Bai Wuxie coldly said.

“This is not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy… You can refuse, I will not force you.”

Fang Yu calm and composed: “I never force others, Think about it yourself!”

Bai Wuxie was silent.

Just because Fang Yu said there is nothing wrong with it.

With Fang Yu’s strength, he wants to hide. No one really can force him out.

Although in the retest, hiding is never a good choice.

You must know that although the Azure Dragon mirror is a map that can simulate a part of the map, in fact, there are some unfathomable mystery in the Azure Dragon mirror.

The so-called drifting plate means that these places are involved in space turbulence due to space.

Azure Dragon mirror is the Supreme Treasure of space. Occasionally, these falling plates are sensed. If its owner is willing to spend some effort, these plates can be integrated into the Azure Dragon mirror.

However, whether it is good or bad, it is impossible to say.

Someone once sensed some weird aura and decided to bring it back to reality, but they did not know that there was a great venerable demon hidden inside!

At that time, half of the country was destroyed, and many nearby Martial Saint powerhouses had to take action before they were suppre ed.

So, Fang Yu really wants to hide, Bai Wuxie has nothing to do with him.

“Besides, I just gave you this opportunity because I thought you might beat me, otherwise you thought I would accept any cat or dog challenge?”

Fang Yu Said with a sneer.


Bai Wuxie is angry and anxious.

Because Fang Yu said so, he was a little happy secretly…what the hell is that?

Is this invisibly recognized Fang Yu’s statement?

No way!

“Bai Wuxie, how do you…”

Bai Wuxie hate iron for not becoming steel, and almost scolded himself!

“If you don’t refuse, I will a ume that you have agreed.”

Fang Yu will leave after speaking.

“Hey, you…”

Fang Yu has left without finishing his words.

He didn’t give Bai Wuxie the opportunity to explain at all.


“Oh? You came out…so fast!”

I found that Fang Yu had gone and returned. He hadn’t entered yet, Mo Ling clicking one’s tongue in wonder.

“It’s not good for men to be too fast!”

Kegul showed an expre ion that everyone understands.

“If it is resolved, we will come out.”

Fang Yu answered calmly.

“Who is your opponent?”

Feng Yaoguang asked curiously.

“Bai Wuxie.”

Fang Yu said.

“Bai Wuxie!”

As soon as this statement came out, Feng Yaoguang several people were heart shivered with cold.

They know the name of Bai Wuxie.

Especially the family of Bai Wuxie.

The family of the white-robed general, the first general under Lie Emperor.

The white robe warrior himself was a high-level Martial Saint many years ago, and now he may have reached the top ranks. With the ble ing of the power of the Divine Kingdom, I may not be able to enter the Realm of Martial. The characters of the Emperor fight each other!

Of course, a fight, being able to fight one, and being able to defeat the other are two different things.

Martial Emperor, always Martial Emperor!

Even the Martial Emperor has strong and weak points.

Some powerful Martial Emperors, who first became Martial Emperors, have the power of destroying heaven and extinguishing earth, enough to establish the Divine Kingdom.

Some require the two-star Martial Emperor or even the three-star Martial Emperor to establish the Divine Kingdom.

However, the Saint family, especially the Saint family under the Martial Emperor, naturally exceeds the ordinary Martial Saint.

You need to know that ordinary Martial Saint, but not the favor of Divine Kingdom, is still quite short in terms of battle strength.

Now Fang Yu said that his opponent is Bai Wuxie, who was talking about it before, and it is definitely a lie to say that he is not surprised.

“Then you are…”

Feng Yaoguang asked after a while.

If Fang Yus opponent is another person, she will never ask such unnutritious questions.

However, this is Bai Wuxie, so everything is different.

“Of course I won, and Bai Wuxie agreed. After the re-examination, he will walk with me.”

Fang Yu didnt say what the purpose of the walk was, but just said A simple fact!

Although Bai Wuxie was defeated, losing and not being able to enter the retest are two different things.

If you win, you usually get in, but if you lose, it doesnt mean you cant get in. This is the cleverness of the first try.


Mo Ling was moved by this statement.

Bai Wuxie is also one of the popular players who have won the sun this time, but now he is following Fang Yu. This tells them how to calm down.

“Haha, my brother Fang…”

Kegul laughed haha first, and his eyes flickered slightly when he looked at Fang Yu.

“Don’t call me brother casually, maybe you are older than me…”

Fang Yu said with disgust.

This is really disgusting. After all, Kegur looks like some people are near middle-aged. If you call him his brother, then Fang Yu should be how old he is.


Kegul laughed and didn’t refute it.

He just felt that it was right to bet on Fang Yu!

He doesn’t understand Bai Wuxie, but he probably knows it too. He is the one who was talking about it before.

Such characters have been subdued by Fang Yu… It’s amazing, amazing!

No matter how you look at it, they are more reliable than Lou Zhang!

Yes, Keguer admitted that Lou Shu’s several strengths are good, but when the retest, strength is only one of the factors!

Looking horizontally and vertically, Fang Yu has a certain advantage instead.

Bai Wuxie and other influential figures spread the word of cooperation, and the martial artist present suddenly became uncomfortable.

“Bai Wuxie? Is Bai Wuxie’s grandson? He has already decided to cooperate with others?”

“Where is the other party? How could Bai Wuxie speak _ts a bit of abilities!”

“Rumors and so on may not be true! They may be false!”


< p>Some people believe this news, some don’t.

After all, Bai Wuxie is a very proud person. It is not simple to ask him to take the initiative to say the word cooperation.

So someone asked for confirmation.

In this regard, Bai Wuxie is silent.

As far as this matter is concerned, whether he agrees or refuses, he himself is a bit hesitant and uncertain.

He can see that Fang Yu is no ordinary person.

Can ordinary people knock themselves down with one punch?

Even if I underestimate the enemy carele ly, this fist can succeed, but it is also based on the fact that I cannot fight back.

punched out, I can’t fight back, can’t make up for my mistake… It can be seen that there is still a difference between Bai Wuxie and Fang Yu.

However, after thinking of something, Bai Wuxie slightly smiled and announced to everyone: “Yes, I lost to Fang Yu in Azure Dragon Mirror, so I promised to cooperate with Fang Yu! After the retest, I will go with him as agreed!”

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