
As the flying boat landed, many people cast their eyes. After noticing that it was a dedicated flying boat for Azure Dragon Academy, it was even more so Shine!

“It is the flying boat of Azure Dragon Academy!”

“Why is the flying boat coming now? What is this for?”

“Is it a special player?”


People talk about it.

Because the martial artists who pa ed the audition have already a embled yesterday.

Although there are thousands of people, some of them are particularly powerful and have long been remembered.

Now suddenly there is another batch…what is this going to do?

“You follow the staff to collect your number plates.”

Han Yang said: “I am waiting for you at Azure Dragon Academy!”

“Yes, Han Yu Senior Sister!”

Fang Yu and several people cup one fist in the other hand to bid farewell.

“Come with me.”

A tall staff member indifferently said.

“Is this the deacon of Academy?”

Mo Ling tapped his chin and said: “Although the graduation requirement of Azure Dragon Academy is Martial King, if you are in Academy, If you have made many contributions to the Academy, even if you dont become a Martial King, you can still apply to stay in Azure Dragon Academy while working and cultivating. The family, can it shine and heat, or two things.”

hearing this, the staff couldn’t help but glance at Mo Ling.

Its not because Mo Ling was right, but Mo Lings remark, the reason is this, but she said it personally, always feel a little different!

It makes people feel uncomfortable!

“Cough cough, this elder sister, you also speak…”

Kegul coughed slightly and said.

He, a guy from Barbarian Race, will not say these embarra ing things in front of the staff.

Because Hades is easy to pa , the little devil is difficult to deal with!

The teachers and bo es of Azure Dragon Academy will definitely not care about you as a newcomer, but its hard to say about the staff!

If they make things difficult for no reason, this is a disaster!

“What elder sister? Are you sure you are not older than me?”

Mo Ling asked with wide eyes.


Kegul was stunned.

He never thought about this i ue.

But the age limit is here, and the impossible is really much bigger!

“Lets talk less go ip, and there is still half a day to enter the Azure Dragon mirror. If your procedures have not been completed before this, you are responsible for it.”

The staff took a deep breath, said.

Although they knew this was frightening them, Fang Yu and the others immediately stopped talking.

The most urgent task is to quickly enter the venue.

It was really delayed because of these little things, but it was a big loss because of small things.

Fortunately, Azure Dragon Academy has already taken care of Fang Yu and the others, and the procedures are easy and smooth.

“9527…this number.”

Fang Yu tried his best and always felt that it was not a good number!

“Fang Yu, you are 9527…I am 0368!”

Feng Yaoguang reported his number.

“I’m 6666, it seems that the numbers are drawn at random!”

Mo Ling said, playing with his number cards.

“Before pa ing the audition, there is no qualification to draw number plates, so there will be some good number byes, which is not surprising.”

Lou Shuzhang said slowly.

“Oh? Lou Eldest Mi , what does this mean?”

Mo Ling asked innocently.

“On the surface…In fact, compared to the retest, the initial test is more like a step that everyone is familiar with, so that everyone can join hands in the retest!”

Lou Shuzhang said bluntly:” Although we don’t say it clearly, we are already united!” Upon hearing this, people like He Ping who were very seldom spoken looked over.

“It seems to be the truth!”

Kegul touched the chin, said.

Anyway, Fang Yu’s strength is not weak, and they have really joined forces.

“I think it can.”

Wang Zhong said very directly.

Because Wang Zhong needs to get a better ranking in the selection this time, otherwise it will be very difficult for him to stand up.

For this, Wang Zhong needs a strong helper during the retest.

Fang Yu and the others, come just right!

Because of Fang Yu’s strength, they have seen it before.

Wang Zhong also recognized Fang Yu and them.

So, if you cooperate with Fang Yu and the others…Yes!

Wang Zhong has no opinion.

“I can… as long as you don’t mind.”

He Ping also said.

Although her strength is good, and she has been forcibly strengthened by demons, some things are impossible to hide!

The demons are one of the most evil creatures in the world. He Ping was once po e ed by demons and even strengthened. There are definitely a lot of people who will be afraid of her!

In this case, He Ping may even be attacked by a group.

Even if Azure Dragon Academy says she has no problems?

No one believes it, it’s just like saying nothing!

However, Fang Yu and the others have been walking with He Ping.

He Ping has no problem with this result, they also saw it.

So if anyone is most likely to accept He Ping, it is definitely Fang Yu and the others.

Now Lou Shuzhang is the first to mention this matter, but He Ping saves some embarra ment.

“You…Yes! I believe in your strength and Azure Dragon Academy’s vision.”

Lou Shuzhang stared a little, still nodded.

Anyway, when he was prepared, it was He Ping who was in trouble. They could also try to resolve it without being too pa ive.


He Ping’s eyes lit up.

The strength of Lou Shuzhan and Lou Tianbing is trustworthy.

Furthermore, Lou Shuzhan and Lou Tianbing are two siblings, which is obviously Lou Shuzhang’s decision.

Now that Lou stretches out and is nodded, it also means that Lou Tianbing agreed.

Sure enough, Lou Tianbing didn’t speak, and Lou Shuzhang said one, he wouldn’t say two.

“You are all OK, I have no objection!”

Kegul is gearing up.

“Where are you?”

Lou Shu looks forward to Fang Yu.

She didn’t ask Feng Yaoguang or Mo Ling.

After the Dragon Sect incident, Feng Yaoguang’s Dao Xin was a bit disordered, and now he relies more on Fang Yu to make his own decisions.

Fang Yu said yes, then it is good.

Mo Ling doesn’t care much more.

Mo Ling has the power to protect himself.

She knows how to deduction, and very difficult to deal with.

If there is any danger, as long as you leave before the danger arrives, then you will be safe.

However, Mo Ling is very interested in Fangyu.

If Fang Yu is nodded, I believe Mo Ling will not shake his head either.

“I, I don’t think there is a need to rush for a while.”

Fang Yuyouyou said.

“Oh? Do you have any ideas?”

Lou Shuzhang asked, squinting.

Lou Shuzhan looks casual, but it is not.

She is very proud and has strong self-esteem.

She asked for cooperation in kind words. If Fang Yu still refuses, if Lou Shu Zhan’s side cannot get a satisfactory answer, he will obviously not give up.

In order to show support for the younger sister, Lou Tianbing also has a killing intent.

For a time, the two sides became with swords drawn and bows bent!

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