Mu Chengshuang didn’t even think about giving face to those who wanted to make a difference. After shouting out loudly, everyone was silent.

“Mu Chengshuang, it won’t happen.”

Liu Qingting walked out with a smile, wanting to show his favor.

“get lost!”

As everyone knows, Mu Chengshuang directly let him go.

After all, Liu Qingting, a guy who likes to make false claims, Mu Chengshuang doesn’t mind having a good relationship with Liu Qingting when he has nothing to do.

However, now things are urgent and serious, Mu Chengshuang is not going to waste time with Liu Qingting.

hearing this, Liu Qingting was stunned for a moment, and then the complexion became ugly.

How do you say that you are among the top ten in Hidden Dragon List, and you are at the same level as Mu Chengshuang, so don’t give face yourself?

Seeing this, many people sneered.

Liu Ling is one of them.

She and Liu Qingting said it was not an exaggeration that they were a family 500 years ago, and they are indeed distant relatives.

The difference is that Liu Qingting lineage is a branch that was exiled.

At the beginning, Liu Qingting’s ancestors wanted to seize power, but ultimately failed. Naturally, the end was extremely miserable.

However, there is no kill to the last one on Liu Lingzu.

According to this Liu Family ancestor, it is nothing more than to let Liu Qingting lineage as a wake-up call, so that they always remember that there are many people who want to sit in this position.

If you dont work hard, this position will change hands and you will end badly.

Therefore, they have not prevented Liu Qingting lineage from recovering.

At the same time, he continues to grow, leaving the opponent far behind.

Unfortunately, Liu Ling and Liu Qingting entered Azure Dragon Academy as the same students.

It’s not that Liu Qingting has never thought of climbing Liu Ling’s high sticks.

However, Liu Ling is by no means an idiot. It is clear that Liu Qingtings lineage is reserved for vigilance and does not need to have a good relationship with him.

What’s more, Liu Ling is not blind, Liu Qingting faces a set, and who doesnt know?

She doesn’t have so much time to waste with Liu Qingting.

Now Liu Qingting wants to get close to Mu Chengshuang, and eat the dust of his nose, as it should be by rights.

Anyway, Mu Chengshuang looks crazy, but in fact she is not that simple, Liu Ling has always been jealous.

“Is anyone here to try?”

Mu Chengshuang didn’t care about the complexion ashen’s Liu Qingting at all, and continued to ask.

For a long time, everyone was silent.

Not to mention there are 30-50 people here. In case of failure, wouldnt it be a shame in public?

“No? Liu Qingting, do you want to try it?”

Mu Chengshuang said again.


Liu Qingting was so angry that he couldn’t beat Mu Chengshuang!

Because Mu Chengshuang is too abnormal.

Who would have thought that a guy who was almost a cultivation deviation would become Jiuxing Wuling so soon.

If it weren’t for the top three of Hidden Dragon List, the treatment is no less than Azure Dragon list, and Mu Chengshuang vowed that she must return to number one, it is estimated that she would have already jumped to Azure Dragon list.

“May I give it a try?”

Suddenly, a male voice broke the embarra ment.


Mu Chengshuang looked at him, revealing a strange color.

Because it is not who is speaking, it is Fang Yu!

However, Fang Yu has used the Thousand Fantasy Mask to change his appearance and temperament, and besides himself, many students under the martial arts came later.

Obviously, these all are followed by long insights.

In short, there are not many people who pay attention to Fang Yu’s changes after they cover up.

It’s not a devastatingly beautiful beauty, so naturally it doesn’t deserve too much attention.

“Yes, it’s me… Just now, Senior Sister, you said, just take the next cut, right? I didn’t say any level of cultivation base.”

Fang Yu replied.

As soon as this remark came out, many people were suffocating a smile!

Although level is not mentioned, level often represents strength!

Fang Yu is not even Wu Ling now, and he said he would take the knife from the swordsman Zhu Yan, even if Zhu Yan releases the water, Fang Yu cant do it, okay?

So, this kid is definitely inviting humiliation to oneself!

Fang Yu’s expre ion remains unchanged.

He originally wanted to act alone, but considering that there are too many people here, who knows if anyone will follow, the best way is to mix in.

Don’t look at Mu Chengshuang’s energetic and bustling’s recruitment of people. If Fang Yu can become a member of Mu Chengshuang’s team, it will be the best cover.

The most dangerous place is the safest place!

“Boy, I advise you not to be big, there is a huge gap between Wu Ling and Great Martial Master, let alone a five-star Great Martial Master.”

White Dandan said with a chuckle.

They are not interested in bullying the weak.

Bullying the weak will damage their reputation.

“What if I take it? I am also very interested in the Heart of Longtan at this time. I need to find a strong team to make it easier for me to get the Heart of Longtan.”

Fang Yu said confidently.


Everyone burst into laughter.

This is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers!

Is it true that these martial spirits eat dry rice?

“Go try him.”

Liu Qingting motioned to a person next to him.


The man with the sword walked out.

“Junior Brother, you receive my sword, if you are next, challenge again…eh?”

The sabre man has not finished speaking yet, there has been a sabre light violence Come by!

“hong long long!”

blade light knocks the man with the sword into the air.

All this came without warning, which made many people look dumbfounded!

Although the man with the sword blocked Fang Yu’s knife in time, he was still a little embarra ed temporarily.

“Boy, you…”


It was Mu Chengshuang who shouted out enough.

“What’s your name? If you had a killing intent with the knife just now, he might have been seriously injured…Although he is not a famous person, he is also a two-star Wuling, even if you No matter how suddenly this blade is good, it can cause such an effect. It also shows that your strength is not weak.”

Mu Chengshuang said indifferently: “Zhu Yan, give him a knife and see how his ability is. “


Zhu Yan stepped forward, her eyes hot: “What is your name? I will cut you seriously!”

” Yu Fang.”

Fang Yu used a pseudonym.

Mu Chengshuang knows himself. In case Mu Chengshuang knows that Fang Yu is here, it is estimated that Mu Chengshuang will come to clean up before he traces the heart of Longtan.

“Yu Fang…never heard it.”

Mu Chengshuang gently shook his head.

However, it does not mean that she despise Fang Yu.

Because of the unknown, it is not nece arily the lack of strength.

It is important to know that among the three greats, except for Han Yang and Lin Tian, they have been triumphant progre . They are well-known. One of the three greats is Xia Feng, who is definitely a rising star. After an ordinary year, advanced by leaps and bounds, compared with Han Li and Lin Tian, he became the three best.

Therefore, Mu Chengshuang will not despise Fang Yu.

Of course, Fang Yus current cultivation base is not worthy of her being too jealous.

If you are afraid of this because of this, Azure Dragon Academy is so much weaker than her Mu Chengshuang, wouldn’t she Mu Chengshuang be busy?

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