If this is not the case, why Vice President Wang has always emphasized that he must pass the test of Lianxin Lin.

“About this…when you become a part of our Azure Dragon Academy, you will know it naturally.”

Deputy Dean Wangs expre ion remained unchanged.

Fang Yu directly gave Vice President Wang a roll of eyes.

Where is your own person?

Now that Fang Yu is under the influence of all kinds of conditions, it is estimated that apart from Azure Dragon Academy, there is no second choice.

Deputy Dean Wang is still hiding it, really sad and disappointed!

“Ai, as you think, this is not a glorious thing. At the beginning, our Azure Dragon Academy almost suffered a heavy loss because of this. It was only discovered in time by the first dean and suppre ed, otherwise things would not happen. Its so easy to expose.”

Deputy Dean Wang said with a wry smile: “So, for this and other things, you want me, the Vice Dean to tell you personally, its a bit too much!”


Seeing this, Fang Yu also did not continue to insist.

After all, what a ugly thing is, and let Vice President Wang tell him in person, which really embarra ed him.

“I will talk to you about all the other things, but the only prerequisite is that you have all pa ed the test of Lianxin Lin.”

Vice President Wang once again urged:” Lianxin Lin… is extremely unfathomable, even I can’t see through it. It can magnify your various things and let you expose your secrets.”

“Isn’t this public punishment?”

Fang Yu complexion changed.

Who has no secrets, and who has no gloom.

If someone deliberately enlarges it, it would be a bit too miserable.

“Don’t worry, what Lian Xinlin said is the Supreme Treasure that we have controlled for many years, usually only executes the orders we give, and the rest… depends on its mood.”

Deputy Dean Wang was vague.

“What do you mean by looking at it?”

Fang Yu was a little confused.

“It means that it is not completely controlled by us. In many cases, what it wants to do depends on its own meaning, but you can rest a ured that it is not interested in ordinary things.”

< p>Vice Dean Wang said quickly.

“This…what level of treasure is Lianxinlin?”

Fang Yu startled.

As everyone knows, the weapon used by the martial artist is called the spiritual weapon, and above the spiritual weapon is the spiritual artifact!

If it is not in the ranks of the ordinary spiritual weapon and Spiritual Artifact, but it is difficult to determine what grade it is, it will be labeled with the word outside the truth!

Then the question is, what level of Supreme Treasure is Lian Xinlin?

“Spiritual Artifact has different levels. Guan Jian is the strength of the Artifact Spirit. If the Artifact Spirit of the Spiritual Artifact is strong enough, then its level is Heavenspan Spiritual Artifact.”

“Heavenspan Spiritual Artifact contains a lot of things, all-inclusive. For example, Lianxinlin is a Heavenspan Spiritual Artifact, which contains a lot of Formation. This is the key to the martial artist’s mind.”

< p>“It is difficult to have one of this level, even Martial Venerable…Of course, I have half of it, and the rest are public.”


Speaking of his half-piece Heavenspan Spiritual Artifact, Deputy Dean Wang couldn’t help but feel a little proud: “I can wander freely and make External Body Incarnation arbitrarily because of this thing.”

“Oh? Is it so magical…Vice President Wang, I don’t believe you, I just want to open my eyes!” Fang Yu asked with a smile hehe.

“This is my trump card, how can I show it casually?”

Vice President Wang blows his beard and stares!

Fang Yu did not reluctantly.

In fact, Fang Yu just asked casually. He knew very well that the other party would simply show this kind of things, otherwise he would add to himself.

“If there is no problem, you are ready to go to the Forest of Heart Refinement… Let me say in advance, the reason why we let you skip the first round after checking that nothing happened is because it is not clear that you will be in How long does Lianxinlin stay?”

Vice President Wang still couldn’t help but mention.

Special invitation letters cant be given for free.

“It means that Lianxinlin is actually an illusion. When we go deep into it, we expose our secrets along the way. Of course, if there is no ghost in our hearts, we dont need to be afraid. Maybe we will come out soon. But if there is a ghost in your heart, you cant say youre stuck in it.”

Fang Yu suddenly realized.

“Yes, that’s it.”

Vice Dean Wang nodded, let Fang Yu get out.

He has said enough today.

You need to know the Vice-President Wang in Normally, but the high-cold Vice-President Wang is absolutely impossible to talk and laugh like this.

However, based on his understanding of Fang Yu, if he didn’t make it clear in advance, I’m afraid that he would really watch the excitement and make things worse.

For the Seeded Contestant of Fang Yu’s special invitation letter, if there is any problem, it may be replaced by Feng Yaoguang.

Its not that Feng Yaoguang is not good, Feng Yaoguang is not good, but compared with Fang Yu, Feng Yaoguang and the others lack a kind of bloodthirsty, a very ruthle , and a kind of Ruthle ness in the bones!

This is one of the reasons why he is optimistic about Fang Yu.


“Are you here? Didn’t you get summoned by Vice President Wang? Why so quickly? Could it be…”

Meet, Mo Ling asked fascinatedly.

Fang Yu doesn’t care about Mo Ling, the unearthly guy.

He could see that the real Mo Ling was definitely not what it looked like. What he showed now was just a protective color deliberately revealed by Mo Ling.

This is what Mo Ling wants people to see.

The real Mo Ling is still hidden deep in it.

“What did Vice President Wang say to you? Do you really know Vice President Wang?”

Lou Shuzhan took the initiative to talk to Fang Yu.

This made Fang Yu a little surprised. This was the first time.

“Why do you care about Vice President Wang so much?”

Fang Yu’s impre ion of Vice President Wang is still at the level of Old Yu Wang’s head, a good old man with wine .

After all, Vice Dean Wang said that he includes the head of Old Wang, but the head of Old Wang cannot represent him. He can only say that good wine is also one of the characteristics of Vice President Wang.

Why is Lou Shuzhan so interested in such a person?

“Deputy Dean Wang is an Artifact Refining Grandmaster. He has made a half-step Heavenspan Spiritual Artifact, which is already not far from the real Grandmaster.”

Lou Shuzhan With a weird look in his eyes, he said, “Dont say you dont know these things? Also, the Heart Refining Forest we are going to next is also now being maintained by Vice President Wang. His refining ability, even in his cultivation Above the base!”

“So powerful?”

Fang Yu really couldn’t see that Vice President Wang was hiding so deeply.

But if you think about it carefully, if you can become a deputy dean at one of the four major academies, how could it be an ordinary character? It must be a character.

“Everyone, I will take you to the Forest of Refining the Heart.”

Han Yan came with a smile.

But she is the only one this time, Xia Feng and Lin Tian did not come.

“They went to place the magic pillar, this is a very important thing, so I can only take care of you.”

Han Yang saw their doubts and explained by the way One sentence.

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