Fang Yu did not answer.

Because the Dragon Souls approach is not surprising.

Dragon Race, or creatures related to Dragon Race, mostly like to settle in places like water sources.

Cultivation emphasizes the right time and place.

Being close to the water source, there is a good place, why not do it.

Changed Fang Yu himself, will do this.

However, after I lived for a while, I found that the situation was not right. The water source here contains a toxin! Water toxins, this is a very profound means, unconsciously integrated into the others within the The body, even me, hasnt immediately discovered it!”

“Of course, this toxin has no effect on Dragon Race, or even a negative effect. It makes the speed faster.”


“Im in Shuiyuan cultivation, the speed would have been fast, where I can find that many.”


The dragon soul sighed again and again: “Waiting for me to notice At that time, people in this area have long been infested by toxins and become walking corpse. This toxin has been latent for a long time, and no one is spared. The most terrifying thing is that some of these people are still tenaciously holding their will and want to escape. Going to other places, I sensed that water toxins are contagious to a certain extent.”

“Once they escaped, it would be unthinkable.”

Fang Yu said in a serious manner.

He himself has never encountered such a thing, but it does not prevent Fang Yu from knowing this.

“Yes! I didnt know what to do at the time, and I also discovered more terrifying things… These water toxins are very advanced things, even if the martial artist or mortal who was infected died , It will all turn into a kind of soul energy. If it is a guy in the same cultivation direction, he can become stronger.”

The face of the dragon soul is as ugly as it was before:” This shows that the guy who designed this thing is a unique evildoer! This person has more than one cultivation direction, so he arranged a variety of changes, anyway, it will benefit in the end!”

Fang Yus His face also became heavy.

In this situation, apart from resorting to the super slaughter system, I am afraid that there is no better way.

“Unle …sanctified?”

As soon as he thought of this, Fang Yu looked towards the Dragon Soul again.

“Yes, as you think, I can be sanctified at the time, but I dont have to be in a hurry to become sanctified. I am still too young. If I intend to accumulate the foundation, one day it will be true “Become a saint, the benefits I have received are endle !”

“However, in the circumstances at that time, I had no choice. If they do not use the power of sanctification to purify all this, they may never live forever. Stand up! After all, the soul flew away and scattered, it is completely dead. The light of Heaven and Earth at the time of sanctification can avoid this problem.”

“So, I said I ended up blood sacrifice for them , Yes, but there is something wrong, it can only be that I am not strong enough, so I can only make a bad move.”


The dragon soul smiled bitterly: “After that, I was The so-called four Martial Saints are aware of it, and the war started. I was defeated and had to escape.”

“Blood sacrifice is always wrong, at least when it is overwhelming majority.”

Fang Yu shook the head and said: “Heaven and Earth’s light method is good.”

“Aren’t you contradicting yourself?”

Dragon Soul White He glanced at Fang Yu and said: “The light of Heaven and Earth can only appear when a certain path is sanctified. It is not Chinese cabbage. How could it be po ible that I have it!”

“How does it compare to becoming the lord of Dragon Sect?”

Fang Yu replied.

The dragon soul can’t answer this!

“In short, the movement here will definitely attract the people of Azure Dragon Academy. After all, it is something left by the original dean. I think they should have a way to deal with evil spirits.”

Fang Yuyan returns to the subject.

“Well, this is not surprising. Even if this kind of thing is not open to the world, it is not strange to warn the people of Azure Dragon Academy privately.”

Dragon Soul Repeatedly nodded: “Then you want…”

“I have a bold idea.”

Fang Yu answered calmly.


“Aiya, is this Dragon Sect? This is the first time I have seen it!”

A woman with a strong aura looks over the air Dragon Sect, surprised.

Although in the handwritten notes left by the first dean, everything about Dragon Sect is recorded.

Including the mi ion of the caretaker of the original Dean Lineage, etc., but the True Dragon gate, even if it is an imitation, is indeed the first time I have met!

“Something is interesting.”

The man in grey coat lazily raised a little interest.

“Lets deal with the current situation first, the evil spirit is dead, but there are still many people trapped inside, and why the evil spirit escaped, this point needs to be verified.”

The man with the magic pillar on his back answered.

At this time, many people near Dalongtan discovered the three people who came together.

But no one dared to ask.

Because the people here are the three peak Martial Kings!

“Peak Martial King, I dont know if they have touched the threshold of Emperor Martial. If they can vaguely find the threshold of Emperor Martial, they can be called half-step Martial King! Even if Gods will is like a sword, I don’t know how long it will take for the remaining half step, and it is not comparable to ordinary people!”

Some people couldn’t help thinking.

Sanjie didn’t care about these gazes. They look at me and I look at you, ready to break in.

Although Dragon Sect is currently in a closed state, the original dean still left some ways to let them solve the problem at a critical time.

However, before they could do anything, Dragon Sect suddenly lit up with rays of light.

Immediately afterwards, one after another silhouette was thrown by Dragon Sect one after another!





They Like one after another stone, it fell into the water on both sides of the separation.


Sanjie was stunned.

What is the situation?


Fang Yu was also thrown out. He soaked in the water and looked at Dragon Sect.

When the last person was also thrown out, the Dragon Sect spun around and then flew away.

“Dragon Sect flew away?”

Sanjie didn’t know what to do for a while!

This kind of ending is absolutely unimaginable.

“Would you like to chase?”

The woman with strong aura could not help asking.

“Can you catch up?”

Lazily’s gray-clothed man has no idea of chasing.

Their tasks are mainly two. The first is to solve the demons. If they can’t be killed, they will seal them up, bring them back to the forbidden area of Azure Dragon Academy, and let the seal of magic pillars obliterate her bit by bit.

The second is to rescue these young martial artists.

Now that both points have been reached, he doesn’t want to be out of line.

“Perhaps to return to the hands of the first generation dean?”

The man carrying the Sealing Demon Column pondered a little and said.

“It is po ible.”

The woman stayed for a while, slightly nodded.

There are martial artists onlookers nearby. There are many people who have been to Zhenlong Mountain a few days ago. They watched Dragon Sect flying farther and farther, and fell into contemplation… Why does this scene seem familiar? Ever?

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