
The first dean obviously didn’t believe it, and at the same time, Fang Yu was so perfunctory and had some opinions.

“That’s all, as long as you finally enter Azure Dragon Academy, everything can still be discu ed…when the time comes, you and I will meet one day.”

After finishing speaking, the first generation dean turned into a little brilliance, attached to the back of Fang Yu’s hand.

This is an Azure Dragon imprint.

Azure Dragon Academy logo.

Fang Yu slowly retracted his gaze, once again falling on the Supreme Treasure in front.

“The heart of dragon’s blood!”

Fang Yu just finished reciting the name, only to see this thing disappear in a flash.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task and gaining the heart of dragon’s blood!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the task reward…”

“en? !”


When the super slaughter system reported Fang Yus mi ion reward this time, he was stupid!

Can you do this?


“I really came here…”

When He Ping walked to a building that was mixed between nothingness and reality , Not by the expre ion grave.

Yes, this place is where the sealed objects are stored.

Dragon Sect is the unique spiritual weapon of Dragon Race.

However, only the Dragon Sect from the ancestral land of Dragon Race is a genuine product and has all the power of Dragon Sect.

The rest of the imitations do not have most of the characteristics of Dragon Sect at all, and half of them are great.

The quality of this Dragon Sect is mediocre, but there is a dragon’s blood heart here, and its formidable power has been improved a lot.

I have been suppre ed here, the biggest reason is that after she solved all the Dragon Race, she unexpectedly found that she could not settle the heart of dragon’s blood!

Can’t solve the heart of dragon’s blood, nothing can be said.

That’s the case, she has actually been fighting with Dragon’s blood and Dragon Sect!

See who can kill the other person!

However, according to the previous signs, as a demon, she obviously couldn’t survive the other party.

Fortunately, Fang Yu and the others suddenly appeared, and the auspicious soldiers rose, giving themselves a chance to be reborn.

Now Fang Yu is hiding inside, and the heart of dragon’s blood is also there. As long as he pa es this level, then all this will be settled.


As an evil demon, she is naturally experienced and knowledgeable. She can see through this hiding method at a glance, and easily removes the external restrictions.

As for many years, why not try… after all, I am afraid.

Back then, she was young and strong, but she was suppre ed alive for many years by a Dragon Sect and a heart of dragon’s blood.

“Is it a thousand years or…”

The demons themselves are in a trance.

After thinking about it, she hates Dragon Race and the people close to Dragon Race more.

These guys are all damned!


The evil demon pushed in.

Her eyes are cold.

The people here, these guys, all have to be killed!

“You are here.”

Fang Yu stood with his hand in his hand, his back facing the evil demon.

“Oh? What is this going to do? Pretending to be a ghost? Or do you want to die with dignity?”

The evil demon asked with a smile.

In her opinion, Fang Yu is a dead word anyway.

The difference is whether Fang Yu wants to die with dignity, or what.

“Not equal to me, I will sacrifice you to become a puppet, right? I think it should be very interesting!”

The evil demon smiled unabated, looking at Fang Yus eyes, just Its like looking at a forged puppet: “One of you is called Lou Shuzhan? It seems to be a half-step master, I think she will do it for you!”

“Please ask an Artifact Refining Grandmaster shots are not cheap, even a half-step master… Besides, Fang Yu is not ready to become a puppet.”

Fang Yu said slowly.

“Then you can prepare in advance.”

Speaking, the evil spirits step forward, all water vapor and spirit strength are all a strategic withdrawal.

This is the natural majesty of the three generations of Demon Race, the majesty respected as Demon Race!

“I want you to die here today!”

The three generations of demons said word by word.


Fang Yu slowly raised his hand and said: “Get out of here!”

“Who do you think you are…wu ! “

The evil spirits didn’t even finish speaking, they were pushed out by an inexplicable force.

“This is…the way you speak? How can you understand Saint’s way of speaking!”

The evil spirits are shocked!

Speaking is easy, this is the ability that Saint Boundary has just po e ed.

After all, its not surprising that its called a holy, and its already partially recognized by Heaven and Earth.

However, Fang Yu is the trifling Great Martial Master!

Where does the Great Martial Master come from?

“Could it be…”

The demon also thought of a probability.

A probability she dare not think about!

“Yes, I have become the owner of Dragon Sect.”

Fang Yu said in a serious manner.


The evil spirit roared in disbelief: “If you want to become a dragon sect master, there is one of the biggest prerequisites, which is to have Dragon Clan Bloodlines… you can Not Dragon Race!”

She hates Dragon Race and remembers the stench of Dragon Race blood energy.

Although Fang Yu has a close relationship with Dragon Race, Fang Yu is definitely not Dragon Race. She is absolutely sure of this!

Fang Yu smiled and said nothing.

He could say that he didn’t even explain what was going on.

Because the initiator of all this is the super slaughter system!

Knowing that the reward for completing the task is the ownership of Dragon Sect, Fang Yu was immediately silly!

Dragon Sect, even if it is an imitation, it is hard to find a treasure.

Many powerful Dragon Races stand on their own, and they are proud of owning a Dragon Race.

If you sell a Dragon Sect, it will surely attract many Dragon Race powerhouses.

If you use this as a dowry, even if you ask for a lady of Dragon Race, it is not impossible.

Of course, Fang Yu’s understanding of Dragon Sect is far from so detailed. He just knows that Dragon Sect of Unfathomable Mystery is his own.

Not only that, Fang Yu is now closely connected to Dragon Sect, and he can even clearly perceive every move here.

For example, Dragon Soul is doing a shameful thing, it really makes him helple .

“Hey, hello, hello…what are you doing?”

Fang Yu sound Transmission in the air.

Although he and the dragon soul have a mental connection, it is still difficult to communicate with each other in such a hidden space.

“Who? Who is it!”

The dragon soul turns pale with fright.

It just sensed that Fang Yu’s breath was gone!

The connection with myself is more faintly discernable.

In this case, there is only one probability, Fang Yu is afraid that something will happen unexpectedly!

As soon as he thought of this, the Dragon Soul couldn’t help but sigh. He didn’t expect that his little friend was so short-lived that even Wu Ling would be dead. It’s Heaven is jealous of heroic genius.

Just when he mi ed Fang Yu and was able to miss him, and someone spoke coldly, it would be a lie to him not to be surprised.

“It’s me…what are you doing? Acting as an ostrich? I’m going to fight this evil Demon Art, come and help me!”

Fang Yu Said patiently.

When is it all? Fortunately, it still has the heart to play an ostrich.

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