
Fang Yu has good reasons, and the Dragon Soul really can’t refute his statement.

“Let’s take a look!”

Dragon Soul said depre edly.

“I know you are anxious to get back to the top, but you should know that you can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry!”

Fang Yu mentioned Dragon Soul.

This is not a flicker, but the dragon soul fell from the holy realm, how easy is it to return to the holy realm!

“Ai, I am eager to get it done!”

Dragon Soul sighed: “Because every Small World contained in Dragon Sect has various meanings. To put it simply, every Dragon Sect is actually registered in Dragon Race, but it is not created casually. It is rare to encounter one, and I directly regarded it as a life-saving straw.”

“Not in a hurry…Huh?”

Fang Yugang wanted to comfort the dragon soul, but suddenly found something in front of him.

“What is this?”

Fang Yu’s eyes widened as he looked at the silhouette of this ice-bound silhouette.

“This, is this a dragon?”

The dragon soul is faster than Fang Yu to determine what this is: “However, it is not a pure-blooded dragon! The bloodline is me ier than me, But it was definitely the peak of Emperor Wu before his death, and with the body of Dragon Race, it is not surprising to say that it can exert the strength of Martial Sect level.”

“But why is it frozen?”


Fang Yu was puzzled: “This is Dragon Sect, it’s the place of your Dragon Race, but a dragon corpse is frozen in ice…it looks very strange.”

Yes, the division of Dragon Race should be very obvious.

If this dragon was a sinner in his lifetime, he should be locked in a cage.

If it is for other reasons…Anyway, impossible is to stay in this place like a corpse in the wilderne , and it is still frozen.

“It is old and dead… strange, why is it so old that it looks so young.”

The dragon soul saw that this variegated dragon was life e ence and broke off. Just died here.

You must know that the life e ence of Demonic beasts is very long. The age of this hybrid dragon is several hundred years old at most. It is so old that it must be something wrong with the cultivation technique.

In short, this is not a normal fall.

“en? Wait, Fang Yu, you let me go out and try!”

The dragon soul seems to have thought of something, excited.

“What do you want to do?”

Fang Yu was a little wary.

In order to return to the peak, the Dragon Soul is almost a bit dazed!

It looks like everything can bring itself back to the top, this is not right!

“I want to try to be po e ed by this dragon corpse!”

The dragon soul went straight to it: “In my cultivation technique back then, there was a spirit descending technique. ! I said that I cant be able to be attached to this! Although its just the pinnacle martial emperor, and he is dead, after being po e ed, he will be the martial emperor at best, but with my ability, it may not be impossible to fight Martial Sect!”< /p>

Fang Yus corner of the mouth twitched.

I haven’t attached it yet, so I have considered so much. Is it really good?

“Fang Yu, I have become the Artifact Spirit of Dragon Tooth Blade. Without your approval, I cannot come and go freely…” The Dragon Soul pleaded pitifully.

“Okay, let you have a try.”

Fang Yu thought a little, and still agreed to Dragon Soul’s request.

Fang Yu actually saw that the Dragon Souls cultivation technique was not a big evil thing. The problem is that they are all very weird.

Not ordinary weird.

Therefore, it is all right to say that it is evil.

However, at present, it is true that there are not too many bad signs, no murder and arson or whatever, many things Dragon Soul are displayed, but it is reasonable.

Even if the world calls the monster dragon, the evil dragon, and the evil dragon all good, Fang Yu’s Spirit Pet, his person, is good or bad, and he decides.

I dont want you to think, I want me to think!

“many thanks!”

The dragon soul is pleasantly surprised.

After Fang Yu relaxed his control over it, he immediately separated from the Dragon Tooth Sword and flew into this frozen dragon corpse.


In a short while, dragon corpse has really moved!

“It can be controlled, it just takes some time!”

“Huh? What is the gender of this dragon…that’s all, that’s all! Better than nothing!”

< p>“Fang Yu, you can help me protect the law, or you can go all around and see by yourself, I am fine for the time being.”


After the dragon soul finished speaking, immediately Be absorbed in this dragon corpse.

“By the way, think about how you want to take it away… This thing is impossible like a living thing.”

Fang Yu reminds the dragon soul, dont forget it and forget it. These key points.

The so-called spiritism, the so-called fusion, are impossible to occupy the nest.

For one thing, the dragon soul is so weak that he has no such skills.

Secondly, this kind of thing is never simple. If it is so easy to borrow a corpse to return to life, isn’t everyone immortality in the world?

Therefore, Fang Yu estimates that he will eventually take away this dragon corpse.

But the dragon corpse is too big, and the ordinary storage ring is impossible to fit.

As for how to take it away, this is the matter of the dragon soul, Fang Yu doesn’t care.


“Hey…It’s you!”

Fang Yu walked for a while, and suddenly a familiar female voice sounded.

“It’s you, Mo Ling.”

Fang Yu tilted his head to see that it was indeed Mo Ling who walked the world in the Heavenly Knowledge Hall.

“It’s really very good to meet you… Just now there were some terrifying things, which scared me to death!”

Mo Ling said softly.

Fang Yu rolled the eyes.

Heaven’s Mystery Building’s foundation is already so strong that it is astounding. How powerful the Heavenly Knowledge Hall directly under Heaven’s Mystery Building is, there is no need to consider too much.

Now Mo Ling and him pretend to be a little white rabbit…… Is this serious?

“I don’t have talk nonsense, I really encountered terrifying things…”

Mo Ling sighed and said: “I just met your little girlfriend… Feng Yaoguang of Feng Family.”

“She is not my little girlfriend, don’t talk nonsense.”

Fang Yu gave Mo Ling a blank look and said.

“If you say yes, if you say no, then no…”

Mo Ling continued: “But, I did meet them.”

< p>“Oh? Why aren’t they together?”

Fang Yu asked curiously.

Although they will not be friends, in this situation, they will not be enemies either.

In that case, why not join forces?

It’s really strange.

“Its a long story…They seem to be po e ed by something strange. I saw it from a distance and ran away quickly, for fear of being caught by them.”

Mo Ling smiled bitterly and said: “I am a little better than my ordinary peers, but I am not Three Heads Six Arms. I really can’t match them. I can’t do it…”

“Oh? And this This kind of thing!”

Fang Yu was slightly surprised.

Normally, the white-robed old woman and the Rock Swordsman are with Feng Yaoguang. Feng Yaoguang has suffered. Doesn’t it mean that they have also suffered badly?

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