Now that Mo Ling comes from Heavenly Knowledge Hall, it is difficult for Fang Yu not to change his face.

“hehe, yeah, I am from Heavenly Knowledge Hall… You dont know me, its not surprising, because our young discipline of Heavenly Knowledge Hall is released once in ten years, and only the top priority Third, you can come out to travel.”

Mo Ling said with a laugh.

“Oh? Then who are you?”

Fang Yu asked.

Because he can see, Mo Ling is about to be promoted to the nine-star Great Martial Master!

I dont know where the young generation of Heavenly Knowledge Hall ranks with such strength.

“I, barely second… Actually, the gap between me and the third is not big, that is, the third is one year younger than me, and I started late, otherwise I will be the third.”< /p>

Mo Ling is blunt.

“You are the second, and the third is about the same as you? Then the first is…”

Fang Yu was immediately interested.

“The first is our Big Senior Sister, she is already a two-star martial arts.”

Mo Ling helple ly said: “This is the strength we met a month ago. At that time, I felt that she was going to be promoted to Samsung Martial Arts, I was really too difficult! Big Senior Sister was big and I half a month, why is it so much worse!”

hearing this, Fang Yu and Feng Yaoguang all have expre ion changed.

Mo Ling looks similar to their age, in other words, they are the same age as Mo Lings Big Senior Sister.

As a result, the opponent is going to have a Samsung Martial Spirit. Is this gap really too big?

“I wonder if your Big Senior Sister is ready to participate in the a e ment of the four major academies? If he comes, which academy will he enter?”

Feng Yaoguang couldn’t help it. Asked.

Actually, at this age, he can become a Wuling character, and entering the four major academies is almost a certainty.

Even said that any one of the four major academies can be entered at will.

Therefore, it is nece ary for Feng Yaoguang to consider which Academy this rival chooses.

“My Big Senior Sister? Haha, she won’t come to the Big Four Academy.”

Mo Ling haha smiled and said, “If I say that Mo Ling is a monster, then Big Senior Sister is a real evildoer… She will soon become the Martial King and even the Emperor of Martial Arts. What’s the point of this kind of character coming to the four major Academy? She traveled by herself. Where did she go, I dont know. “

Feng Yaoguang’s pretty face is red and white!

Unexpectedly, Mo Ling will show off his face firmly!

However, what Mo Ling said is not unreasonable.

Her Big Senior Sister is now Martial Spirit. For innate talent, cultivation speed is visible to naked eye, and it may be Martial King when she is.

This kind of character deliberately came to the Big Four Academy, which is really a waste of time.

“Well, go ip, let’s go to this Dragon Sect…”

Mo Lingyan returned to the subject.

“Then you are here for Dragon Sect?”

Fang Yu glanced at Dragon Sect, then at Mo Ling, said.

“Hmm…I inferred that there is a peerless thing in Dragon Sect. If I can get it, I can surpass Big Senior Sister!”

Mo Ling’s eyes are piercing.

“Is there really a Dragon Race treasure?”

Feng Yaoguang’s eyes flickered also.

Obviously, Mo Ling clearly sees the gap between himself and Big Senior Sister.

This kind of gap is not only a tiny bit, but a lot of difference.

However, such a Mo Ling is still confident that after receiving the Dragon Race treasure, it will surpass her Big Senior Sister. The importance of this thing can be imagined!

Fang Yu did not answer the call.

The heart of dragon’s blood is specified by the super slaughter system, and he can only get it in his hands.

If Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas!





next At the moment, there is already an impatient who wants to hit Dragon Sect.





Tight Then someone was stopped at the door and was rejected by Dragon Sect!

However, there are still people who have succeeded and entered the Dragon Sect!


Fang Yu said to Feng Yaoguang.

He is not in a hurry to attack, because the first one to enter Dragon Sect is to take the lead, but the shot is shot, and the so-called fish leaping over the dragon gate, one or two fish to attack, can Is it fish leaping over the dragon gate?

It is still nece ary for everyone to work together, and the opportunity to enter is greater!

“When you enter Dragon Sect, one is to look at your own chances, and the second is to enter the time…”

Fang Yu secretly thought.

these all are Dragon Soul said before Fang Yu.

This demon dragon is okay no matter how unbearable it is. It is an existence that has made it through the Holy Realm, completely different from the general mainland goods.

Because of Dragon Race and other creatures, they have many different places. One of the characteristics is that their bloodline contains a considerable amount of Dragon Race memory!

These memories are inherited through the bloodline.

With the improvement of Dragon Race’s cultivation base, it gradually emerged.

The monster dragon once set foot in the Holy Land, and the unlocked Dragon Race has more memories.

Dragon Sect and other secrets are also involved.

So Fang Yu came prepared this time!

Many silhouettes rushed towards Dragon Sect, Lou Tianbing and Lou Shu Brother Zhan looked at each other and joined them.

Although I dont know what is behind Dragon Sect, Dragon Sect originally represents good luck, and its definitely not a loss to take a trip!

Followingly, Saint branch Wang Zhong, Martial Sect disciple He Ping, etc., joined them one after another!

At the same time, Azure Dragon Academy.

“What? Dragon Sect was born in Dalongtan!”

Academy Elder, who was traveling leisurely, was dumbfounded when he received the news.

“Isn’t Dalongtan the hometown of the first dean? Why was Dragon Sect born? Could it be…hurry up and report it!”

The more he thought about it, the more things were wrong, he quickly contacted A higher deputy dean.

“It seems that something went wrong with the first dean’s account… In these years, we have not treated Dalongtan anymore. At most, people in the world treat it as a tourist attraction, and even select several times. , Have avoided Dalongtan. If you continue to avoid this time, you will be too deliberate. I did not expect that so many people would be jailed, and this kind of trouble would have been caused.”

Vice President After a long silence, he said slowly.

Elder said nothing.

Before the first dean left that year, he explained one thing. Only the deputy dean and dean at this level can know what it is.

“Within Dragon Sect, there is a Supreme Treasure personally refined by the first dean.”

The deputy dean said.

“Supreme Treasure?”

Elder was surprised.

Those who can be called the Supreme Treasure by the vice president must be truly rare treasures.

“This is not the point yet… The real point is that in addition to Supreme Treasure, there is also an evil demon inside!”

The deputy dean said with a slight headache:” Because Supreme Treasure is the real Supreme Treasure, so the evil demon is an out-and-out evil demon… After all, this Supreme Treasure has not been taken away, it just wants to destroy the power of the evil demon, and wait until one day scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. Take the treasure back to our Azure Dragon Academy. Now its less than ten years since the evil spirits have been completely wiped out. I didnt expect that something went wrong.”

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