“Are you talking about Fang Yu?”

Li Xiantian seemed to feel something, said.

“Oh? Senior, do you know Fang Yu?”

After Zheng He was astonished, he suddenly realized: “Yes, as long as you have seen such a monster, it is impossible to ignore… Yes, He is the root cause of my first trouble. This child is too enchanting. Give him another year. I’m afraid he is already a martial spirit. Your Li Family is kind to him, and he just happens to be in the sky. There is no reason not to help Li. Family eradicate us.”

“Furthermore, there are not many such young martial arts in the four major academies. When the time comes, he has more backers. My backer, Martial King, is even more It’s impossible to protect me.”

After a pause, Zheng He said mockingly.

It is said that he has a master and disciple friendship with Martial King, it is better to say that there is a profit transaction between them!

Only with sufficient benefits, the Martial King, the black devil, will look at Zheng He more.

There is not enough benefit, but Zheng He is dead. I guess the Martial King will not care about it.

“But you dealt with me today…is there a way to suppress Wu Ling?”

Li Xiantian asked again.

“Senior, you are an amazing person, and your innate talent is among the top three among the people I have seen…speaking of which irony, now the number one is Fang Yu, the second is the Martial King of Treasure Tower.”

Zheng He said slowly: “Fang Yus enchantment, you have seen it before, even if you dont know his previous situation, but The genius stood in front of the genius, and the genius could feel how terrifying this person is! As for the Martial King, when he was in the Big Four Academy, he even broke into the top ten of the rookie for a while! So now he has six stars. The achievement of Martial King is not surprising. After all, he once stood on top of many newcomers of his generation in places like the Big Four Academy. Even the top ten are good, but still may come by with luck, but not by searching for it It’s up.”

“Duobao Martial King…this time it was his daughter who helped us to come forward and stop the dark demon Martial King.”

Li Xiantian said to himself “No matter what the purpose, the help of Zhenbaolou this time, I have written it down, Li Xiantian.”

“Actually, Senior, your innate talent is really enchanting and terrifying, if it weren’t for you Distracted from refining medicine, I think your achievement will be higher, and you may not have the opportunity to impact Martial King.”

Zheng He regretfully said: “If we are not enemies, that many good! “

“We are not enemies at first, but your Zheng Family is not satisfied with the cake on the plate. You want to snatch the cake of our protagonist that’s all together. I ask Li Family but Im sorry for not doing anything. About the Zheng Family.”

Li Xiantian coldly said: “Qiuhong and Xueyings parents are my optimistic juniors and my immediate family members, but you directly killed them with an outsider, if not In order to stabilize the overall situation, on that day, your Zheng Family will be gone.”

“The higher the position, the more you cant do as one pleases…Senior, its hard to feel.”

Zheng He chuckles.

Yes, if you change to Fang Yu, if someone does this, Fang Yu can kill them directly.

Fang Yu will ignore it, because he is Fang Yu, nothing more!

Li Xiantian cannot.

The reason is equally simple.

He is Li Xiantian.

It is Old Ancestor, the martial spirit of Li Family.

If you rush to the Zheng Family a a in, it is still light to provoke criticism, but it will make the underground black market become turbulent!

This is the top priority!

This is the main reason to think twice!

“If you are finished, you can go to death, and I will continue to refine the medicine.”

Li Xiantian has a headache.

Refining medicine requires peace of mind, but the more you talk with Zheng He, the more you get annoyed!

If it werent for him to cultivate Qi Kungfu in these years, he would really kill Zheng He immediately!

“Yes, is Fang Yu okay?”

Li Xiantian seemed to think of something, said.

“Senior, why should you ask more… he is the Great Martial Master, and I am the Great Martial Master. How could I kill him casually? He is definitely alive, because I can’t find a way to kill him for the time being, but after solving you, there will be a way.”

Zheng He smiled and said.

“It seems that you are sure to solve me?”

Li Xiantian blinked and said.

He is really curious.

There is a huge difference between Great Martial Master and Wu Ling.

It can be said that ten Great Martial Masters cannot kill a martial spirit.

The ten dark guards are all in the rhythm of delivering food.

How would Zheng He deal with himself like this?

Li Xiantian was puzzled.

“I can’t deal with your Excellency, but he can…”

Speaking, Zheng He gently patted his palm and said: “Friend, it’s the time you are on the stage. “Hehehe… Zheng He, I didn’t expect that you actually found a good goal for me. Although the cultivation base is a bit low, the potential is huge, and there is a chance to become Wu Huang in the future. !”

With a burst of chuckled sound, a black robed man shadow appeared without warning.

Li Xiantian’s vigilant heart masterpiece!

Is this a who thing?

I can’t feel any breath of him!

“Who you are…no, that’s not right! You don’t have to be a human anymore!”

Li Xiantian stared at the other side fiercely and said.

“You are the Ghost Clan person!”

Li Xiantian said every word.


This is a very rare race.

But Li Xiantian is not unfamiliar, because when he traveled that year, he had visited a place where the ghost clan stayed and verified many deeds about the ghost clan.

At the same time, he knew again that the real terrifying point of the Ghost Race is Life Source body po e ion!

This is a way of body po e ion with a very high success rate, not to mention martial arts, even Martial King is very difficult to fight.

Only when you become the emperor of Wu, get the breath of Sovereign between Heaven and Earth, and all evils do not invade, will you have the capital to fight.

Apart from this, just rely on some treasures!

However, Li Xiantian did not meet these conditions!

If the other party is really Ghost Clan, then the trouble will be big!

“Hehe, I didnt expect you to recognize my origins…its interesting!”

The ghosts laughed, without joy or sorrow: “You will be right now I want to become one with me. Is there anything to say?”

“It’s not that simple!”

Li Xiantian suddenly shot.

If you dont take the initiative now, you will be in trouble!

“there’s a road to Heaven yet you don’t walk it, hell is doorless yet you charged to it…”

After that, the ghost people also welcomed Go up!


“I don’t know what’s going on inside?”

Fang Yu came in a hurry.

He is very worried whether Zheng He has prepared some methods against Li Xiantian!

At first, Fang Yu didn’t think Zheng He would be threatened.

Zheng Family has never been out of Wuling by any means, and Zheng He has never been to the four major academies for further studies. In theory, even if there is an accident, will not be unexpected!

However, after seeing the torn pages of the soul book, Fang Yu was not calm!

This Zheng He, I am afraid that he had a fortuitous encounter!

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