Super Psionic Technology

Chapter 187: Become

Yang Tianci is really not good at matchmaking or something, so when facing Yang Tai and Xiao Tianjing's refusal, there is no good way for Yang Tianci. Therefore, I can only hope that Bai Xiuqin can persuade Yang Ruxu and Xiao Muxue.

It can be said that for the marriage of Yang Yichuan, Yang Tianci and Bai Xiuqin did not worry too much.

At this moment, Yang Ruxu and Xiao Muxue were still in Bai Xiuqin's palace. After some conversations with Bai Xiuqin, Yang Ruxu had already been settled. Now, Xiao Muxue is still hesitant.

"Muexue, it doesn't matter if you really don't like Yichuan. The child of Yichuan was not reliable before. Now, although it's better, it's normal for you not to like it. Then, let me help you pick and choose. Whether there is a suitable person, your father is anxious."

Xiao Muxue is also aware of Xiao Tianjing's ideas. As he gets older, he naturally thinks about his children and their families. In contrast, Xiao Muyuan is not very worrying, and his family also has a place to say. Most people who marry the Xiao family are present, and Xiao Muyuan is still young. Only Xiao Muxue is 20 years old, and he is considered to be old in this world, and Xiao Muxue still has such a condition, which makes many people who come to raise their relatives in awe.

In fact, Xiao Muxue is not very clear about her inner thoughts, and now she is not as determined as before. So, now hesitate and do not know what to do.

"Ma'am, you just let me think about it."

"Okay, I won't force you, but ah, this marriage event, but one of the most important things in a woman's life. It's better to marry the right person, to marry the wrong person, then life is not so good. Yichuan grew up when I watched it, and you are familiar with it. She is pure in nature. Although she sometimes escapes a little, it is generally good. The most important thing is that he won’t bully you. But you, if he dares to bully you, then you come to me and I will help you out."

"Hey, since Ichuan went to Xihecheng, I was worried about him and worried that there was no personal care around me. Although Xiaoxiang and Liuli took care of her, after all, I was at ease and felt that there was less personal."

"Ru Xu grew up as I watched it, but Ru Xu is still young, and occasionally plays with children's temper."

Yang Ruxu was also a little unhappy with his side mouth, "Aunt Qin, I'm not too young."

"Well, Ru Xu is not too young, and she will get married in a flash."

In fact, Xiao Muxue is also considering whether to agree to it. In fact, if Xiao Muxue agrees, Xiao Tianjing will not disagree. Xiao Tianjing originally wanted to match the two, so as long as Xiao Muxue nodded, Xiao Tianjing basically would not say much.

In the end, Xiao Muxue thought about it again and again. In fact, he had already thought about it a lot. The only difference now is that there will be one more Yang Ruxu. One more Yang Ruxu did not have much influence on Xiao Muxue.

After the time in Xihecheng, in fact, Xiao Muxue still has a lot of knowledge about Yang Yichuan. For example, Yang Yichuan is actually more free and easy, without too much attachment, and of course, it will not have too much restraint on the people around him. This is what Xiao Muxue thinks is the best.

In addition, after getting along during this period, Xiao Muxue did indeed think that he did not hate Yang Yichuan, and felt that Yang Yichuan was a good person. Except that Yang Yichuan's martial arts did not meet Xiao Muxue's requirements, in other respects, Xiao Muxue was very satisfied.

"Aunt Qin, I agree."

Bai Xiuqin finally showed a relaxed look. This was really not an easy task to persuade Xiao Muxue. It took a while to talk about Kung Fu for success.

"Come, Muxue, Ruxu, and drink tea. Since you all agree, then I will let someone come to the house to raise relatives the other day, and settle this matter as soon as possible."

"All depends on Aunt Qin."

"Mu Xue, do you want Aunt Qin? You want to change your tongue."

Here is still happy, outside Yang Tianci came with Yang Tai and Xiao Tianjing. When Yang Tai and Xiao Tianjing came to the palace, Yang Tianci learned from the court lady that Bai Xiuqin and the second daughter were drinking tea and chatting.

Yang Tai and Xiao Tianjing glanced at each other, and they had a bad feeling. After they came in, they found out that the three were talking and laughing. Yang Ruxu was very happy.

"Lady, how are you doing?"

"I asked them what they thought, no problem."

Yang Tai and Xiao Tianjing also greeted the second daughter and asked some things, but Xiao Tianjing's side is relatively bland.

"Muexue, did you agree? To know that you are with Ru Xu, I am worried that you will be bullied after marrying."

"He can't beat me, and if he dares to bully me, I'm not the kind of person who is bullied. As for Ru Xu, it's impossible."

"This is also true, since you have decided, then I won't say anything, the female university can't help the father." Xiao Tianjing didn't say much, just sighed, even acquiesced.

The conversation between Yang Tai and Yang Ruxu was more excited. "Ru Xu, not to not promise to be a father, but you, the two, I am afraid you will be bullied in the past."

"Sister Mu Xue will not bully me, nor will Brother Yichuan, how could he be bullied?"

Yang Tai stomped her feet anxiously, "Ru Xu, generally I can take care of you, but this marriage is not a joke. If it's only you who married in the past and is a true wife, I don't What did you say, but this."

"Sister Niang said, my sister and Mu Xue's status is the same after they marry. Moreover, Brother Yichuan will not treat us differently."

Yang Tai couldn't persuade Yang Ruxu to see how he could persuade. "You, I was spoiled by me since I was a child. I haven't discussed this matter."

"If you don't agree, then I will go on a hunger strike when I go back, or I will not marry anyone in my life."

When Yang Tai heard Yang Ruxu's words, he became angry and then turned into a helpless sigh. Yang Ruxu was also stubborn and Yang Tai knew. If you quarrel with Yang Ruxu again on this matter, it is likely to hurt the relationship between father and daughter.

"Ding Guo Gong, you can't talk about anything, you have to be motivated." Yang Tianci also gave some assists.

Looking at the stubborn daughter in front of him, Yang Tai remembered Yang Ruxu's mother, who was also a woman with a stubborn personality. "Hey, okay, you said that, what else can I do? Agree, agree."

"Thank you Dad, I knew Dad was the best for me."

"Okay, okay."

Yang Tai and Xiao Tianjing can only agree. What can I do now, "Your Majesty, I agree to this matter, but if my family Ru Xu was wronged by the stinky kid, don't blame me for not giving your majesty."

"That's that, Ding Guo Gong doesn't do it, I have to do it myself. You can rest assured that Yi Chuan will never let Mu Xue and Ru Xu feel wronged."

Yang Tai was also a little relieved to be assured, and Xiao Tianjing didn't say much. After a while, Yang Tai took Yang Ruxu and Xiao Tianjing took Xiao Muxue out of the palace.

End of this chapter

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