Super Psionic Technology

Chapter 184: Artillery

Yang Tianci called people to bring the war horses. The horses seemed a little frightened. However, under the special tame, they quickly recovered calm. Riding on a war horse and leading the guard, Yang Tianci came to the landing place of the shells.

Observation from a close distance will make you more aware of the power of artillery. If you were standing here with the Kitahara people, you would definitely suffer heavy casualties. If there are more artillery pieces, how many people will die. Yang Tianci returned to the camp with great excitement.

"This artillery is indeed very powerful. It seems that it is necessary to set up a firearms bureau. It is necessary to make artillery. It is manufactured in large quantities."

"Father and Emperor, this artillery also has its drawbacks, that is, it is too bulky and not easy to transfer. Although the artillery is very strong, it is only reflected in defensive battles, and there are better siege battles around the defense."

Yang Tianci also immediately awakened from the excitement. It turned out that the artillery was not invincible. When it was attacked by someone and approached, the artillery could not be used at all. "Yes, artillery does have disadvantages. But the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and you must be good at using the strengths of the artillery to avoid disadvantages, so as to become a weapon in the battlefield.

"Father and Emperor Mingjian, in addition to this, artillery has another very important application."

"and also?"

"It is a very advantageous offensive method to equip artillery on a huge sea ship. It can be said that artillery is a necessary equipment for naval warfare."

"Naval warfare." Yang Tianci was also lost in contemplation. There was basically no war at sea, except that some pirates were messing around the coast, but after all, it was a minority. The most basic way of naval battle is to confront each other, and then fight on the ship.

"The artillery is indeed a good thing, what about the musket? What is the musket? How come I didn't see it?" Yang Tianci also intends to take a look at the peculiarities of this musket.

When Yang Yichuan made people take the muskets out of the car, the people around them were very curious. The power of the artillery has been seen, it is very huge, then what kind of power this gun will look like, what kind of power it has, I have some expectations.

He Wangzhong also kept silent. He just said, "The artillery is just a little louder" just now. Fortunately, he stopped it in time, otherwise his face would be tight.

But what's so great about this stick-like thing? This thing doesn't even have a gun head or a blade, how to kill? However, He Wang Middle School is well behaved and does not make any comments until it has been read.

"Ichikawa, is this a musket? It seems useless?"

"Father and Emperor are not in a hurry, and you'll see it well. I have prepared several targets in the distance, and it will be a musket show later."

"Is this musket like something like a crossbow arrow? Is this the arrow inside the tube?"

"Father Emperor, this is not an arrow, this is a bullet." Yang Yichuan took out a bullet and glanced in front of everyone. This bullet is indeed very small, even smaller than the little finger. The question for everyone is, "Can such a small thing really kill someone?"

After all, this bullet is basically similar to a small stone, and it does not look sharp.

Yang Yichuan played in person. After all, he had already been shot in military training, and it was only Yang Yichuan who said that he knew the gun best. Although it is not a very advanced gun, Yang Yichuan is still excited. Yang Yichuan is ready to start shooting, but this junior gun is really complicated. Yang Yichuan himself is a little speechless, and although he is aiming hard, his hit rate is a bit low.

"Cough, Ichikawa, is there anything wrong with this musket? Is this the beginning? Why is there no movement?"

"The father emperor said that this musket is indeed a bit of a problem, because this is the simplest and most basic, so the hit rate will not be high. Moreover, the musket is actually not effective for one person, but a row of people. use."

Yang Yichuan said, let the artillery squads come to equip the muskets, and not far from the front, a piece of wood was erected.

"Father and Emperor, the real performance of the musket is next. The boards in front of them are brand new, which is equivalent to the enemy who committed the crime. Then the guns will make small holes in the board, although not necessarily all of them. In a deadly place, but if you stand in a large row and shoot together, the enemy will be killed with this firepower net."

Yang Yichuan also explained to Yang Tianci a little, and Yang Tianci also nodded his head to show his understanding. It was an artillery squad who was ready and started shooting. After shooting together, several bullet holes were left in the board.

After making some adjustments, the next round was the second round of shooting. After the two rounds of shooting, Yang Yichuan also brought Yang Tianci and others to the board.

"Father and Emperor, please see, these are bullet holes. It can be seen that the power of the bullet has penetrated this thin wooden board. If you hit someone, it will definitely be dead and injured. Now it is just a volley of ten people, if it is one hundred people. , The bullet holes above it will be more dense, which means that the people who rush to the front will definitely be injured or die."

"However, this is not the reason I admire muskets the most. The most important reason is that the muskets are still being improved. Then there will be da da das, non-stop muskets, and muskets with higher accuracy, these muskets Has a longer range than bows and arrows, and bullets are more convenient to carry than arrows."

"Burst bullets? It's like a crossbow, but the arrow is really not easy to carry. Is this musket really improved?"

"Of course, this year is to resist the Kitahara people, so I spent all my manpower and material resources to make artillery. After next year, I can study and make better guns."

"Although the musket is just average now, if it can really achieve bursts, it can achieve a longer range and a higher hit rate, it will indeed be better than the arrow."

Yang Yichuan also knows that the performance of the musket does not seem as stunning as the artillery, but in Yang Tianci's heart, it is already a okay thing. Yang Yichuan didn't argue, until next year, not to mention the kind of blue flames, at least after the guns are fired, it will make everyone feel better.

"This artillery is indeed a weapon of the country, whether it is to defend the city or to siege it, or as Yichuan said, it can exert a lot of power when placed on the sea boat. With the artillery guards, the North Plains people dare not dare to commit it rashly. So, I plan to set up a firearms bureau in the outskirts of Beijing to produce artillery, and disburse one million two silver from the state treasury. What is Zhongqing’s thought?"

"We have already seen the power of artillery. It is indeed a rare weapon. Naturally, it should be made more to fight against Beiyuan."

Xiao Tianjing also said, "The artillery can indeed reduce the casualties of soldiers, and the power is huge, I think it should be made."

"Your Majesty Shengming, with the help of artillery, the Kitahara people are no longer in trouble."

"Yeah, Your Majesty has the help of this artifact, and the Dawei Dynasty will last forever."

Although Yang Tianci knew that there were many compliments, he was still very happy. Yang Yichuan didn't speak, but just followed, ending this early show. Yang Yichuan doesn't have to go with him. He will discuss and discuss Yang Yichuan's proposals afterwards. It doesn't matter if Yang Yichuan is present or not, so it is better to leave early.

End of this chapter

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