Super Psionic Technology

Chapter 171: The pros and cons of coal

There is no such thing as abundant storage on the earth. Once upon a time, it was also one of the necessary items for the winter, and the demand is still a lot. Until now, the heating method in the family has gradually evolved to replace coal burning with heating, floor heating, and so on. This is the inevitability of history. Better, better, more convenient and safe things will replace old things.

In this world, the Dawei Dynasty occupies an extremely large area, and has even occupied a large island overseas. There are abundant materials, gold and silver jewelry, various minerals, flying birds and beasts are innumerable.

There are naturally many coal mines, but no one uses them. There are some very dangerous substances in the newly mined coal. After burning, it releases more sulfur dioxide. Not to mention polluting the air, it is the most terrible to harm the human body.

However, with the system now, all problems are not a problem.

Burning coal is indeed better than burning charcoal, at least the heat released should be higher. Although Yang Yichuan didn't know much about the charcoal burning situation, he was familiar with burning coal, and it was quite hot. If you add a fire wall, you can make several rooms warm. If you are willing, you can burn so hot in the room.

It is not too easy for ten families to unite and find someone to mine, but Yang Yichuan also emphasized safety issues. It is also limited to equipment problems, so only some ground and shallow coal can be dug. Fortunately, two coal mines have been found not far from Xihecheng.

After mining, they used Professor Yang Yichuan's technology to make high-quality, usable briquettes, briquettes, honeycomb coal, etc.

More than a dozen families are full of energy. Although this thing is not expensive, but the amount needed for winter is a lot. Moreover, not only ordinary people can use it, but rich people can also use it. After all, Yang Yichuan's new heaters are very expensive and can only guarantee a room. Although you can follow people's movements and move to different rooms, there are many children in large households, and naturally there are many rooms. You may have to buy several at a time.

And the slightly poorer little ones are reluctant to buy this heater, and buying coal may be more cost-effective.

With the cooperation of more than a dozen families, this kind of coal was quickly sold in Xihe City. Under the banner of the Xihe Chamber of Commerce, it naturally attracted many people. Moreover, it is almost winter, and many people need to be prepared. The appearance of coal at this time naturally aroused the attention of many people.

In the four major urban areas, a large warehouse selling coal was opened, which contained coal.

"Hey, what is this coal?"

"It's black stones, it's possible to burn less, but this thing is evil, and many people have died. Who dares to burn this thing?"

"No, this is the Xihe Chamber of Commerce. The Prince Chuan will allow this kind of thing to sell?"

At this time, the people from the coal selling warehouse listened to the dialogue between the two, but immediately refuted, "You don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense, this coal is not directly sold to us, but processed. There is no danger anyway. Those of the family have already tried it, and now they are burning coal in a room. The ten guards inside are all fine. The coal was transported directly from the warehouse, in the room. It is also very warm, I heard that it is better than charcoal, and it is much cheaper than charcoal."


"Of course it is true, listening to them saying that it is going to burn for a day to let everyone know that this coal will not be dangerous."

"Let's go, I'll take a look."


Li Ru found Yang Yichuan because of this incident. Li Ru knew that these things must have been agreed by Yang Yichuan. This coal is a good thing in Li Ru's eyes, but the impact is huge.

"Your Highness, did you make this coal?"

"Master Li, are you not going to pack up, are you going to leave? There will be another month, we will return to Beijing."

"Your Highness, I am talking about coal."

Yang Yichuan also thought that what happened to the coal was just preparing for sale. "Is there any problem with this coal?"

"His Highness, I will not talk about the previous commodities, but this coal, this Highness is competing with the people for profits."

"Tell me in detail." Yang Yichuan invited Li Ru to sit down and chat while drinking tea. In fact, Yang Yichuan also thought about it, but he also analyzed the pros and cons.

"Many people will burn charcoal before winter. The better charcoal will be sold to rich people at a high price to subsidize households. But, this coal, isn’t it just stealing people’s livelihood? There will also be influence, for example, the lighting lamp will affect the candle oil lamp, but the problem is not big. However, this coal really should not be."

After all, Li Ru is also getting older and can see some problems, but at the same time, he also ignores many problems.

Yang Yichuan also said with a smile, "I always thought that Master Li was relatively wise, but I didn't expect there will be times when my eyes are blinded."

"Blinded eyes?" Li Ru also fell into thought.

Yang Yichuan continued, "When you look at one thing, you should never see only one side, just like our copper plate. It will have two sides. Coal also has two sides, and there are pros and cons."

Under the guidance of Yang Yichuan, Li Ru also gradually became cheerful. Although coal will compete with some people for benefits, at the same time, it will also allow many people to warm through the winter. However, this is not enough in Li Ru's mind to offset the harm caused by coal. After all, a few people are also people, and they are also the people of the Dawei Dynasty.


"Master Li, don't worry, just listen to me."

Li Ru also sighed and continued to listen to Yang Yichuan said, "Not only should we see the pros and cons of things, to treat things with dialectical thinking, but also, we must look at it with a developmental perspective and a long-term perspective. As for the disadvantages, we Can you see, is there no way to eliminate it to remedy? Of course it is, so often, we can't kill all of them with a stick, and don't care about the benefits, right?"

Li Ru felt Yang Yichuan's words, saw the pros and cons, dialectical thoughts, found the shortcomings and then reduced the shortcomings, long-term development vision. Li Ru was also shocked by the truth. He also understood that Yang Yichuan had actually discovered this shortcoming, so the next step was to eliminate the shortcoming.

"It's like General Zhao Yin from the previous dynasty. The killing was a success, but he also defended the territory. The soldiers he left behind also have great learning value. When facing Zhao Yin, we will learn the good side. Abandon the bad. Of course, this coal is also the same. There are many advantages and disadvantages. So there are many benefits, and the benefits are better for the people of the whole world. That is naturally what it wants."

"The disadvantage is that it will cause a small number of people to lose part of their income. We just need to replenish them. The coal mining will definitely need people. If you work hard, you will make money. In addition, if you They can also get coal for winter, will it be better? Even if there is a loss, but this method, they are also acceptable."

"There may be some problems. It requires technical skills to burn charcoal. It may be possible to do it at an older age. It takes strength to dig coal. It needs young and strong people. Then treat this part of the elderly, we You can also think of ways to continue to remedy. Master Li, do you think I am right?"

Li Ru pondered for a moment. In this way, he did take into account both the beneficiary and the damaged.

"Your Highness is thinking deeply, I am too pedantic."

"Master Li, this world is changing every day, and our thoughts and visions cannot be set in stone, do you say that?"

"Yeah, I'm still old. It seems that I'm not convinced to be old."

"Haha, Master Li, don't want to be lazy. Xihe Chengxi and Zhou will be inseparable from Master Li at one and a half. At most three years and three years, I hope that there will be new weather in Xihe Prefecture. When we go to the grapes, we will be under the grape shelf, chatting casually and having fun every day.

"The old bone can still serve the court for a few more years."

End of this chapter

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