Super Psionic Technology

Chapter 132: Schedule

Yang Yichuan, Li Ru, Lin Tu, and Xiao's sister and brother ate the hot pot in the house. It can be said that every time I go out, it is hard work, and it is also impossible. If the development is not achieved, if there are more and more cities and the roads are more and more convenient, when the wall is no longer set, then travel may be much better.

Xiao Muxue first said: "This time the Beiyuan people might send more troops. According to the captain of the captive tribe, it is estimated that there are 30,000 troops."

Yang Yichuan also looked dignified. He didn't expect that the Beiyuan people actually sent so many people this time, "30,000, it seems that this time it's really a **** start, General Lin, what do you think?"

Lin Tu also sat at the table, "This time the Northern Plains are coming violently, and it will inevitably be impossible to return without success, and it can be said that the goal is firm, that is, our Xihe City, I think the best way is to keep the city."

"The Northern Plains are in an open area, the cavalry is too strong, and we are out of town to fight, and regardless of the strength difference, the strength is also very different. Although the artillery is powerful, but in the open area, the Northern Plains can quickly get close, and can not Play too strong a role."

Li Ru also said, "If the Beiyuan people break through Xihe City this time, then it will be another disaster. Moreover, if Xihe City falls behind, the other cities will be even harder to say."

"It seems that everyone's thoughts are similar, according to the defense. Combat pays attention to morale, one blow to another, and then decline, and three exhaustion. They came out of the west and the city, this is a drum, and we rely on artillery, unexpectedly, dispel their morale first Once. With this defeat, the other party will definitely have a countermeasure. We will defend Xihe City. When we can't attack for a long time, the morale will inevitably decline again. This is the decline again."

"Once morale declines, there will be some hesitation between the choices and Xihecheng will be safe. However, I still have a bold idea." Yang Yichuan narrowed his eyes, exposing Yang Yichuan's ambition at the moment. Of course, Yang Yichuan's ambition is not for the throne, but for the coming North Plains Army.

Lin Tu and Li Ru are already surprised by Yang Yichuan's bold ideas. Was it a bold idea to rebuild Xicheng District? What he said was to catch the Kitahara people and come back to mine. It was also very bold. However, the construction of Xicheng District is very good, and the Beiyuan people have really caught a lot.

"Your Highness please say."

"I want to send a group of elite ahead of time, quietly out of town and ambush."

"His Royal Highness wanted a sneak attack? This is probably not realistic. The defense of Kitahara people will not be weak. And forage, this time it will definitely be well prepared. Even if there is a follow-up forage, it is difficult for us to cut this line of forage. "After listening to Yang Yichuan's thoughts, Lin Tu also immediately guessed two possibilities. The first is sneak attack, and the second is naturally thinking about the food of Beiyuan people?

"The Dingsha army has confronted the Beiyuan people again. I'm afraid they won't be able to help us anymore. Therefore, Xihecheng can only rely on ourselves. I think we're better off defending and shouldn't be too aggressive. Once Xixi The loss of Hecheng means that the other cities in Xihe Prefecture will also face a crisis." Li Ru can be accepted quickly in some respects, but at the moment, it is very conservative, because not only Xihe City, this The World War I even affected the entire Xihe State.

Enemies in the hinterland were unable to stop it. Xihe City was taken down by the Beiyuan people. The Beiyuan people could even use Xihe City as a temporary base, and then opened a line of defense to completely isolate Dingsha City on the border. Perhaps it was precisely because Xihecheng's unbearable blow last year gave Kitahara people the possibility of this bold tactical success.

"You listen to me first, I sent an elite cavalry of about 1,000 people, just outside the city. Then led by some people who are more familiar with the terrain near Xihe City, using guerrilla tactics, that is, the enemy advances and retreats, the enemy Stay with me, the enemy will fight, and the enemy will retreat."

"What do you think of this tactic?"

Both Lin Tu and the Xiao family have read military books and are familiar with tactics, but have never heard of such tactics. But at first glance, it seems simple and easy to understand, but it may not be that simple to really implement. To understand the essence of this tactic, we must determine what state the place is in. We must strictly enforce orders and have a very rapid method of transfer. "This tactic sounds good, but here, I am afraid it will not play a very good role, it is estimated that it can only be harassed at night. But once the enemy strengthens defense, it is estimated that the company will harass. It can’t be done. If the enemy is defeated and fleeing north, it can be used."

Yang Yichuan was also a little helpless. He wanted to install one, but found that it was not applicable at all.

"Cough, then, let's not talk about it first. I just want to say that besides this defense, there is no way to attack? Or, hey, wait, I have a bold idea."

Four people looked at Yang Yichuan in surprise. There was no way. Who made Yang Yichuan the prince? Who asked him to be the one to eat? However, the guerrilla tactic that Yang Yichuan said before is still very useful to Lin Tu. This may not be used in the upcoming situation.

"Your Highness said."

Yang Yichuan spit out three words indifferently: "Dingsha Army."

Li Ru’s patience is also gone. He also mentioned before that the Dingsha Army has been involved by the Northern Plains, and it is impossible to come to rescue.

"Your Highness Mo has to laugh, the situation at Dingsha City is not good now. The Dingsha Army cannot be taken lightly. Once Dingsha City has a problem, then the defense line that the Dawei Dynasty has built for many years directly collapsed."

"His Highness wanted the Dingsha army to cooperate and directly destroy this part deep into the hinterland of Xihe Prefecture, threatening the troops of Xihe City, right?"

"Yes. If the Dingsha army dispatched 10,000 people to appear at the right time, the Beiyuan people will be defeated under the impact of inside and outside." Yang Yichuan's idea is of course only an idea, so the idea is very beautiful.

"Ten Thousand Dingsha Army, if at the right time, such as when the morale declines again after a long attack." Lin Tu also had an idea, but it was not as good as Yang Yichuan.

"No, no, the Dingsha army was already understaffed. Now 10,000 people are sent to support us. How long will they be able to hold it? Dingsha City will have the possibility of losing." Li Ru jumped immediately, and now Xihe The city has great hopes of being able to hold it, which is enough. And to take the risk of Dingsha City losing ground, and to destroy the 30,000 Northern Plains, Li Ru felt that it was not cost-effective.

"Then if you quickly support Dingsha City after the 30,000 people have been destroyed? 10,000 people came out, 15,000 people returned, and there were artillery. The 20 artillery pieces will definitely help Dingsha City."

"I think with the ability of He Chu, I won't be able to hold Dingsha City without 10,000 people in ten days. And although this matter is risky, it can stabilize Xihe City. The help is also huge, and can even change the occupation of the confrontation." Lin Tu said again.

It's not like eating hot pot now, but discussing things. Li Ru is blowing his beard and glaring. It is indeed possible to bring a good situation, but it is also very risky.

"I'll ask General He first about this matter. If General He agrees, then do so. If General He doesn't agree, I think there is no other way for you, then hold Xihe City well."

Yang Yichuan was relieved to see Li Ru compromise. "Come and continue to eat hot pot. You won't wait long before you can experience the real fun of eating hot pot."

(End of this chapter)

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