Super Psionic Technology

Chapter 120: Start of shock

Yang Yichuan came to the city wall, beside and behind him, other officials of the size of Xihe City, all wearing formal clothes. Yang Yichuan looked at one end of the cement road and watched that the people of Xihejun were all ready to go. Yang Yichuan also felt a little nervous.

This cement road was built first for the military parade, and its impact will not be great. Wait until next year, a major city-wide renovation will be carried out to rebuild all the renovated areas and pave the roads as cement roads.

It seems that the preparations are almost finished, and the time is almost the same. This means that the military parade will officially start.

"Master Li, the time is almost up, so why not start?"

"Your Highness decided just fine."

"Then start."

Yang Yichuan walked to the edge of the city wall and could clearly see the situation below. The people below could also see the people on the city wall when he looked up.

"Now, everyone is quiet, the parade is about to begin."

As soon as Yang Yichuan's words came out, it was really quiet, and there were fewer people who whispered, and Yang Yichuan could not feel it. He could only start by calling directly.

"I know that some of you are wondering if the City Guards can protect you and protect Xihe City. Because the autumn harvest is coming, and it is time for the Beiyuan people to commit crimes. Officially because at this time, I decided to hold this military parade . Let you see the new face of the Xihe Army, that is, the City Guard, and let you know your mother’s determination to swear to defend Xihe City."

"The City Guards used to resist the Kitahara people and paid the price of their lives and blood. Now, the Kitahara people may strike again, and this time, I believe that they will not let the Kitahara people step into the West Harmony. "

"However, I believe that they are not enough, and I still want you. All the people in Xihe City must believe it. I know you may have to say, I will tell you after you defeat the Kitahara people. I can tell you. Kitahara people dare Come, I dare to let them all be buried here."

"Maybe it will be now, maybe in the near future, my Dawei dynasty will definitely let Kitahara people know that those who have violated my Dawei land, although far away, will be punished."

Yang Yichuan used his maximum volume and shouted with a simple small speaker to ensure that everyone could hear it. These few words not only cheered up the Xihe Army who was preparing to participate in the military parade, but also made the people who came to see the military parade enthusiastic.

At that time, the emperor was able to repel the Beiyuan people. When the Beiyuan people came back, they could also repel them, and even wait a few years before they could hit the grasslands.

Yang Yichuan saw that everyone's emotions were mobilized, and his lips were raised, seeing the situation he wanted.

"Now, the parade begins."

With Yang Yichuan's order, Lin Tu also heard Yang Yichuan's order, and naturally started the military parade according to the previous exercise.

"All of you, move on."

When the Xihe Army began to march, some people in the nearby City Guards also beat the drums of the war. The rumbling sound was deafening, and it made people feel bloody.

"One two one."

In the eyes of all the people, I saw a neat array of 100 people, with a certain distance between each person's front, back, left, and right. Looking at it from the side, it looks like there are 100 people, exactly 10 people, at exactly the same pace.

"Going forward." "Tap." The sound of footsteps suddenly came out, and the sound of footsteps was uniform and unaltered. The sound of footsteps can be clearly heard under the trembling drumbeat, which shows how powerful it is, rather than intentionally stomping the foot to make such a sound. Su Muqian looked at this uniform pace. Although he didn't understand why he should pursue such neatness, he still felt shocked. It may be very simple if it is two or three people, but it is too difficult for a hundred people to be uniform.

"This is the true military parade. Although there are fewer people, but it is exciting and lamentable, isn't it the kind of blood? When they reach the battlefield, these people will also move forward unwaveringly. Then invincible."

When most people sigh in this excitement, some people are still whispering and talking about less optimistic remarks.

"Huh, flashy, can you defeat the Kitahara people just by walking?"

"Is this even useful? It's better to practice more fighting stuff."

"It sounds interesting to watch, but it's useless."

Most people are not friendly to the Xihe Army who is walking through the east gate of Xihe City. They only remember that the Beiyuan people raged Xihe City because of the defeat of the City Guard, but they forgot that the City Guard was actually bloody. Fighting, there are also great casualties.

"Good soldiers."

"Swear to defend Xihe City."

"Gentlemen, work hard."

"Loyalty to the country and defense of the people."

When these Xihe troops seemed to do their utmost to shout these two words, the sky shook the sky and shocked everyone. In the voices of these hundred people, I heard the unwilling cry, heard the truly indestructible determination, and heard the extremely firm belief.

Although due to these two shouts, some people tried their best to make their rhythm change slightly, resulting in a little messy pace, but they quickly adjusted it.

Most of these people also kept silent, and they were more willing to believe that these Xihe troops were really determined to protect Xihe City and protect them. Su Muqian has no idea what to say? Is this still a 100-person team? How do you feel that there is an invincible, ten thousand soldiers in front of you?

"This kind of team is terrible. If there are really 10,000 people, what kind of scene will it be? Such a team is probably not worse than Xiao Jiajun, the strongest of the Dawei Dynasty?"

Naturally, Su Muqian would not know that the last phalanx was 100 people carefully selected by Xiao Jiajun.

This phalanx is finally going to pass, but the second phalanx is on the way, and it is a neat phalanx. If a single phalanx could be the elite. However, if every phalanx is like this and every soldier is elite, then it seems possible to guard Xihe City and repel Beiyuan.

Su Muqian and others also looked at this second phalanx. This time, instead of Yang Yichuan shouting on the wall, they started shouting themselves.

"Oath to defend Xihe City"

"Loyalty to the country and defense of the people."

The two teams walked neatly in front of each other, and anyone would have an idea. Such a Xihe Army can be trusted. They can really defend the people and defend Xihe City.

The military parade continued, and Su Muqian was very proud of watching these Xihe troops. Yes, it is with so many troops going to the battlefield to defend the stability and prosperity of the Dawei Dynasty. This is not what they have to do, but they still give up their lives.

There is also the Dawei Dynasty and the emperor. The emperor of this dynasty loved the people like a child and treated the people extremely kindly. There are many policies that benefit the people, and it is fortunate to be born in this era. Su Muqian has a lot of words and things in his mind, but he is suffering from the fact that there are no pens and papers, and he cannot write them down. When he goes back, he must write down everything.

(End of this chapter)

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