Super Psionic Technology

Chapter 103: Changdongcheng

In recent days, Changdong City has been called a "lively" ah, even if it is located at the junction of the two states, there is usually no such scene. The people transferred from Tianzhou are endless. Although not all people in Tianzhou are transferred out, a large part of them are transferred.

The geographical location of Changdong City is critical. It is responsible for accepting the people, as the first transit point, and then dispersing the people into Changzhou.

A few days later, Li Ru and Lin Tu came with Xihe Army. It was neat and tidy, and of course, a large amount of food and materials were also delivered.

Instead of going to Chang'an City, I went directly to Changdong City. Now Changdong City is where I need the most help.

With no prior notice, Li Ru's arrival can be said to be very sudden. Although Ren Cangdong, the governor of Changdong, had received advance notice from Li Ru, he did not expect Li Ru to bring so many people. Of course, Li Ru and Lin Tu did not bring all the Xihe Army. After all, the 1000th person cannot use so many people.

Although he was very busy, Ren Cangdong took some time to meet Li Ru and Lin Tu at the gate of the city.

"Master Li, why are you always here?" Ren Cangdong still respects Li Ru. First of all, Li Ru manages the land of a state, and Ren Cangdong only manages this county and nearby counties. That's it. In terms of seniority, how many years has Li Ru been an official, and he used to be an official in Chaotang, or a big official, and Ren Cangdong can't compare.

"It's nothing, but His Royal Highness Prince Chuan learned of the natural disasters in Tianzhou and Huazhou and wanted to do something within his power, so General Lin and I brought some food and materials."

"Here, His Royal Highness Prince Chuan has a kind heart. I have thanked His Highness on behalf of the suffering people." Ren Cangdong did not expect that Yang Yichuan, the prince, would actually care about this, and he also had doubts about Yang Yichuan's actions.

Li Ru is no longer nonsense, it is still more important. "Master Ren, what's going on now?"

Ren Cangdong also sighed, "Not optimistic."

Ren Cangdong continued, "Now the total number of people accepted by Changdong City has exceeded 50,000. Although 30,000 people have been transferred one after another, there are more than 20,000 people here. And according to the latest batch of people As mentioned, Tianzhou is still rainy and rainy. It is estimated that there are still a lot of people who want to be transferred, or a large number of people."

"Hey, after all, it is the people who are suffering. Although His Majesty the Virtue is prepared in advance, the loss is still too great. The farmland in Tianzhou and Huazhou is estimated to have little harvest this year. When the rain stops, There is still much to do. Under this natural disaster, neither Tianzhou nor Huazhou can recover their vitality in three to five years."

The two chatted while walking. As for the supplies delivered, except for leaving a little enough for their own use, the rest were handed over to the city guards of Changdong City.

"Master Ren, I don't hide it. I came here this time with a mission from His Royal Highness Prince Chuan."

Ren Cangdong was also stunned for a while, "Task, what task? Master Li, but it's okay."

Li Ru also did not pretend to be mysterious. "Actually, it's okay. Xihe Prefecture has a sparsely populated area. Although there are few good fields, many fields can be cultivated after all, but there are too few people. His Royal Highness Prince Chuan took the lead A Xihe Chamber of Commerce requires a lot of manpower to make and sell things."

"Although His Highness Prince Chuan has swept through several cities in Xihe Prefecture, he has recruited all the beggars on the street, and allocated work, so that they can do their work, eat and wear, and have money, But after all, there is a limited number of people. So, my Highness let me come this time, not only to deliver this batch of goods, but also to bring a batch of people back."

"Bring a group of people back? I'm afraid it's not very good." Ren Cangdong knew that this would ease the pressure of accepting people, but Yang Yichuan did this, which was equivalent to digging the heels of Tianzhou and Huazhou. The reconstruction of the state and Huazhou may require the people as the basis.

"Master Ren, don’t worry. His Royal Highness Prince Chuan means to bring back a group of voluntary people. His Royal Highness Prince Chuan said that everything is based on the voluntary will of the people, even if he wants to go now, he can return to heaven even if he regrets it later. State."

"Really willing, will not detain the people?"

Li Ru smiled and shook his head slightly, "Naturally not, forcibly taking the people and detaining them, what is the difference with the bandits? His Royal Highness Prince Chuan said, the treatment and conditions he can give are very good, there will definitely be The people stayed voluntarily."

After a moment of contemplation, Ren Cangdong had a result, "What do Master Li need of me?"

"Actually, it's very simple. Lord Ren only needs to go to the people with me to publicize it. General Lin and I stay here for three days. How many people are willing to follow us depends on the will of God."

"Well, I'll accompany Master Li on the road. It would be a good way to take away the part and relieve the pressure now."

"Then thank you Lord Ren."

"Master Li is polite, and let these people settle down as soon as possible, which is also my duty."

Ren Cangdong took Li Ru first to arrange accommodation for Li Ru, while Lin Tu took a small amount of Xihe Army to find an open space outside the city and settled down.

Not long after Li Ru arrived, the court also sent people. After the forms of Tianzhou and Huazhou were not controlled, the transfer of the people became the best way, and after the transfer, a large amount of food and materials were definitely needed. Therefore, the imperial court was also prepared and sent several batches of materials to different cities. Mainly Changzhou City in Changzhou and Donghua City in Dongzhou. These two cities, as the two cities with the most people and the heaviest tasks, naturally received the court's attention.

For those going to Donghua City, detour Linzhou and go south to Donghua City. Those who went to Changdong City naturally came to Changdong City from Kitahara Prefecture. Changdong City may be a little farther than Donghua City, which also caused the supplies of Changdong City to arrive later.

Ren Cangdong talked with Li Ru a little bit here, ready to place Li Ru, wait until noon to have a meal together, and go to the resettlement site to find a time in the afternoon to promote it. Then, I got the news that the supplies sent by the court arrived.

"Master Li, this."

"Master Ren, be busy. Your Majesty has paid great attention to this incident. Lord Ren has done all the work and settled the people, and he has done a good job. Your Majesty will definitely know that. I will definitely report it to your Majesty in the end."

"Thank you, Master Li, and the officer will retire."

Li Ru relaxed a little bit and came to Changdong City. He didn't hear of any refugees gathering to make trouble. It can be seen that Ren Cangdong still has some credit. As for the specific situation, Li Ru also intends to stroll around and see it in person to see the facts.

If we say that the heavy rain has been falling, the focus is on Tianzhou and Huazhou. Now that the disaster has already occurred, the people are forced to relocate and resettle the people, and the relief of the disaster has become a top priority. Changdong City and Donghua City have become new concerns.

Under such a situation, if Ren Cangdong has the ability and can shoulder the heavy responsibility, he will naturally be noticed and understood by Yang Tianci. The way of promotion is naturally very smooth, if you do not do well, I am afraid that Ren Cangdong's life will never be better.

At the junction of Tianzhou and Changzhou, a large number of people came to the west.

"If you persist, you will be in Changzhou and Changdong City ahead. We will be saved when we reach Changdong City." This group of people is already hungry. Encourage and lead the crowd, otherwise it would have caused riots long ago.

This is a young man who looks like he is a literati. The robe, which was originally good, was already covered with muddy muddy hair, and the hair was extremely scattered. It could not see the original temperament. This man's footsteps are very heavy, but his eyes are very determined. The voice is slightly hoarse, and his lips are dry, but he still insists on inspiring the people around him with his own voice.

Thank you very much for your support! Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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