Super Naruto System’s Rapid Upgrading

Chapter 119: The real history hidden in the history books

"Grow your eyes!"

Hyuga Yizu's eyes widened, and the white-eyed perspective penetrated the wooden box straight into it. The outermost layer is ordinary fruit, but under the fruit, there is actually a compartment...

The compartment was filled with stacks of talisman paper, and when he looked carefully, a burst of words made Hyuga Yizu startled in a cold sweat.

"Detonation Talisman!"

Hyuga Yizu couldn't help swallowing, they actually sat on the detonation talisman of a whole car. You know, the power of a detonating talisman is equivalent to a C-level fireball technique. And so many detonating symbols are stacked together...

Li Jiexuan couldn't help but numb his scalp, if there is no space ninjutsu, even he would not want to retreat.

"However, what do the Silver Horns do when they smuggle so many detonating charms?" Hyuga couldn't understand at all, but Yamada felt thoughtful.

Li Jiexuan's heart is very clear...

They want to rebel!

Golden Horn and Silver Horn killed not only Qianshou Jianjian, but also the second generation Raikage of Yunyin Village-Ai!

As the ox cart moved slowly, Li Jiexuan's heart couldn't help but clouded over again. This incident did not seem to be as easy as Hokage said.

This is not a carnival of two madmen, but a premeditated rebellion!

Originally, Li Jiexuan only had to save Qianshoujian from the hands of the two Golden Horn and Silver Horn. But now, he might be fighting against a whole country!

"It's really bad..."

Li Jiexuan couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly. Although he has gained a lot from this experience, he still thinks too much if he wants to be an enemy.

Unless, the blood of Indra can be awakened...

However, it is almost impossible: Indra's blood (latent)

Li Jiexuan thought he could be a super god, but later discovered that he was thinking too much. Indra's blood did not provide him with any strength bonus. It only provides a possibility, which is equivalent to a future that points straight to the road!

An ox cart strolls at the foot of the mountain near Yunyin Village. Unlike Konoha, Yunyin Village is built on the top of the mountains. The plank road and bridge build a city in the sky.

As soon as he reached the foot of the mountain, Yun Yin Zhongren, who was in charge, walked out without saying much, but said with a cold face, "My name is Zhenying, you carry the goods and follow me..."

"This ninja master, Xiao Ren Dahe, what can I do for you?" Li Jiexuan leaned forward very dogmatically.

"To shut up……!"

Zhen Ying didn't give Li Jiexuan any face at all, and coldly scolded: "No matter how long it is, I will pull your tongue out."

Li Jiexuan shrugged involuntarily, and it was indeed the same thing that could mix with this golden horn and silver horn. But at this moment, a lively welcome suddenly came from the distant mountain top.

"How is this going?"

Hyuga Masato raised his eyebrows in doubt. At this time, the cold and cruel Zhen Sakura took the initiative to speak.

"Huh, the Hokage from Konoha Village has arrived." Zhen Sakura grinned and opened her mouth: "This guy really does not live or die. At this time, he even dared to come here..."

"Now?" Li Jiexuan couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

Zhenying knew that she had made a mistake, and waved her hand: "Don't be long-winded, put these goods here, and you can go away."

They were already there, and the silver letters were hanging on the top of the mansion.

"Well, thank you for leading the way." Li Jiexuan smiled and nodded towards Zhen Ying...

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Ma Sakura's eyes widened in irritation: "You actually talked to me in such a tone?"


A sharp ice skate pierced Zhen Sakura's chest, and Li Jiexuan reluctantly shook his head: "If your attitude can be better, I will let you go, maybe?"

Upon hearing this, Ma Sakura's eyes flashed with regret...

"Lied to you!"

Frozen Zhen Ying's corpse into ice scum, Li Jiexuan smiled and shook his head: "It is more suitable for a guy like you to bring back regret and death!"

ten minutes later……

"Masakura, what are these guys doing here?"

The three Li Jiexuan pretending to be chatting finally waited for a Zhong Ren who took the initiative to question.

Li Jiexuan smiled and nodded: "The two of them are here to deliver the goods. I thought there was something else to come, so I let them follow."

Hearing this, Zhongren nodded when they met: "In this case, just go to the Xiaren meeting place with me. The detonation talisman seems to have not been posted yet."

"Okay." Li Jiexuan grinned and smiled...

Five minutes later, Li Jiexuan not only figured out the name of Zhong Ren, but also roughly understood their plan.

The plan is actually very simple!

Using the pre-arranged detonation talisman to kill the middle and lower ninjas of the Raikage faction, the golden horn and the silver horn directly killed Raikage and Hokage...With the strength, it can be so rude and willful!

In addition, Li Jiexuan also heard an unexpected news.

"When the time comes, let the fools from the Kingdom of Wind take the lead." Zhongren named Mo Ye grinned grinningly: "Those fools from the Kingdom of Wind treat us as fools, so let them go to the thunder!"

The country of wind!

The last piece of the puzzle in Li Jiexuan's brain was finally connected, the real history hidden behind a few words in the history books...

Because of the disappearance of the first generation and Uchiha Madara, the four powers are particularly dissatisfied with Konoha's control of the nine-tailed beasts alone. Ever since, Shikoku fought against Konoha at the same time, trying to force Konoha to surrender the tail beast!

But Konoha, as the father of the other four countries, since you can't say that you just have to make it, you have to fight!

It was originally a restrained war, because Shinobu killed Tsunade's parents and went away completely. Konoha and Shayin have a life and death battle...

But Konoha, who is fighting on four fronts at the same time, cannot defeat the powerful Sand Shinobu who is second only to Konoha!

Ever since, Qianshoujian decided to form an alliance with the third strongest Yun Ren. In the form of delivering Yao, in exchange for peace and a chance to defeat Sand Shinobu!


Sand Shinobu had already noticed this, so she bewitched the golden horn and silver horn who had long been rebellious, and the rebellion killed Raikage and Qianshou Jianma!

Thousands of hands died, and the first generation who had been running out of time was discouraged.

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