Super Master System

Chapter 959: The voice of a girl with a broken heart

However, it is precisely because of these rules that if Gu Zhong wants to enter the secret place, he has to change to the appearance of Yun Fanchen, but those Cangshan school disciples passing by show admiring eyes at him, and Gu Zhong nodded on the surface. Yes, the facts are very disdainful.

But just a Yun Fanchen, his strength is average, long, okay, just put on a stinky face all day long, as if someone owes him 800,000 yuan, thinking like this in my heart, it happens to be a group of pretty young people The female disciple came to face each other talking and smiling.

The fair-skinned beauties are more beautiful than Huajiao. When they saw Gu Zhong, they quickly stopped talking and laughing, stopped aside, hooked their heads, and their pretty faces were covered with the word shy.

Gu Zhong saw a large group of beauties and saw that he suddenly stopped laughing. He probably guessed that Yun Fanchen's facial paralyzed face was too serious. However, judging from their reactions, he still admired this Gao in his heart. Brother cold.

That being the case, I can’t let the beauties down. Gu Zhong made a plan, with a wicked smile on his lips, changing his pace and walking behind the women, his generous and powerful palms quickly passed them. The disciple's soft buttocks.

Of course, with the naked eye, he can only see him sweeping the buttocks of these female disciples with his hand, but in fact, just in that second, Gu Zhong reached out or pinched, or pinched, or touched, really It's an addiction.

Looking at the disciples again, they froze in place, the real touch from their buttocks and the temperature of their palms reminded them that they had been eaten tofu!

And the only person who walked behind them was Senior Brother Yun Fanchen!

This.... It can be inferred from this that the person who touched their **** is Yun Fanchen? ?

No... How could the brother be such a person... The voice of the broken heart of the girl sounded in the hearts of several female disciples.

The bright, great and upright brother image in their hearts collapsed. Although they had a secret crush on Yun Fanchen, no one had really gotten along with Yun Fanchen at close range.

The goodwill for him stems from the deeds about Yun Fanchen that he has heard in the ordinary days, as well as his cold, arrogant and handsome appearance.

Who would have thought that his true character is a womanizer.

While these female disciples are heartbroken, they have also removed Yun Fanchen’s name from their male **** list. It’s better for Senior Brother Yin Yao. Although he likes to molest female disciples, at least he has a true temperament and is more austere than this. Senior Brother Yun didn't know how many times better, and his strength was pretty good.

Because of Gu Zhong's move, Yun Fanchen's image in the hearts of these female disciples was successfully destroyed.

Gu Zhong, who had already walked far away, couldn't help but snickered. It was estimated that it would not be long before Yun Fanchen touched the female disciple's **** to spread throughout Cangshan.

When Gu Zhong thought of that scene, he immediately lifted his disguise and laughed.

Just when he was holding back a smile for the matter and was slightly relaxed, a force of gravity fell on his shoulders.


Gu Zhong's expression froze, and the breath of the person who reached out to stop him made him very familiar.

I wanted to be an acquaintance... I didn't wait for him to react.

The person behind him has pulled Gu Zhong's body and turned to the side facing him.

With an extremely reluctant smile, Gu Zhong turned around embarrassedly. When he saw the person's face clearly, there were ten thousand grass and mud horses in his heart.

Why is he? ?

The man in front of him was wrinkling an old face, looking at his son with a kind of old father, and staring at the ancient clock with an increasingly unpleasant look.

No, to be precise, it was staring at the ancient clock with Yun Fanchen's face.

But fortunately, as long as it is not Yun Fanchen, everyone else is easy to say.

It is indeed Gu Zhong’s old acquaintance, Qin Shangyan, the second elder of the Cangshan School, who in his capacity thinks that he is familiar with Yu Yun Fanchen, but Gu Zhong has confidence in his acting skills and it is not difficult to deal with an old man. .

"Fanchen, I have seen everything just now."

"I know that you are just at a healthy age, but doing such an offensive thing in public is really embarrassing to your master and us elders who have taught you."

Qin Shangyan cursed when he stared at Gu Zhong. Gu Zhong quickly lowered his head. It turned out that it was because of this that he had already smiled in his heart, and his face was cramped because of holding back his smile.

Fortunately, Qin Shangyan estimated that he was angry about the matter just now, and did not notice his strangeness at all.

He continued to speak loudly: "In broad daylight, you dare to do such things to the juniors. If it spreads out, wouldn't you Yun Fanchen become a hungry ghost in the color? Who else will dare to be close to you in the future? ."

"Even if I intend to support you as the head in the future, this matter will probably become a stain in your life."


Gu Zhong screamed dumbly, just touching the female disciple's ass. Is it so serious?

In fact, it is more serious than this. After all, even if there are many open and secret struggles within the Cangshan School, at least there is still harmony on the surface. Anything that damages the reputation of the school and affects the unity of the school is not allowed to happen.

Otherwise, those female disciples would not have such a big change in Yun Fanchen's attitude.

"What? Is it possible that you still don't know what is wrong?"

Qin Shangyan looked at Gu Zhong sadly and angrily. Could desire really change a person? ? Yun Fanchen has always been a strict self-discipline in his heart.

How could he lose himself because of lust? Qin Shangyan, who has been out of humanity for a long time in his age, is indeed a bit hard to understand.

Gu Zhong was thinking about how to get away quickly to find his junior sister, and didn't want to waste time with Qin Shangyan anymore, since he already thought Yun Fanchen was such a person.

Then carry out this impression to the end. Gu Zhong directly followed Yun Fanchen's arrogant eyes, stared at Qin Shangyan, and said angrily: "Old man, when you are my age, it is possible that you do not want to find a woman to vent. ??"

"What kind of saint is pretending here?"

"Or you can't do it by yourself, so you can't let others enjoy it?"

"I think these female disciples are all interesting to me, and they are at Huaichun's age. What's wrong with our flirting with me."

"You lousy old man quickly shut up if you don't understand the sentiment. Master is busy, he is going to do business, so he has no time to talk to you."

After speaking, Gu Zhong directly stepped on his exquisite body technique and dashed into the rocks on the side. Judging from the route he overheard, he could reach the secret place of the martial art by following the way up.

It is estimated that some Qin Shangyan who had just spoken up was quite comfortable, so he hurried to drive away at this time.

As soon as he left Qin Shangyan's sight, Gu Zhong hurriedly turned on his light-spirited boots, and at the same time activated the hermitage technique, and walked quickly towards the mountain.

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