Super Master System

Chapter 669: Does your face hurt?

It actually resisted the hard rock cone abruptly, unable to deposit any more, but there was no pain, as if it was not a sharp rock cone, but a soft sponge.

"Hey... are you okay?"

He Xingyue grabbed the ancient bell that was hitting the rock hard, and shouted: "Are you evil?"

She only saw Pangu Mansion rushing out of Gu Zhong's body, floating in front of him, and then Gu Zhong stayed in place as if he had been lost, staring at the axe in mid-air with loose eyes.

Then he turned sharply to the sharpest piece of rock. You must know that the rock on the inner wall of this cave is the most popular material in the weapon industry. The lack of light and natural cutting make these rocks unnecessary. Too much polishing and simply changing the shape can be made into a weapon for warriors.

Gu Zhong used his most vulnerable forehead to hit the sharp rock cone. Isn't this wicked?

Damn it, is he all right?

He Xingyue was surprised to find that Gu Zhong's forehead was intact. She rubbed his eyes while stunned to find out whether Gu Zhong was evil or she was evil.

"I'm fine."

Gu Zhong believed in himself, "I will take you out." Obviously, He Xingyue hadn't seen anything about Wuhun, and his mind moved.


The Pan Gu axe steadily landed on Gu Zhong’s hand, and the rocky ground beneath Gu Zhong’s feet instantly cracked, and the small cave shook slightly. Gu Zhong held He Xingyue with one hand, and died with one hand. Holding the Pangu axe, the arm covering the handle of the axe stiffened for a while, and there was a light of shock and excitement in his eyes.

The groove on the Pangu axe used to inlay the magic core has disappeared, which means that the ancient clock can no longer rely on the energy of the magic core to quickly improve his cultivation, but its weight is far greater than before, the arm passed. The heaviness that came told Gu Zhong that at this time, the strength he exerted with the Pan Gu Axe would definitely not be lower than after the magic core energy was used to improve his cultivation.

After ascending to the Venerable Realm, he completed the soul fusion, and once again held the Pangu axe in his hand, Gu Zhong really felt a sense of the unity of human and axe, and the aura of the Pangu axe made him the master. He has a sense of suffocation.

He raised his hands, raised the Pangu axe horizontally, and poured spiritual power into the mansion. Suddenly, the Pangu axe seemed to be activated, and the whole body emitted a azure light, and the light surged, like it was There is warm blood in the living blood vessels of human beings...

Gu Zhong held the hilt in both hands, but clearly felt that his soul had become more transparent compared to before, and his control of Pangu Mansion had reached a level of superb control.

The Pangu axe, which had been a little difficult to control, suddenly became handy. Gu Zhong's eyes flashed with excitement. The puzzle that had puzzled him before was solved. The soul-melting skill was tailor-made for him by Pangu Mansion.

After the ancient clock's cultivation base is rapidly improved, the power of Pangu Mansion is also increasing. This is exactly what the system said, the power of Pangu Mansion is defined according to the host's cultivation base.

This time, the ancient clock exhausted all the experience talisman accumulated in the inventory, and would break through to the Venerable Second Layer in one fell swoop, and subsequently triggered the Pan Gu Axe's "Soul Melting" skill.

The soul of the weapon contained in it is integrated with the ancient clock to achieve the tacit understanding between the ancient clock and the Pangu Mansion.

Another thing that Gu Zhong didn’t know was that if he was unable to improve his cultivation level for a long time, and a warrior with a stronger cultivation level would have taken a fancy to his Pangu axe, he would occupy Pangu Mansion before he completed the step of "melting souls". For yourself.

Perhaps the unpredictable ancient axe, gifted by the father of this system, will make other powerhouses on this plane.

call! !

The ancient bell suddenly swung the Pangu axe, and the sound of breaking through the air was as heavy as a boulder pressing down on the heart, and it was accompanied by an axe moan that was incomparably clear and shocking!

"The ancient clock has moved! Stop digging! Stop all!"

A few meters away from the cave, Jiang Xiyun was the first to jump out of the huge pit, and then Guan Yan, Jin Shixian, and others all flew out of it in disgrace.


The huge rocks blocking the entrance of the cave were scattered all around. As soon as Gu Zhong and the two came out of the cave, black shadows swayed around them. Nine figures surrounded them from a distance and landed around the two of them. Nine powerful auras of spiritual power also locked him firmly.

A warrior at the peak of the Dharma Extinguishing Realm was locked in by the spiritual power of a strong Primal Spirit Realm alone, and his whole body would be stiff and unable to breathe smoothly. However, Gu Zhong was locked by two Primal Spirit Realms and a strong Primal Spirit Realm at the same time, but he was calm.

Instead of an expression of horror, he also smiled, as if the nine people in front of him were not here to kill him, but instead came to take him home for dinner.

"Gu Zhong! No matter how cunning you are, you don't want to escape our palms!"

"This time, even if you have wings, don't even want to escape!" Guan Yan grabbed his best machete and roared.

At this time, his body was full of dirt, as if he had just crawled out of the sewer. If Gu Zhong was hiding in the cave and couldn't get out, he didn't have to be ordered by Jiang Xiyun to dig a hole. Why did he make such a mess.

"Tsk tusk," Gu Zhong licked his lips, glanced at the group of "masons" in front of him, then took another look at the dead pit not far away, and immediately understood.

He laughed and said: "Did you dig your grave in such a hurry?"

"But I look at the hole a bit small, it may not be enough to bury you."

"Little beast! You are looking for death" Seeing Gu Zhong, Jiang Xiyun suffocated his stomach and burned up: "Get him down immediately! Gu Zhong, let me see how you run this time!!"

Gu Zhong waved his hand, disdainfully said: "Do you old dogs know these words?"

"The opening sentence, little beast, you can't run away." Gu Zhong deliberately pinched his nose to imitate the voices of Jiang Xiyun and others, and said: "Today I will kill you, Gu Zhong, you are done."

"As a result, has this uncle never escaped?"

"Touch your face to see if it hurts."

"Junior, die!"

Guan Yan was the closest to the ancient clock, and he roared, his whole body exploded, and the best sacrificial sword shot out, attacking the ancient clock with an attack that was full of no fancy damage.

Guan Yan's move was an extremely ruthless move, wishing to split Gu Zhong in half with a single knife.

Just now Jiang Xiyun has expressed dissatisfaction with him. If Guan Yan doesn't show any real skills, wouldn't it be worthy of the name of paddling?

Of course, it is not just Jiang Xiyun, but a few of them who are famous all over the world sent out together to punish a junior, and they have not succeeded yet.

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