Super Master System

Chapter 611: Never understood

It's not worth it to say that he died like this. Gu Zhong couldn't help but shook his head regretfully. After all, anyone would feel sorry for the disappearance of beautiful things.

Besides, Gu Qing'er had never hurt Gu Zhong in a practical sense, and even tried to help him several times, but was rejected by Gu Zhong.

Mu Yuefeng also gradually understood that it was not Gu Zhong who had failed her, but the woman who had been obsessed with Gu Zhong to practice forbidden technique and was backlashed after the forced action.

Looking at Mu Yuefeng's contemplative face, Lan Feirou's tone suddenly hardened, and said: "Speaking of which, Gu Qing'er's death cannot be separated from the princess."

"Me??" Mu Yuefeng, who was cueed by him, was stunned. If she remembers correctly, she doesn't seem to know Gu Qing'er.

It was the first time she saw this woman in pink. Why is it related to her?

"You kissed me and Gu Zhong in the sect alliance, but she saw it, and it led her to finally become crazy."

Ancient clock: "..."

He Xingyue, who was hiding by the side, listened to the conversations of several people. There was probably a silly woman who fell in love with the handsome man in front of him. However, this handsome man was the same as the woman who pointed the sword at her just now. Yes, then that silly woman went crazy and died...

Uh...what's this all about? The next event is so complicated, it's better to present it, first slip to respect, and find a quiet place to practice for three to five hundred years. You can go back to the last session.

While the three of Gu Zhong were chatting, He Xingyue had sneaked up to the edge of the deep pit, and with the help of the protruding stone at the edge of the pit, he crawled towards the exit of the deep pit.

And the three of Gu Zhong were talking vigorously, not knowing that the woman who looked like Gu Qing'er had slipped away.

"How could this princess kiss him and me, please~" Mu Yuefeng hurriedly denied, but her face flushed unconsciously.

"How you do has nothing to do with me, you are lucky today."

"When I see you again, I will never show mercy again."

Lan Feirou's light and fluttering voice sounded in the deep pit, and she also knew that Gu Qing'er's death was all self-inflicted, and there would be no exchange of interests between them.

It's just that she never understood what was good about Gu Zhong, so Gu Qing'er was willing to do so. Logically speaking, she would not tell two outsiders about these sect secrets.

Perhaps she also wanted to know how a man would feel when she died when she knew that a woman was obsessed with him, and she was disappointed. Gu Zhong’s surprise and regret were mostly due to Gu Qing’er’s beautiful appearance. Right.

As for how she is, Gu Zhong never wanted to know, and never knew.

The powerful air current hovered from bottom to top, and Lan Feirou disappeared in front of Gu Zhong and Mu Yuefeng.

"She just let us go like this?"

Mu Yuefeng asked in surprise, she didn't know that Lan Feirou's composure was just disguised. If she didn't leave, she would vomit blood in front of Gu Zhong.

Even so, Lan Feirou, who returned to the ground level, could only rely on the big tree to move forward, and the frontal and mysterious force collided with it, hurting the internal organs and bones. Such a state can no longer do to Gu Zhong. .

"Hmm? You ignore me?"

After a long time without a reply, Mu Yuefeng was angry. When she turned her head, she saw that Gu Zhong was in a daze, with a sad expression on her face. This was the first time she had seen Gu Zhong show negative emotions on her face. , Even if Bai Jie had never panicked when he was fighting the tower, he was always calm and unhurried when facing all the young warriors in Shangjing.

"Is it because of her..."

"Speaking of which, I haven't understood what kind of woman she is."

Perhaps from now on, when Gu Zhong was in the middle of the night, when he remembered that there had been such a person, he would still feel a trace of regret when he missed him with his life? Regret for not cherishing it?

The beauty is perishable, and the beautiful woman is no longer there. Now it's useless to think about it. It's better to cherish the person in front of you.

Soon, Gu Zhong's expression returned to normal, and he smiled: "Finally escaped, let's go, too."

"Huh? Where's the pink girl?"

Until then, Gu Zhong found out that He Xingyue had disappeared, and couldn't help but hate himself for having too much forgiveness, and his perception dropped so much that he didn't even notice that an ordinary person disappeared in front of him.

"Oh! I just focused on Lan Feirou!"

Mu Yuefeng patted her head in annoyance, and said: "It was not Lan Feirou who took her away, right?"

You know, with the strength of ordinary people, it is difficult to climb this deep pit as deep as forty to fifty meters.

"Go out first."


The two took advantage of several places on the pit wall and returned to the ground with ease.

There was no longer the figure of Lan Fei's gentle woman in pink clothes around, Gu Zhong was not ready to look for it anymore, and was going to return to the city of flames.

"Eh, wait!"

"What?" Looking at Mu Yuefeng pulling her arm, Gu Chieftain's tone was less impatient this time, and it sounded a little gentle.

Mu Yuefeng was a little unaccustomed to doing it, and said in a nonsense, "Should we go find a bicycle..."

"..." Gu Zhong slid down the black lines between his forehead, "I want to find you by yourself, I will leave first."

Directly drove the speed of the Light Spirit Quick Boots to the extreme, and the figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, why are you like this!" The gentle ancient clock is a fake.

"Wait for me!"


In the mountains and forests dozens of miles away from the deep pit, He Xingyuewu was scattered, covered with mud and leaning on a big tree, in front of her, surrounded by a dozen young beasts.

Each of these beasts was four or five meters tall, and the eyes burst with greed and bloodthirsty rays. The combined attacking power of a dozen adult beasts was not less than a fourth-rank high-level spirit beast.

Even some warriors at the peak of the mental state, if they don't have life-saving equipment, they dare not challenge the beasts alone.

What's more, she is an ordinary girl who is unarmed and has no qualifications for cultivation.

He Xingyue watched the dozen beasts in front of him vigilantly, touched the gray on his face, and wailed in his heart. This girl, a **** of the last term, could actually trap me with a few beasts. Is there any reason? !

I'm not a mortal enough yet! I don't want to die!


The tiger beast standing at the forefront probably saw He Xingyue's dissatisfaction, so he let out a fierce roar, trying to deter the weak mortal in front of him. Let her become her own food obediently.

At the same time, he walked towards He Xingyue with his hoof.

"you you you you…"

"Don't force me!"

"I am serious!"



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