Super Master System

Chapter 575: Symbol of power

There was even a hint of entreaty in his tone. The enemy's current grievances in the city of flames are nothing. Hu Qing was walking in a hurry, but was suddenly pulled by Tang Jiabao, and then glanced at Tang Wu beside him.

I wondered if this idiot still expected Gu Zhong to defeat the coalition forces of the two countries, but he said: "Even if Lord Tang Gu didn't say it, this sect master would do it."

"Thanks a lot." Tang Jiabao bowed and made way for Hu Qing and his disciples.

After leaving the alliance headquarters, Wei Lao squinted his eyes and asked, "Does the sect master really want to help the Tang family to send news?"

"Hmph, hurry up, you take people to the city lord's mansion, the lord of the door will first return to the martial arts to make arrangements.

"As for Jueyin Valley, it's up to their luck to get the news."

"Yes!" Wei Lao was still quite unhappy when Hu Qing agreed. Jinyangmen and Jueyin Valley had been at odds for a long time, so why not take this opportunity to get rid of them.

Sure enough, the master of the door had a better move, as long as Jueyingu got the news one step later, the more likely it was that the enemy would be annexed.


In the Wuliu division, no school left first. Most of the five schools are closer to Shangjing. Second, the five schools have specially raised flying spirit beasts. It takes no more than a minute to return to the school.

The most important thing now is to figure out whether the forces of the sectarian alliance and the Da Chu royal family can compete with the coalition forces, and when they can compete.

Each of the five sects is the backbone of the empire, because the sects roundly select all the top five sects, as well as the four powerhouses.

Even if Da Gan and Tian Qi are really about to enter the border, He Qishu is now rushing over with the Sect Alliance and other participating disciples, and they can resist for ten and a half days.

After all, a warrior in the state of extinction has more than five thousand or even eight thousand ordinary soldiers in battle. Therefore, with the elders of the sect and the participating disciples, with five million enemies and five hundred thousand, it is not so simple for the opponent to quickly break through the city.

It's just that there are people who are a little bit of the city government, and which one is really thinking about the imperial realm, for the sake of Da Chu's emperor, and what is in his mind is all the interests of his own school.

Moreover, the foundation of the Five Streams cannot be wiped out by a war. For them, war is just a matter of choice. The right choice is an opportunity, and the wrong choice is a disaster.

If the enemy's country has given them more benefits than the great Chu, it is not impossible for them to turn back immediately, so they stay here just waiting, waiting for the commitments and resource allocation of those in power.

Seeing that there is going to be a war, the weapons and equipment that have been tributed for many years should be returned, right? It's just that the few people sitting on the high platform, upon receiving such news, calmly looked like a okay person, except for Queen Yi of course.

Chu Yicheng had already rushed to Lu Yiling's side. The Emperor Chu was seriously ill, and the decisions of the queen and the prince could not represent the entire empire. Even if Lu Yiling planned for the rainy day, he carefully planned.

The offenders of the two countries were unexpected to her, but the news came from the prince. At least it can show that he had received the news a long time ago, but he kept hiding it. The Queen Yi thought it was strange before that the prince had a round of elections. These events are not attended.

Instead, he chose to watch it in the attic. It was not like his usual pushy temperament. Now it seems that he had planned for a while.

Just as leisurely as the Big Four, there are Gu Zhong and others. Tang Wu and Tang Jiabao also rushed to Gu Zhong from the sixth-rate competition area.

At this time, Queen Yi in Gu Zhong's line of sight, the slender hand joints holding the seat were reddened by excessive force, her eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and Chu Yicheng on the side noticed the changes in Queen Yi.

After inquiring, his expression also became serious.

"Everyone, the enemy is now, we should be the same enemy, defend our home and our country!"

Chu Lincheng did not know when he had already stood on the most central competition platform, holding a metal key high in his hand. Yelled: "My father has handed over the key to the treasury in the hands of the prince. During the war, all armaments and resources will be dispatched by me."

"I also ask the Queen Empress to take the overall situation as the most important, and hand over the other half of the imperial seal."

The emperor's seal is the seal of the highest imperial power. Seeing the emperor's seal is like seeing the Emperor of Chu. When Chu is away, the person holding the emperor's seal is the one who holds the emperor's power. When Chu is critically ill, he wants to give the emperor's seal to Empress Yi.

However, the prince used the power behind him to threaten the Emperor of Chu. The Emperor of Chu had no choice but to divide the emperor's seal into two, which were controlled by the queen and the prince.

Only when the two imperial seals are stamped at the same time can it take effect, and the contradiction between Chu Linchen and Lu Yiling also arises from this.

The two had fought for several years, and finally today, the prince took control of the situation and challenged Lu Yiyi in front of everyone representing the highest level of the Da Chu martial artist, so that she could not give a reason for rejection.

"Empress, the situation is critical, please take care of the overall situation."

"Yes, now I need someone who can lead everyone, not the time for infighting."

The implication is that not giving is disregarding the righteousness, and refusing to give up power is coveting power.

"Um~~~" Gu Zhong stood up and stretched, as if he had just woke up, yawning. Said lazily: "His Royal Highness, you are forced to talk here again, I am afraid that the coalition forces will attack the city."

"Who are you?! This prince speaks, it's your turn to interrupt?!"

"You don't need to know who I am. You only need to know that what they are going to destroy is this country called Da Chu, and the people who are going to suffer are Da Chu's people."

With a word from Gu Zhong, Lu Yiling woke up in an instant. Just now, her spy reported that the 500,000 coalition forces of the two countries had been divided into three groups and attacked from three directions, east, west and south of Da Chu. Within days, at least one team will arrive first.

All she thought in her heart was that she was caught by Chu Linchen's trap, and once the emperor's seal was handed over, it would be difficult for her to regain power in the future.

In a hurry, all she thought about was her failure in the struggle for power, and she didn't care about the people who were about to be in dire straits.

Although Gu Zhong's remarks were satirizing Chu Lincheng, they also made Lu Yiling feel extremely self-blame. She raised her bare hand slightly, and half of the shining imperial seal appeared in the air.

Calmly said: "Prince, half of the emperor's seal once again, the honor and disgrace of the empire will be handed over to you."

Chu Linchen, who had been blushed by Gu Zhong, showed ecstatic expression when he saw the situation, finally! The imperial seal is finally in the hands of the prince!

With the emperor seal in hand, this prince is the supreme representative!

Gu Zhong in the audience looked at Chu Linchen, who was holding half of the emperor's seal and showing a smile on the face of Zhong Er, and he didn't need to guess what he was thinking about fornication.

So what he said just now was awe-inspiring, but the people who should have listened didn't listen, but the people who shouldn't have listened seriously.

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