Super Master System

Chapter 464: kill him

He used the energy of milking, desperately trying to mobilize aura, and killed Gu Zhong who was standing proudly in front of him.

"What's wrong, unjust son?"

"You seem uncomfortable?"

Gu Zhong raised a face that was so handsome and tragic, and walked to Wuyi unscrupulously. The flames among his fingers mocked.

"Why don't you jump? Keep jumping!"

The ancient head raised his hand on Wuyi's little fresh meat, but the old bacon patted heavily on his face.

A face was suddenly swollen by Gu Sangmen, and then the flames from his fingers were shot into Wuyi's chest.

"Ah ah ah ah——————"

Screaming like a pig, remembering, wait, why is this sound a bit familiar? ?

Didn’t Sect Master Ming call it that way before? ?

Looking at Ming Yan, who was still in a coma, those demonic disciples covered their eyes one after another, and couldn't bear to look at the unattainable son who was unattainable in their eyes, and ended up in such a tragic situation.

At this time, the flesh and blood, bones, and even the nearby internal organs of the nonsense chest were all absorbed into the fiery flame.

, He wanted to roll in pain, but he couldn't move anyway.

Want to extinguish this group of "demon fire" with aura. But these flames were drawn into his chest by Gu Zhong's spiritual force, unless he tore his chest apart, he didn't even want to extinguish it.

Let a person nicknamed "cold-blooded" scream like this, one can imagine how much pain he is suffering at this time. The flame burning body is already unbearable for ordinary people, not to mention the flames that ignite from the body.

The complexions of all the people present changed, some became ashen, some became pale, and even others shivered.


Ao Sen didn't know when he had come to Wuyi's side, seeing his pale lips and more and more white eyes, he was in a state of dying.

The shock in my heart was getting bigger and bigger. I didn't expect that Gu Zhong could harm the injustice to such a degree.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of the Underworld Sect were more balanced. Obviously, this ancient clock is an excellent fire element warrior. Playing with fire in front of him is simply an insult to the class!

If it was just an ordinary flame, Wuyi could not mobilize the aura, but the aura of the peak of the Dharma Extinguishing Realm was still there, nothing less.

Ordinary flames really might not cause him any substantial damage.

"Gu Zhong, do you want to be an enemy of my entire Black Fiend Palace?!"

Ao Sen's eyes were full of chill, and his black robe danced with the wind.

There was a strong wind that could blow up an adult man from the entire hill.

Many warriors with a low cultivation base could no longer resist the gale, and under the arrangement of the Cangshan school disciples, together with the ordinary people, hid in the main hall of the Cangshan school.

Under the protection of the guards, they just felt better.

Many disciples of the demonic sect were unable to stand upright under this typhoon-level storm caused by manpower.

In the center of the storm, Gu Zhong stood still in place, cursing secretly in his heart, the Primordial Spirit Realm was so terrifying...A random gust of wind made Lao Tzu's wound hurt.

In order to prevent Ao Sen from going crazy, Gu Zhong shouted: "Don't you want him to survive?!"

"It's stupid. The wind can help the fire. Isn't that common sense?!"

Gu Zhong's words awakened Ao Sen. He lowered his head and saw that his whole body fell to the ground, his face turned from white to black, and his lips trembled slightly. I can't speak half a word.

Obviously, it was not lightly damaged by the strong wind just now.

"Ancient clock!!"

"Don't come, you dare to come, I promise him that he will be out of breath immediately."

The strong wind dissipated, Gu Zhong forcibly stabilized his figure and shouted at Ao Sen who was about to launch an attack. Secretly eat a healing pill to stop the pain in his arm.

"You threaten me? You don't want to live anymore!"

Although he said that Gu Zhong didn't want to live anymore, his actions stopped and didn't step forward, because from the behavior of Gu Zhong just now, he was a madman who didn't care.

In the unlikely event that there are two shortcomings in senselessness, even if he slaughtered the entire Cangshan faction, the Palace Master would not let him go.

Although he is the deputy hall master and his cultivation base is a bit higher than Wuyi, Wuyi is the younger brother of the palace master.

The lord valued him more than everyone, seeing the signs of unrighteous life getting weaker and weaker.

Ao Sen was anxious, and was about to put out a few threatening words.

Gu Zhong first opened his mouth and said: "Normally, there will be casualties, and the deputy hall master should know this."

It means that nonsense skills are inferior to humans, and they deserve it when they die.

"You!" Ao Sen wanted to kill someone anxiously, but Gu Zhong turned around and said:

"But well, saving him is a matter of hooking up fingers. The premise is that, according to the agreement, you quit the Cangshan Sect and will not step into the Cangshan Sect in the future."

After standing for a few games in a row, especially the last and Wuyi, the aura in Gu Zhong's body consumed a lot, which can be judged from the aura released by Ao Sen just now.

If he does not use the Pan Gu Axe to live the summoning talisman, the probability of him winning is almost zero.

It seems that this unjust identity is very important, so it's better to be a villain, as long as Ao Sen can lead people out of the Cangshan Sect.

At first, Gu Zhong was afraid that Ao Sen would not agree. Unexpectedly, the next second he said it, Ao Sen immediately responded: "Okay! No problem."

Gu Zhong was a little surprised, but he was sighed. It felt good that the hostage was in his hand.

Walked to Wuyi's feet, looked at him with pity, and said faintly: "The reason for your nonsense is that you want to live a little longer?"

"No, it's up to you how long you can live."

"This seat has the final say."

After speaking, he smiled disdainfully, and with a flick of his finger, the nightmare-like flame on the unrighteous son finally extinguished.

Gu Zhong didn't mind falling into trouble for those who wanted to kill himself.

If he hadn't kept him threatening Ao Sen, he would never be so kind to extinguish the fire on the unrighteous son in full view.

The unrighteous son stood up from the ground in an embarrassed manner, his face pale, and a big hole had been burnt out of his chest, exposing his skin that was almost burnt black.

The pain caused by the flame that ignited from the body was enough to make him remember his life, and it also cast a deep shadow in his heart.

At this moment, he lowered his head, dragged him, and walked to Ao Sen without saying a word.

Ao Sen helped Wuyi walk back to his camp. After taking the pill, Wuyi was surrounded by a group of demonic disciples.

At this moment, he raised his eyes, filled with hatred and anger, and said to Ao Sen hoarsely, "Kill him."

"Yes!" Ao Sen turned around.

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