Super Master System

Chapter 462: Fight against

"It seems that there is no need for the main hall master to appear."

The old man of Demon Dao hurriedly said: "What kind of status and strength is the hall master! How can this arrogant kid be worthy of letting the hall master take the shot himself?"

Even if Gu Zhong wins consecutive battles, they still don't think that Gu Zhong, the leader of the real pill realm cultivation base, can win the entire Demon League powerhouse by himself.

It is already a blessing to be able to force the unrighteous son to take action, and it is worth even death to be able to fight a battle with the cold-blooded son who is famous in the magic way.

Ao Sen smiled coldly and stopped talking.

"Hahahaha, boy, you succeeded, you gave me the desire to ruin you."

"Enjoy the last few seconds of your life, hey..."

Gu Zhong: "..." You changed your name to Master Hua Tuo.

After speaking, the unrighteous son touched his right hand, and a handful of nearly five feet long was already in his hand.

There was a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and his body suddenly violent from his standing state, turning into a black phantom. In a violent whistling sound, he instantly moved to within one meter of the ancient clock.

"This is... the stupid skill of the unjust son... the shadow magic feather!"


As the unrighteous son approached like a gust of wind, he was holding on the long arm of his right hand, and suddenly there was a trembling blade trembling sound.

In the next instant, the unrighteous son's long sword suddenly pierced out like a flash of lightning... That beam of light was like a flash of lightning that suddenly raged and raged, and it was so close that people could only catch the glare of glare. .

"It's too strong, the unjust son has activated the weapon special effects, it seems that he wanted to abolish this arrogant boy!" A demon disciple is a fan of the unjust son, and he immediately recognized it, the unjust son Several skills frequently activated.

"Hmph, the unrighteous son will make a move, blood will be seen within three moves."

The speed of this magnificent sword is reaching the extreme, and the long sword is infused with the powerful aura of the unjust son. This move can be said to be perfect.

Many demon disciples gave out shrill screams to cheer their unrighteous son.



With the sound of the air being torn apart, the exclamation of all the warriors who came to support the Cangshan faction, the electric light directly penetrated the figure of Gu Zhong, and the people passed through his body...

But fortunately, it's just a ghost.

"Unexpectedly... hid it? How is this possible?" The disciples of the Demon School screamed.

The skill unjustly activated is the long-handed skill in his hand, which can be said to be extremely perfect. Even if he was prepared, it was extremely difficult to avoid, and it was the first time that Gu Zhong had fought against the unjust boy.

It was even the first time I met the unrighteous son, unprepared... even escaped!

"Even so!" The elders of Jueyin Valley were also greatly surprised, some of their faces flushed with excitement.

Gu Zhu is right, this Gu Zhong is not only an excellent leader, his personal strength is even more amazing.

The unjust son is in his forties this year, because he is only one step away from the original spiritual realm in his cultivation, and he can maintain his appearance in his twenties. Although he is called "the son", he is no longer a teenager.

Gu Zhong is only nineteen years old this year, but he is a real young man. With his current talents in cultivation, he may have achieved far more than him at the age of Wu Yi.

It would be really a shame if it was because of a competition that he was killed by the unrighteous son.

"So fast!" Gu Zhong's brows sank slightly. If it weren't for stepping on the light boots, turning on the invisibility and flashing, all the mind was used to predict the opponent's attack, and the move just now would not be able to escape.

Sure enough, the peak of the Dharma Extinction Realm was still much stronger than he had imagined.

When facing Situ Liang, Gu Zhong didn't think about head-to-head with him, and he was still injured in his thigh when he escaped with all his strength, but facing the unjust son who was stronger than Situ Liang, Gu Zhong did not slack in the slightest.

The fighting spirit in his heart burned crazily, without a doubt, this was the strongest opponent he faced after he came to another world.

This battle must be won! Even with a few hole cards!

The lightning strike that was inevitable failed unexpectedly, and his plan to kill Gu Zhong with one strike was ruined. The unrighteous son was surprised. Turning back quickly, without pause, a long sweep, straight to the ancient clock.

Like a streamer, he flew towards Gu Zhong's chest, Gu Zhong's expression was indifferent, and his body easily shifted backward by a small step, easily avoiding the second blow of the unjust boy.

Hearing a "chuck", the meaningless long-talking pointed out, like an icebreaker, a deep ravine was drawn on the ground.

The power of this blow made the onlookers take a breath.

"The unjust boy didn't keep his hands for the first time, and both shots were directed at the point... he wanted to kill Gu Zhong!"

On the other side, the disciple of the Cangshan faction watched the field with his whole body, and made two strikes. The unrighteous son's strength was revealed to the fullest, although the head of the Cangshan faction relied on his speed and reaction ability to escape.

But there was no gap to fight back, and he was still on the weak side.

On the other side of the demons, the mood is high, Lin Xiao and other inner disciples are ready, if there is any behavior that threatens Gu Zhong's life, they will take action without hesitation.

Even if their current strength is still far from the peak of Dharma Destruction Realm, there is no trace of fear in their hearts at this time. The thought in most of the disciples' hearts is that if they can survive this crisis, they must use ten times and a hundred times more effort in the future.

After facing such a thing, we must not let the head alone withstand the pressure.

"Brother, can you beat this unjust boy?" Wang Manman asked with anxious face, pulling Wang Xingkong's sleeves.

Wang Xingkong's eyes were slightly dazzling, and he said, "No." Although he was a sword repairer and wounded people with the power of the sword, this unjust son is obviously also a warrior who uses weapons well. There is a certain gap between him and Wuyi in cultivation.

Judging from the two tricks the unrighteous son had just performed, if he stepped forward to fight, he would have been injured.

After coming to the Cangshan School for so long, although Gu Zhong didn’t teach him how to enlighten the sword, he did provide him with a lot of martial arts resources, and he was able to stay with his sister, although he did not have much sense of belonging to this school. .

But if they were ruined by these demons, they would never agree!

If Gu Zhong knew that because of the attack of the Demon Sect, his disciples' enthusiasm for cultivation would be greatly enhanced, and even the cold-faced brother Lao Wang would take the initiative to worry about him.

Estimated to be moved crying out loud. This seat did not support you in vain. Woo~~

Gu Qing'er looked at Gu Zhong with a pair of beautiful eyes, and her heart was turbulent for a long time...Unexpectedly, really unexpectedly, now she wants to conquer this man, I am afraid it is more difficult than before.

But what about that?

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