Super Master System

Chapter 456: No one can fight

"Master Hu, you bring people here yourself."

The Vice-Hallmaster of the Black Fiend Palace swept away the martial artists present, and sneered: "You and Zhende and Lord Tang Gu learn hard. When you shouldn't come out, it's better not to come out."

Hu Qing's face turned into an iron blue. It was obvious that Ao Sen had misunderstood and thought he would not listen to advice to help.

Sect Master Hu was very wronged. Isn't he a person inside and outside, he explained quickly:

"Ao Dian misunderstood, this seat is just to take the disciples to have a look, and will never interfere."

With that said, the disciple who led the Jinyangmen walked to one side, drawing a clear line with the warriors who supported the Cangshan faction.

"Jie Jie Jie."

Ao Sen laughed strangely: "Sect Master Hu still has the foresight."


This was for Gu Qing'er, because Gu Qing'er had also received threats from the Black Fiend Palace, but he still did not know how to bring people to support the Cangshan School.

This made Ao Sen feel very shameless. However, at this time, most of the warriors in the southern region showed extremely disappointed expressions at Jinyangmen.

As a representative sect in the southern region, it actually helped the enchanted sect to ridicule the sect in the region, and it is not as sensible as the Sanqing Sect, a six-class sect that has only recently risen.

Gu Qing'er also earned a wave of favorability.

"You are Gu Zhong?"

Ao Sen cast his gaze in the direction where Gu Zhong was, and said with contempt: "I'm just a rookie in the real pill realm."

"I knew this before, so I don't have to visit this hall myself. Situ Liang's trash can't even be solved by a true pill realm?!"

It was made clear that it was to step on the dignity of the ancient bell under everyone's eyelids.

It's a pity that the ancient master has never been a soft persimmon that anyone can knead.

"The deputy hall of the Black Fiend Palace, right?"

"As for me, a rookie in the real pill realm, I am afraid that none of you can fight."

He calmly swept across the faces of the demonic disciples present, and he could not hear any emotions in a calm tone, as if he was explaining a fact instead of deliberately making a mockery.

Gu Zhong looked around, and they were all eye-catching demons, but did not see the evil spirits. It seems that the previous threats still worked.

It was not that the Black Fiend Palace had not convened the evil spirit faction, but Nangong He had witnessed how Gu Zhong made his disciples kill any of the five to six hundred disciples in the Blood Demon Palace in just ten minutes.

The pictures at that time were too bloody, and Nangonghe felt chills when he thought of Gu Zhong, a young man who was less than twenty, but could be so decisive.

In addition, his ghost skeleton was injured by Gu Zhong, and it was indeed difficult to go out, so he found a reason to push it.

If Gu Zhong knew that his behavior made a demon boss feel scared, he would have to increase his efforts again...

Gu Zhong uttered bold words, but completely annoyed the demons.

"you wanna die??"

This time not only Ao Sen, but also the demon leaders who followed were all angry and yelling to go to war.

"Hall Master, don't talk nonsense with this kid, let me shoot him to death with a single palm, let's slaughter his disciples one by one."

The speaker was a demon elder in the western region, whose cultivation base was in the first level of the state of extinction. In his opinion, if his cultivation level exceeds that of Gu Zhong, it is no problem to abuse him.

"You go and teach him."

Ao Sen said, he wanted to see what Gu Zhong was capable of, and why he could beat Situ Liang into a pig.


After receiving Ao Sen's instructions, the demon elder mobilized a cold aura, and the cold aura that could cool the martial artist's aura was condensed in his palm.

Running towards the ancient clock, the surrounding warriors unconsciously stepped aside.

This is a powerful person in the Destruction Realm. Ordinary people who are accidentally injured will definitely die on the spot, and a warrior with a lower cultivation base will not dare to touch the aura of a powerful person in the Destruction Realm easily.


Facing the palm of the demon elder, Gu Zhong responded with a fist.

The fist collided with the palm, and there was a loud noise.

"call out----"

Someone flew out from the center of the storm, brought a blood-stained rainbow in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.


From the mouth of the demon elder, a blood mist of three or four meters was sprayed out, and the whole mountain was silent.

That's right, the demon elders flying out, but what about the ancient master?

He was still standing at the place where he stood at the beginning, and slapped his bangs with his hands, as if the violent energy change just now had nothing to do with him.

Soon, someone ran out of the team, trying to raise the Demon Sect elder.


The disciple who reached out to help suddenly changed his face and pointed at Gu Zhong angrily: " killed the elder!"


"No way?!"

"The real pill realm knocked out a martial artist in the magic realm?!"

Whether it is a demonic or a decent one, they are all shocked, how is it possible? ! Not seeing it with your own eyes, who can believe it.

Several more demonic disciples walked over to check and found that the elder who fought against Gu Zhong was indeed dead.

Silence, deathly silence.

Ao Sen's face was sullen, and the cold eyes were not far from Gu Zhong. There was no surprise in this kid's shot, but he punched Elder Zhang to death. Could it be that he had hidden his true cultivation level?

Those who came to cheer for the Cangshan faction saw that Gu Zhong killed a main force on the opposite side with a punch, and suddenly shouted with excitement: "Gu Master is mighty!

"Cangshan faction mighty!!"

The faces of the demonic disciples became ugly, but they did not dare to speak. After all, among them, there were not a few Elder Zhang whose cultivation base could be higher than death.

"It seems that what I said is right."

"What about thousands of people here?"

"No one can fight."

There are more than a dozen demons and nearly 10,000 disciples. The lineup is luxurious. With a large array of guards, Gu Zhong only needs to stop Ao Sen. It can guarantee the safety of the disciples.

But the problem is that Ao Sen is two realms higher than him, and Gu Zhong is not sure whether he can fight him with all his hole cards.

So he thought of a way, which is to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, to frighten him.

Last time, Little Heels abused Situ Liang, who was at the pinnacle of Dharma Destruction Realm. They shouldn't have guessed that it was a state that only existed after Little Heels had stimulated the potential of the whole body, and the time effect was only ten minutes.

Otherwise, the Black Fiend Palace would not send the Deputy Hall Master to come in person, because they knew that the Cangshan faction could defeat Situ Liang, and only Ao Sen would come in person.

Only to send Cangshan to clean up, but due to his status as an immortal realm powerhouse, Ao Sen is also one of the best demon sect leaders, and he will definitely not do it himself when he comes.

In this way, Gu Zhong had the opportunity to pretend to be forceful in front of him, pretending to be a peerless master, focusing on those who are impossible to win.

Let these demon martial artists think that their shadows hide their strength, so that they can't see through, where is his true level.

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