Super Master System

Chapter 451: Pan Gu Axe

Cangshan School.

Gu Zhong returned with his disciples.


In the hall, Xue Wanqing, who had just sat down, suddenly put down his ordinary tea cup, swished to his feet, and said in disbelief: "Head, you go to the northwest area to save people. Did you kill the two Seven Demon Sects by the way? "

"Not bad."

Gu Zhong took a sip of tea and said calmly.

Xue Wanqing's expression turned from shock at the beginning to worry, saying: "Master, we killed two demons with such a high profile, I am afraid it will cause public outrage in the Northwest District and even the entire Western District."

Gu Zhong also thought about this. He even destroyed two schools and established enough prestige, but as long as he is in the arena for a day, he will naturally cause trouble.

Gu Zhong leisurely tasting the tea ceremony: "If you are not afraid of death, you can come over and ask for trouble."

There is a large array of guardians, as long as the forces in the northwest region dare to come, Gu Zhong has a way to make them come back.

To tell the truth, although the current Cangshan Sect is only Qiliu, its true strength is comparable to that of the Sixth Martial Sect. So Gu Zhong now only wants to take care of the martial art with all his heart, and waits for an opportunity to authenticate the six-class martial art.

After returning to martial art, Gu Zhong began to count his harvest.

The two Seven Streams of Demons are really rich. If you convert gold and silver jewelry into gold coins, you will have eighty to nine million gold coins. Enough for Cangshan Pie for several years.

There are countless magic cores, medicinal materials, ores and spirit stones.

The ancient clock opened the alchemy pavilion, and several basic pill medicines were matched. After adjusting to the maximum value, the refining began.

Various weapons, blue shields and first-class armors in the forging pavilion can also be refined.


Gu Zhong grinned. Originally, in order to torture Li Yan, he wasted a middle-level high-rank Chuxue sword and a fifth-rank cold magic core. Gu Zhong still sighed for a while, but he was at this moment. , But I feel very comfortable,

Even the impulse to looting the demons in the northwest area, after all, the money and resources are very fast, and there is no need to bother to operate any industry.

Forget it, I'm not a robber, how can I do something that the Demon Sect can do? Isn't it disgusting?

It's just that Gu Zhong didn't know that when he led his disciples to brutally destroy the two sects with the power of thunder, many forces and warriors in the northwestern area defined the Cangshan Sect as the Demon Sect!

However, he doesn't care whether it's a demon or not. It's a demon. If others say it doesn't count, I have the final say!

Of course, this trip, the biggest gain is of course the artifact given by the system-Pangu Axe.

It is said that it is an artifact, but it is not an artifact. Why do you say that?

Because when Gu Zhong opened the introduction panel, he was about to check the level and function of Pan Gu Axe.

I can see that the level column says-"unknown"

The ancient leader wanted to breathe fragrance on the spot. What does "ominous" mean? Since it is called Pan Gu Axe, it is not enough for you to make an artifact for the Lord?

Continue to read the introduction, "Pangu Axe, according to the overall strength of the host, automatically exhaustion level, this weapon has an additional effect: it can transform the power of the magic core embedded in the weapon into the power of the host itself."


Gu Zhong was stunned, and then reacted fiercely! It is indeed a magic weapon that can open up the world, and it has such a magical effect?

Gu Zhong couldn't wait to take out the Pan Gu axe and observe it.

When he catches the Pangu axe with both hands, the system automatically matches the level of the ancient clock-the highest level.

A whole class higher than the Heavenly Sword is enough to prove that the current overall strength of the ancient head is far beyond the peak of the true pill realm.

After all, a general Zhendan realm peak martial artist, with a mid-level high-grade weapon, can maximize his strength, and a high-level martial artist can add a lot on the original basis.

Like the ancient master, the real pill realm possesses the best weapons, and the entire great Chu is afraid that few people can be found.

Touching the smooth body of Pan Gu axe in surprise, Gu Zhong remembered a passage he had seen on the earth.

"It is said that at the beginning of the chaos of the world, Pangu woke up from a dream and saw that the world was gloomy, so he stretched out his hand and took out a huge axe to split the world. This axe has the power to divide the world and travel through the emptiness. The divine weapon Xuanyuan sword."

Sure enough, Gu Zhong found a small groove on the handle of the axe. This is where the spiritual power weapon was embedded with the magic core. Gu Zhong thought for a while and took out the magic core of the seventh-rank high-rank Senlei beast. Put it into the groove.

Soon, this gray magic core and Pan Gu axe merged into one.

Although he now wants to fly to the martial arts field immediately and try this weapon on the martial arts field, the system has said that the Pangu Axe will convert the energy in the magic core into his cultivation base.

Gu Zhong was afraid that there was only one chance to switch. Senlei's magic core was already the highest-grade magic core in his hand. If it was wasted, he would really be so angry that he would kill himself.

So I forcibly endured this impulse, took the Pan Gu Axe into the system, and took it out when necessary.

In the past few days, other disciples who went out to do missions returned to the Cangshan Sect one after another, and brought back many magic cores and bodies of spirit beasts.

Gu Zhong refreshed the system these days, and brushed out a lot of good things. Although it can only be used by the host, it will be able to open the disciple authority someday if it is not correct.

Just as he devoted himself to researching materials. The entire southern region has been exploded because of him.

The news of the extinction of the two demons in the northwest area was so explosive that it spread throughout the southern area in just two or three days!

The first reaction of all forces and casual cultivators who learned the news was to stare.

In one day, kill two Seven Streams of Demons in a row?

This...Is it impossible?

Later, many forces were confirmed through their relations in the Northwest Region, and they were all deeply shocked!

"Oh my God!"

"This is terrible too!"

"You may not believe it, if it weren't for the ancient master to raise his hand, even the evil spirit faction would be destroyed."

"No way, so scary?"

"Evil Spirit School is the Six Demon School."

When many warriors talked, they were very happy. Because they are adjacent to the Northwest District, there was a lot of friction before.

Especially the Black Heart Sect, if it weren't for the Absolute Voice Valley, it would have already turned upside down the area connecting their southern and northwestern regions.

Just the last time Xie Lao Huang took the Absolute Voice Valley Master and the Elder Foreigner to attack, although they couldn't see it, they didn't dare to take it casually. After all, the demons acted cruelly.

The decent disciples are hard-won, and unlike their demons who regard their disciples as cannon fodder, who wants to let their disciples die in vain.

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