Super Master System

Chapter 442: repel

The dignified master of the pinnacle of the Dharma Realm, he said five minutes ago that everything was under control, but he was tortured into a pig's head in a blink of an eye. Don't hit the face too fast!

No way, who would have thought that a monster that seems to be only ten years old would have such terrifying power!

"All right, let you go."


The little heel grabbed Situ Liang's foot and pulled him out of the rock wall, then jumped up towards the cliff, and finally landed on the top of the mountain.

that's it.

Situ Liang, who was seriously injured, was dragged into the Cangshan faction by his small heel, and then thrown on the martial arts field.


Gu Zhong was dumbfounded at the Black Fiend Palace powerhouse who was beaten, even his mother could not recognize.

Counting the time, less than ten minutes has passed since Little Heel left, and a strong Dharma Extinguishing Realm was abused into this appearance, too fast!

The main reason is that Situ Liang is a bit resistant to beatings, and the small heels have a better feel, so he bounced for a while.

Otherwise, it can be done in a few minutes.

"the host."

The little heel raised her head and said proudly: "Master, you're still satisfied with such abuse?"

"Satisfied, satisfied!"

Gu Zhong gave a thumbs up. Seeing Situ Liang's tragic situation, Gu Zhong only felt that the internal injuries of his thighs were healed all at once, and there was no pain at all.

Mainly because of the comparison, it seems that Old Thief Situ is more painful than himself.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound.

The little heel returned to the previous normal form from the combat form, and his long body was lying weakly on the ground.

Although the combat form is very strong, the disadvantage is that it does not last long. After returning to normal, there will be a long period of weakness.

Anyway, Gu Zhong listened to Xiaohumei’s explanation and concluded that he was strong for five minutes and weak for twenty days.

Gu Zhong walked over, hugged it in his arms, and said, "Thanks for your hard work, baby."

The little heels weakened even the strength to scream, so he could only lie on his master, close his eyelids and go to sleep.

"Head, what should he do?"

Lin Xiao pointed to Situ Liang who was lying half-dead on the ground and said.

"I'll take care of it, let's rest."

Hey all night, the disciples were also a little tired, so they cleaned up the trash on the ground and went back to their rooms.

Only Mu Yuefeng has not left yet.

"Zhedi, staying alone, do you want to confess to this seat?" Gu Zhong hooked his mouth, and although he owed what he said, it gave people a feeling of being handsome and handsome.

After barbecuing with the disciples just now, Mu Yuefeng's views on Gu Zhong and the Cangshan School have changed a bit. This school seems to be much more brilliant than she thought.

Although the disciples looked young, they were all top talents in terms of aptitude, and they were able to shoot in some sixth-rate or even fifth-rate sects.

For example, Lin Chen, who was respected and feared by others, already had the six-layered cultivation base of the true pill at a young age. There are as many as twenty martial artists on the site.

And she didn't seem to be much older than her, which made her not calm. When thinking of the name "Cangshan Sect", Mu Yuefeng had to wonder how Gu Zhong became the head of Gu Zhong.

So he asked.

"What is the relationship between you and the Cangshan School of Shangjing?"

"Didn't you say it, it's okay." Gu Zhong answered Mu Yuefeng's question, while carrying Situ Liang on the ground, walking towards the outside of the hall.

Mu Yuefeng quickened her pace and followed, reluctantly saying: "You lie."

"If you really want to talk about the relationship, it's not without it."

"But why should I tell you?"

In the past few days, Mu Yuefeng can understand that Gu Zhong is a guy who eats soft but not hard, and he is surprisingly good to girls. As long as he doesn't confront him, he will agree to anything.

Secretly regretting that he was too arrogant before, making Gu Zhong lose patience.

As for why she suddenly felt that Mr. Gu was not so disgusting, the main reason was that she felt that the Cangshan School were young people and the atmosphere was good, at least much more fun than theirs.

Moreover, Gu Zhong said that he would throw her out to the demonic disciples, but in fact he sneaked out to help her find rescuers, regardless of the danger.

So this thing tells us that a man's mouth, a deceitful ghost, must not believe what a man says, otherwise it will be as sweet as Miss Mu.

In just such a short time, Gu Zhong had already arrived outside the hall, and a hundred demon disciples were still bombarding outside the door.

I saw a pair of handsome men and beauties walking out of them, and that handsome man was carrying a dark person in his hands, which looked familiar.

Stop the movement in your hand and look carefully, isn't that their great guardian!

When did you go in! We didn't say how to get in early, and we kept attacking the formation.

Hey, that's not right, how could the big protector be resisted by that kid.


Gu Zhong passed through the formation and recognized Situ Liang on the ground.

After seeing Situ Liang's face, the disciple of the Black Fiend Palace was stunned for a moment. This black pig's head is definitely not our protector.

"Hurry up and get out of the Cangshan faction with your great guardian, otherwise don't blame this seat for being polite."

"What? Is it really our protector?"

"Dharma Protector?! How did you become like this!!"


"Brothers, come on!!"

Ten demon disciples turned into a group of shadows and rushed towards the ancient clock.


Gu Zhong blasted out with a punch, and ten demonic disciples flew out at a speed several times faster when they rushed.

The remaining disciples of the Black Fiend Palace who were about to make a move were stunned and looked at Gu Zhong in horror.

Mu Yuefeng was also shocked, covering her small mouth, unable to believe it.

Gu Zhong was able to blast ten True Pill Realm Demon Sect disciples into the air with a single punch, and thought of the last time he suddenly appeared to save himself.

I am even more curious about Gu Zhong's true identity.

"You, you, you, you have offended our Black Fiend Palace, you are over!"

Among the ten people, a disciple who was usually a little higher, got up with fear and trembling with a trembling voice that was too weak to be weak, and then dragged Situ Liang's body.

He greeted the other Demon Sect disciples and withdrew from the mountain of Cangshan Sect.

Seeing those dark shadows quickly disappear in front of him, Gu Zhong breathed a sigh of relief, and the disciples were finally able to go out.

To be honest, if he is alone, there is no need to be afraid of these little Luoluo, that is, some disciples in the school are still in the ascending stage of cultivation, most of them are still in the spirit sea realm.

If you were surrounded by ten or more demonic disciples at the same time, you would definitely not get any benefits.

This demonic faction does not retreat all day. It is inevitable that the disciples cannot eat meat, and more importantly, the disciples cannot go out to do tasks.

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