Super Master System

Chapter 438: It wakes up

Within two days, the head of Gu was hunted down for the third time, but he was still hunted down by the same person.


After half an hour.

In the alchemy pavilion, Mu Yuefeng and Gu Zhong sat opposite each other.

Mu Yuefeng said to Xue Wanqing, "You call him the head? Where is this place?"

Xue Wanqing looked at the ancient clock with her beautiful eyes, as if waiting for the ancient clock to give instructions.

The main reason is that this beautiful sister has expressed murderous intent to the headmaster several times in succession. If it were not for the speed of the head, this sister would not be able to catch up.

At this moment, I can't sit together and chat so peacefully. Moreover, even if the injury did not fully recover, the cultivation base she revealed was not low, so Xue Wanqing couldn't hold it for a while.

What kind of attitude does the leader have towards this woman? If someone really wants to threaten the life of the leader, she will definitely be the first to stand up.

Mu Yuefeng also noticed that Xue Wanqing didn't want to talk to her very much because of Gu Zhong. Gu Zhong was even more serious. He has been black since sitting down.

There is no way, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

"Ahem, you tell me first, what is this place, and I will tell you my identity."

"Head..." Xue Wanqing pulled the corner of La Guzhong's clothes and interceded for Mu Yuefeng. After all, she also wanted to know about Lingyun Pill.

However, Gu Zhong still did not speak, and continued to hold his chest. But I was complaining in my heart, this sister is not easy, after chasing him for an hour, she can still sit here without a blushing heart.

Xue Wanqing saw that Gu Zhong didn't speak, but he obviously didn't get angry anymore. It was because this sister was too arrogant, and the head of the boss compromised too early and felt shameless. So he took the initiative to say.

"Sister, you are in Heishan City now. This is the head of our Cangshan School, Gu head."

"Black Mountain City? When did the Cangshan faction be assigned in Black Mountain City?"

"Isn't the head of the Cangshan faction the old man Shao Xuan?"

Gu Zhong's eyebrows trembled slightly, this woman knew about the Cangshan School, did she also come to Beijing?

So he said coldly: "Let them be called Cangshan School, and the school of this seat cannot be called Cangshan School."

"Stop the ink, you have to ask, it's time to answer this question."

"Cut~ a little schoolmaster in the countryside, what's so great."

"Forget it, Old Man Shao is not a good thing anyway, since you like this name, just use it, this lady has no objection."

After talking about it, he didn't care about it, saying that he was not interested in the name of the school that Gu Zhong was in charge of.

"I... Nima..." Gu Zhong really wanted to dunk her on the head if she was a woman, and she was beautiful.

"My name is Mu Yuefeng." Knowing that I was in a small city in the southern region at this time, I remembered the scene when Gu Zhong had rescued him in front of the disciples of the Black Fiend Palace.

Mu Yuefeng's eyes were circling, and she had a somewhat admiring look at Gu Zhong. Although this kid was incomparable with those old guys, but in such a small place, at his age, he could be one against five at his age. The disciple of the demonic school is really rare.

"Mu Yuefeng, I think it's almost the same as if you are crazy." Gu Zhong couldn't stand this woman the most. He saved her and was so arrogant.

At this time, a disciple came to report: "The head, that Situ Liang has always been guarding outside the school, and the disciples can't get out if they want to go down the mountain to buy supplies."

"The fresh meat in our sect is only enough for one week at most."

The disciples looked worried, and as the number of sects increased, the food also doubled, so that the disciples could eat fresh vegetables and meat.

It is usually bought once every ten days, but now the gate is blocked by Situ Liang, and it is impossible to go out to buy meat.

Gu Zhong's expression also became solemn. He previously felt that he could sit back and relax after upgrading the guardian formation, and let him destroy the peak of the Dharma Realm, not even the Mao of the Cangshan School disciple.

Not only the food, but also the medicinal materials and ore of the pill, all need to be transported from the Black Mountain City and the Blazing Fire City. After all, most of the resources of the Cangshan School depend on those Nine Schools and the previous Mingyue School's industry.

Now because of a Situ Liang, others can't get in and they can't get out, which is really a headache.

Gu Zhong rubbed his temples, offered the Heavenly Sword, and said, "I'm going to fight with his old thief Situ."

Suddenly, Mu Yuefeng, who was stunned in the same place, suddenly reacted, opening her mouth slightly, and said in surprise: "You said Situ Liang is here?"

"The great guardian of the Black Fiend Palace, the cultivation base is at the peak of the Destroying Realm..."

"You.... It's better not to be impulsive." Although Gu Zhong felt that it was impossible for Gu Zhong to beat Situ Liang, but it looked like Gu Zhong made his way for the school and his disciples.

Really has such a kind of demeanor. Although I don't want to admit it, this matter is somewhat related to her.

Mu Yuefeng felt that she couldn't just sit back and watch. So he said:

"Let's go, I'll go out with you to see."

"You?" Now it's Gu Zhong's turn to suspect her...

Just at this moment, another disciple rushed over and said in a panic: "Sir, it's not good, the attic next to your yard is on fire!"

"Huh?" Gu Zhong was not calm at once, that was where the little heel lived!

"Oh owe~~"

As soon as Gu Zhong and the others left the house, they saw a fire dragon several meters long in the sky, and a humanized Aqian sound.


"Oh my God! What is that, it's breathing fire!"

"What a big flame!"

Gu Zhong’s pupils enlarged sharply, and he rushed to the attic as quickly as possible. The originally cold attic is now like an ice cream exposed to the scorching sun, with a flaming little beast standing on top of the vermilion tile.

He is spouting flames into the sky with a small mouth.

Many disciples who hadn't seen a small heel rushed out one after another and gathered together. Only those disciples who knew how edible the heel was, held their jobs and cried silently.

"Originally, the warehouse was in a hurry, and the heel came out, so I didn't have to eat it!"

"I was so irritable as soon as I woke up?" Gu Shoumen scratched his head, and could only bite the bullet to prevent his little heel from burning his yard.

Holding the fire-breathing heel in one hand, he rushed towards the open area.


The scorching flame continues to rise.

The temperature of the entire courtyard became hot and dry as the fire wave rose.

"Is that your contract beast?"

The little heels in Mu Yuefeng's solemn Gu Zhong's arms, even though they were several tens of meters away, the two stunning beauties turned red under the light of the fire.

"Yes, it's called Little Heel, it's a salamander."

"Lizard? I think the snake is almost the same." Mu Yuefeng spit out mercilessly. Indeed, Gu Zhong also found out, and when he woke up after sleeping, his heels seemed to be longer? ? If it weren't for those four calves, it would really be no different from a snake.

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