Super Master System

Chapter 436: Lingyun Dan

At this time, Lin Xiao, Han Yun and others also hurried to the courtyard of Gu Zhong. Han Yun's eyes were slightly cold and said: "The head, the Temple of the Black Fiend is the five demon sect in the western region. People from the top ten sects dare not take it lightly. Provoke, the boss, why did you mess with them."

Han Yun's tone was deeply worried and jealous. After all, the Demon School is not like a decent one. Once infected, it will inevitably lead to life and death.

Gu Zhong showed a black question mark face, and then said: "I have offended too many people, and I can't remember it for a while."

The disciples: "..."

"It doesn't matter, let's check it out first!"

Gu Zhong walked forward and came to Houshan with a group of disciples who were awakened.

At the gate of the mountain, a man wearing a black costume said in the voice of Yinjiu: "I didn't expect this little Cangshan faction to have formation protection."

Who is this person? It was Situ Liang, the protector of the Black Fiend Temple who was sent by the Lord of the Black Fiend Temple to kill Gu Zhong.

It was still thousands of miles away at dusk yesterday, and it was quite fast to rush over so quickly.

Although the Lord of the Palace asked him to bring a hundred of his subordinates, Situ Liang felt that killing a head of the Seven Streams sect would not require so many people at all. He walked in from the back mountain alone, killed people and sold more people, and could go to the temple tomorrow. Lord return.

Unexpectedly, the little sect even set up a defensive formation in the back mountain. What is even more annoying is that as soon as he steps into the formation, the aura of the whole person will be disordered, and the closer he walks, the stronger the feeling.

Can only be forced to withdraw, bombard the formation with fists, trying to crush this defensive formation.

Although Gu Zhong knew that this person was from the Black Sect, he still asked, "Who are you?"

Situ Liang raised his head, the black air on his body trembled, and smiled: "Heisha Palace, Situ Liang."

"Oh, you are not welcome here, go early."

Situ Liang grinned and said, "Boy, is it because you have a defensive formation that makes you so confident?"


While speaking, his right fist was raised.

The spiritual power visible to the naked eye instantly rushed from all directions, and then suddenly blasted past.


The power of this punch was a warrior with the fifth level of the Destroying Realm. It took a single blow with eight successful powers, which was quite explosive, but it blasted on the five elements defensive array without making any waves.

Situ Liang was a little dumbfounded. The power he had just now was full of tens of thousands of hectares. Even if he couldn't break the formation, he would shake it anyway! After so many people watched, he couldn't hold back the face of the demon boss.

"This Cangshan faction's defensive formation is a bit strong." Situ Liang rubbed his hands and said inwardly. However, his mouth still threatened: "Boy, you quickly hand over the Lingyun Pill, this protector can spare you a death."

"Otherwise, when I break this formation, I won't be aware of you!"

His eyes swept across Lin Xiao and others, full of threats.

"Whatever you want~" Gu Zhong could also see from the scene just now. Although this person is not low in cultivation, he has not yet reached the point where he can break through the Five Elements Formation.

"Looking for death!" Situ Liang shouted violently.

A mighty demon energy was released from the body, and then under the control of Lingnian, it instantly turned into fists and blasted towards the formation barrier.





There were bursts of explosions, like the sound of firecrackers.

However, after the violent bombardment, Situ Liang's face was completely darkened, and he collapsed and said, "Damn, what is the breaking method!"

"Your mother, can you give me some reaction!"

Given the reaction, with the series of fierce bombardments just now, the originally slightly vague five-element defense array has become clearer and clearer.

The disciples who are in the sect can see the arc-shaped formation enchantment in the sky.

Gu Zhong stretched his waist and said, "You can play slowly by yourself. I'm tired and I'm going to rest."

After speaking, he turned his head and said to the disciples: "Let's go."


On the way back, Han Yun's expression became more solemn, and said, "Headmaster, Situ Liang's cultivation base should be above the fifth level of the Dharma Destruction Realm. If he attacks from the front gate, our guardian formation may not be able to resist it. !"

Han Yun's words gave Gu Zhong a reminder that the guardian formation was not like the Five Elements defensive formation.

But that was the primary guardian formation. The ancient clock opened the system, and the thought was clicked on the upgradeable button after the guardian formation. In fact, it was as early as the seventh level of the martial art.

The guardian formation opened the upgrade authority, but Gu Zhong was useless, after all, it would cost five thousand contribution points to upgrade.

It's still a bit expensive. Besides, the primary guardian formation was enough at that time. With the attitude of being able to save while saving, Gu Zhong ignored the upgrade.

But now that a powerful enemy is coming, for the safety of the disciples, even if it is 10,000 contribution points, it must be upgraded!

"Ding, the primary guardian formation has been upgraded and consumes 5000 contribution points."

The guardian formation has been upgraded from elementary to intermediate, with the effect of resisting the attacks of the strong under the immortal realm.

The current problem is solved, Gu Zhong said: "Don't worry, he can't break the formation."

The head spoke so confidently, Han Yun relaxed, and continued: "What Lingyun Pill Situ Liang said just now, did he come to trouble us for the Lingyun Pill?"

Gu Zhong thought of the pill that the woman was holding in his hands and the situation he saw that day. The people who chased her were just like Situ Liang, with a black air.

"Then he might be disappointed..."

Gu Zhong said with a weird expression.


When I got up the next day, Situ Liang was no longer visible in Houshan, but the disciple who opened the door opened the red lacquered gate and saw him standing in front of the mountain gate with bloodshot eyes.

Eighty percent didn't sleep all night, in this bombardment formation.

The disciple immediately retracted his stretched leg in shock, and rushed to report to Gu Zhong.

It turned out that Situ Liang bombarded in the middle of the night, and found that the formation of the back mountain was too strong, so he turned to the front door to bombard, feeling that the front door also had a defensive formation.

But the number of roads and the back door seemed a little different, just when he was excited about thinking that he would be able to break in immediately.

Circles of aura bombarded the gate of Cangshan School! As a result, like the back mountain, it can't be broken at all!

The worst thing was that in the formation of Houshan, he could at least go in for two steps. He couldn't even enter in this formation and was completely isolated from the martial art.

In fact, this can only be blamed on his bad luck. If he didn't spend so much effort and went straight to the front door at the beginning, the guardian formation couldn't prevent him at the time, and he wanted to sneak attack from the back mountain.

This time it was all right, which aroused the guard of the ancient master, and directly repaired the martial arts like a copper wall and iron wall, and don't even think about coming in.

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