Super Master System

Chapter 414: Spirit vein

Of course, there are also some comprehensive tasks that the inner disciples will complete with the outer disciples.

After completing the task, the disciple will also exchange the Qi Gathering Pill on his own to improve himself faster.

All in all, Gu Zhong didn't need to intervene with his disciples in their cultivation, and they would be able to keep receiving tasks and exchange things in an orderly manner.

Next, Gu Zhong is about to make his next plan!

Called Zhou Ruoxiao, Han Yun, and Lin Xiao several high-level sects to the study, Gu Zhong sat in the first place and said solemnly: "Everyone, now the number of sect disciples has doubled, and Xiao Tian, ​​Luohe and other inner sect disciples have also broken through to the truth. Dan realm."

"From your point of view, when will I be promoted to the sixth rank?!"

After Gu Zhong finished speaking, the three of them all cast their sights on Gu Zhong. The head was so anxious that he recruited a wave of disciples. It turned out to be this idea.

It's just that the Cangshan School emerged from Heishan City. It took only a year to develop from a small ninth sect to a sixth sect. Isn't it too fast?

"Master, you have a good idea."

Zhou Ruoxiao was the first to express his support. The development of the sect is to call it hot. Today's Cangshan Sect already bears the shadow of the Cangshan Sect that was managed by Uncle Bai when he was alive.

There are even more inexplicable factors.

"However, the head of the Liuliu sect must have a cultivation base above the realm of destruction."

Zhou Ruoxiao's words, like an ice spring in winter, immediately made Gu Zhong cold from head to toe.

In order to participate in the sect round selection, you must have the six-stream sect. If you don’t participate, you will not be able to break through the Dharma Destruction Realm. Then you tell me that the six-stream sect must have the head of the Dharma Destruction Realm.

Isn't this teasing me?

"Of course, the conditions for being promoted to the Sixth Sect are very demanding. This is only the most basic, and the leader cannot yet achieve it."

Although Zhou Ruoxiao supports it, she does not think that the current Cangshan School can become a six-stream sect. Even if Gu Zhong meets the requirements, there will be people in the sect alliance making things difficult. Moreover, Gu Zhong is not in the realm of extinction, and they do not. Will relax the assessment.

"Is there no other way?"

Gu Zhong didn't have to be promoted to the six-tier sect, but it seemed even more hopeless.

After all, those who can rank in the top ten in Zongmen round selection are all five schools. He can't even rate a sixth-rate now.

Of course, Gu Zhong would not give up. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. He believed that the system was there to assist him, not to make things difficult. Since the system gave such a task, it means it is still possible to complete it.

"It's not impossible, the three Puritanism next door, the leader did not break through to the state of extinction." Han Yun frowned.

"Explain that there are other ways."

"Three Puritanism..." Gu Zhong remembered that a few days ago, Gu Qing'er had come to form an alliance and was rejected by him. Not only that, Gu Zhong also turned to form an alliance with Jueyin Valley, which is stronger than San Puritanism.

It is estimated that Gu Qing'er had already cut him a thousand times in his heart, and if he wanted to get news from her, it would be harder than going to heaven.

"Let Lao Zhao and the others inquire and find out what's going on."


"Head, I heard that the sects above the sixth class have very strict assessment of the construction of the sects." Lin Xiao also participated in the discussion among the people.

"Yes, the accumulation of martial arts resources can prove the foundation and potential of this martial arts."

Han Yun echoed the road.

"Well, I see, do you accumulate resources, trivial."


"Go to the system to find out if there is anything suitable for building a sect."

"Swipe, swipe!"

The system interface was refreshed violently, and something called "Thousand Miles Transmission Array" was refreshed.

The ancient clock opened curiously.

"A Thousand Miles Teleportation Array-can simultaneously teleport fifty people to a destination thousands of miles away. Each teleportation consumes 200 experience points."

"Thousands of miles away? It can't be directly teleported to the northeast area, but it costs 200 experience points to teleport once, which is a bit expensive."

Although it’s not useful now, it’s hard to guarantee that it won’t work in the future. Put it in the inventory, and the ancient bell will continue to refresh, but except for the teleportation array, which is still a little useful item, the rest are not very useful. Of debris.

Feeling disappointed, Gu Zhong opened the system store and prepared to exchange items directly.

At this time, a conversation came to mind between the minds.

The male voice of some Yin Dove sounded.

"Hall Master, a spirit mine was found in the middle of the North District, and many forces have already gone."

The blood withered hand said in a cold voice: "The spirit mine here is within a hundred miles of my blood valley. Don't these people not report it when they come?"

"Hall Master, what to do next!"

The disciple found that the hall master was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and said, "Naturally, the spirit mine was dug out."

Since a few months ago, the warehouse was looted, and the vitality of the **** hall was greatly injured, but just like this, many of the **** hall’s disciples were full of hatred, and several newly emerging demons of the eight tiers and nine sects were destroyed. .

He only gradually returned to the blood, so when I discovered the spirit mine this time, I naturally wanted to participate in it.

As for the moment when the **** hands were dumbfounded, it was directly ignored by the disciple. After all, the hall master would show a dumb look from time to time during this period.

The disciples have long been accustomed to it, and most of them are too hard in the practice of magic power, so the side effects of the practice are coming.

However, what he didn't know was that it was their hall master who was in contact with the master, so this expression appeared.

Gu Zhong, thousands of miles away, had a trace of doubt on his face, spiritual vein? Is it an underground spirit stone?

There are two types of spiritual stones in this world, one is underground spiritual stones, and the other is artificial spiritual stones. Underground spiritual stones are naturally bred from heaven and earth spiritual energy, and artificial spiritual stones are condensed by martial artists. "

In terms of purity, the spiritual stones bred from heaven and earth are stronger than artificially refined spiritual stones. "

And most of the sold in the market are artificial spirit stones, including those previously obtained from ancient bells.

Although there are many mineral veins on this continent,

"a lot of."

Jiang Xie added: "But it's all in the hands of the big sect, and the small sect can't even touch the side."

Jun Chang smiled while holding his chin, and said, "It seems that this spiritual stone vein is quite important to a sect, so I dare to fight for it with eyesight."

Jiang Xie said earnestly: "Whether a sect is strong or not depends largely on the veins of spirit stone, and the sects without veins are always in flux, so it is very important!"

Dazongmen easily tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of disciples.

And this definitely requires a massive supply of resources. Pills alone are definitely not enough. Having enough spirit stones is especially important.

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Are the spirit stone veins easy to find?"

Jiang Xie shook his head and said, "Although there are still many unknown mineral veins in the mainland that have not been mined, it is quite difficult to find them."

"not to mention."

He paused and said: "Even if you find it, you will definitely be targeted by the big sect, and it will be a **** storm again."

Jun Changxiao is not surprised.

Anyone who has the main mineral vein dare to rob it openly, and the unowned mineral vein that has just been discovered is a strange thing if the various forces don't have a **** face.

Because of the mineral veins, the forces that finally caused the disaster of destruction are everywhere.

Therefore, the mineral vein is a major event for the big sect, and it is a catastrophe for the small sect!

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