Super Master System

Chapter 402: God-level mental method

"You said you are so heavy!"

Ye Huan's weak vomit, who was pulled by the coolie, could only speed up his steps to follow that of Gu Zhong and others.


"It's Master!"

"Master is back?!"

The disciples in Jueyin Valley saw Tang Wu's figure from a distance. The Black Heart Sect, who had surrounded the valley for a few days, suddenly evacuated not long ago. Could it be related to the young master?

Originally, the disciples were somewhat skeptical, but when they saw the people next to Tang Wu, they were surprised.

"Those people are..."

"It looks like an ancient clock..."

"Look, that person is carrying it! Isn't it Senior Brother Xue!"

"Young Master rescued Brother Xue!"

The disciples who stayed at Taniguchi Jueyin Valley were shocked, but the young master rescued Brother Xue from the evil old yellow? !

Originally, they thought that Brother Xue had... even the few disciples who had a better relationship with Xue Yao had gone for so long.

80% of the mission failed...

It wasn't until Tang Wu, Gu Zhong and others walked to Taniguchi and everyone confirmed Tang Wu's identity that they walked out to greet them.

"Master, it's really you!"

"Well, everyone is all right."

Poor little student Ye Huan could finally catch his breath and threw Xue Yao to the people in Jueyin Valley.

"It's okay, Master, it's great that you can come back!"


The disciple wanted to say more, but saw Tang Wu showing a guilty expression, and said, "I'm sorry everyone, I couldn't save them."

At this time, the talents of Jueyin Valley discovered that there seemed to be two disciples who had gone to the rescue but had not returned.

I immediately understood the reason, the expression on his face froze, and some disciples couldn't help but wept on the spot.

It made Gu Zhong a little surprised. He was just an ordinary modern person in his previous life, and he had little experience of parting between life and death. This was the first time he felt that the feelings between his disciples were so deep.

Although it was felt by another school, Gu Zhong couldn't help but touched Gu Zhong. Just imagine, if it was a disciple of the Cangshan school who died?

Gu Zhong didn't dare to think about it, because he knew that he would go crazy, be irritable, and kill people. As a modern man, he knew life was precious, not to mention that since they chose to join the Cangshan Sect, it meant that they chose to believe in him.

He cannot accept himself and cannot protect those who believe in him.

It's a pity that when they arrived, the two disciples of Jueyin Valley had already died tragically...It can only be said that they were born in such a world, and only by becoming stronger can they protect themselves.


At night, Gu Zhong lay in the wing that Tang Wu arranged for him, his mind entered the system, and as expected, there was an "upgradeable" button written next to the martial art.

Press the button, a stream of light appeared in front of my eyes, and a strange and familiar symbol suddenly appeared in my mind.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in the ear. "Ding, congratulations to the host, the martial art has been upgraded."

"Indestructible True Spirit Advanced..."

""Advancement of the Immortal True Spirit"-Novice mental method of God level, martial arts of the real pill level and above can be practiced."

Gu Zhong opened his eyes abruptly, and sure enough, he guessed right, after the holy order is the **** order, the mind of the **** order! Gu Zhong immediately couldn't wait to sit up cross-legged, and began to practice according to the content of his mind.


Within a few breaths, the psychic energy in the Guzhong Dantian Cyclone quickly reached its peak and continued to degenerate, and the whole body released a heavy heaven and earth attribute.

After half an hour.

Reiki began to be restrained and returned to the body.


Gu Zhong let out a suffocating breath, and gradually opened his eyes, and the two brilliant lights flashed away.

"It's so cool!" The mental method after the advanced level is more difficult to cultivate than the entry level. It requires a warrior to have a certain understanding ability. No wonder it requires a warrior above the real pill realm to practice.

But for the plug-in player like Gu Zhong, it is not difficult to practice. After a few weeks, he has completely understood, and he will practice for another half an hour, only to hate himself for not upgrading his mind earlier!

Cultivating until the sky gradually brightened, Gu Zhong actually had a feeling of breaking through to nine layers!

Amazing! One night's time to improve one level of cultivation, or one level of cultivation at the realm of the real pill realm, how many people can't do it for a few years, and the ancient master can do it in one night after practicing the mental method after advanced.

To be honest, Gu Zhong himself didn't believe it a little bit, so he decided to seek stability and didn't break through immediately. Instead, he chose to slow down a little bit and concentrate on breaking through after he got used to his mind.

"Head, my father wants to see you."

Tang Wu's voice came from outside the door, Gu Zhong frowned slightly, Tang Jiabao came back so soon?

It just so happened that I also wanted to ask Lord Tang Gu about something.

"Okay, I'm here."

The head awoke so early? Tang Wu was a little surprised. Is it because he is not used to living? In fact, Tang Wu didn't want to allow Tang Jiabao to contact Gu Zhong more. He was afraid that Gu Zhong would be bewitched by his father.

In case Gu Zhong would not let him practice in the Cangshan Sect because he was the son of Tangjiabao, then he really had no place to cry.

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