Super Master System

Chapter 400: Including you

Those Jueyingu disciples and Rufeng who had been rescued heard Tang Wu's words and couldn't help but admire them. At the same time, they felt guilty for their thoughts of despising Tang Wu before.

The young master is still a young master, and with this courage and courage, other disciples cannot match.

"In that case, this Sect Master will fulfill you!"

Being so provoked by a junior, Xie Lao Huang could no longer suppress the anger in his body, and directly activated his martial arts black palm and patted Tang Wu.

Gu Zhong's eyes condensed on Xie Lao Huang, and said angrily: "You want to kill him, haven't you asked me to agree?"

The anger in Xie Lao Huang's heart rose more and more, just now the **** asked who you were, but you didn't say it, I even asked you if he killed someone! ?

"Die to me!"

So he mobilized his aura, doubled his palm power, and moved towards Gu Zhong and Tang Wu.

Gu Zhong stretched out his hand to signal Xiao Tian and others to retreat with Jueyingu's disciples first.

Then he focused his attention on mobilizing his spiritual energy, pushing his palms upward, and suddenly propped up a silver-white light circle, covering him and Tang Wu.


The domineering palm hit the silver-white circle of light, and the domineering power that was enough to destroy the mountain was even hitting a ball of cotton, so it was offset.

He used at least nine gravity in this palm.

What concept? It means that the other party is the same as him, and his cultivation is at least in the nine layers of the real pill realm.

But this kid in front of you? Is it really that strong?

Xie Lao Huang very much doubted that this kid would be a disciple of any major sect. Although he had inquired clearly in advance, there seemed to be a feast between Jinyang Gate and City Lord Xie in the City of Fire and Jueyin Valley.

So he sent someone to take care of him early, so he dared to do things blatantly in Jueyin Valley. Suddenly there was a young man who had been able to repair himself, the evil old Huang was not afraid of the ancient bell.

It was the background of fear of the ancient bell. Generally, those who can cultivate to the fifth level of the real pill realm at this age are definitely from the elders of the five sects or even the direct disciples of the head.

Thinking of this, Xie Laohuang had already started to get a little irritable. He just wanted to make a fortune and quickly withdraw. As a result, the eldest master of the family invited a rescuer.

As for Gu Zhong who claimed to be his own seat earlier, Xie Laohuang directly regarded him as a bluffing person. Looking at the warriors around him, all grades are similar to him, how could he be the head.

I have to say that Xie Laohuang's eyes are a bit short-sighted, and he hasn't even said about the deeds of the ancient head.

Even so, Xie Lao Huang didn't want to give up.

"Boy, hand over the treasure of 10 million gold coins, otherwise the Sect Master will kill him!"

The psychic energy condensed in the palm of Xie Lao Huang, aimed at Xue Yao who had passed out on the ground.

As long as his mind moves, Xue Yao will be wiped out, and even a **** can't save him.

"Cut ~ kill if you want, why do I."

"I've seen this kid upset for a long time, you helped me kill him, and I want to thank you."

Gu Zhong disdainfully said, what he said was right, he and Xue Yao were not close to each other, and even had a holiday. Xie Lao Huang wanted to use Xue Yao to threaten him, so he shouldn't be too naive.


"You are not here to save people, so why kill my disciples!"

Xie Lao Huang felt that Gu Zhong was simply unreasonable, and after a few simple conversations, his anger became vigorous.

"Naturally, this seat is here to help the heavens and get rid of the evil thieves."

"Boy! Don't be mad!"

"Cui piece, Yi Zhan, go with this suzerain!"


Cui Ke and Yi Zhan are the strongest disciples of the Black Heart Sect. Xie Lao Huang let them go. He didn't think they could win. The purpose was only to contain Gu Zhong. Fortunately, he attacked from behind.

Gu Zhong looked at the two disciples of the Black Heart Sect. The cultivation base is in the real pill realm, which is really good in the general school, but he still shook his head and said: "The strength is too good, and I don't need to do it myself."

Saying and beckoning: "Hall Master, second disciple, I will leave it to you."

"Yes, rest assured."

Seeing that Gu Zhong didn't make a move, Xie Lao Huang was obviously looking down on his Black Heart Sect, and was very angry. At the same time, he was also dark. Cui Piece and Yi Zhan would definitely be able to tear these two little dolls to pieces! Wait, then.

But not long...


There was a dull fist, and two demonic disciples were directly hammered into the air, spouting out with broken teeth and blood. He also passed out.

The disciples of Xie Lao Huang and Black Heart Sect were shocked, even more shocked than Gu Zhong took his attack.

Everyone sucked in air-conditioning. The two seniors who reached the second level of the real pill realm were beaten out by these two guys one by one, and were beaten to death. This is too scary!

I have to say that this situation and this situation truly interprets what it means to be decent when you see it, you will cry, and the magic faction will be silent when you see it.

The Lin Xiao brothers returned to Gu Zhong and shook their heads looking at the demonic disciple in the cave.

The synchronized movements and expressions are as if the two brothers are saying at the same time, "No one can fight."

Xie Lao Huang was completely irritated, and his disciples were blown out in a circle, simply embarrassing their Black Heart Sect.

Although the reputation of the Black Heart Sect is just like that...

At this time, Gu Zhong's eyes swept, and on Xie Lao Huang's face, he said lightly: "This **** I'm talking about includes you."


Evil Old Huang couldn't help it anymore, and roared for a while, and said to the disciple behind him, "You all get on me!"


In an instant, dozens of Black Heart Sect disciples rushed up.

Lin Chen and Lin Xiaoxiao mixed in.



In the end, the Black Heart Sect disciples who rushed out within two minutes were defeated under the attack of the two brothers in the violent wind and torrential rain.

Seeing this, even if Xie Lao Huang couldn't control himself, he would calm down. Gu Zhongxiu was strong and could still say that he was a direct disciple of the martial arts.

Then the two around him must be from the same sect as him, what kind of sect they are that can train three such outstanding young disciples at the same time.

At this time Xie Lao Huang had already begun to speculate that Gu Zhong and others were not from the four-tier sect, but were also inner disciples of the five-tier sect, and he knew the consequences of invoking the five-tier sect.

At this time, he already had part of his retreat in his heart, but he was not reconciled. He finally waited for the opportunity and gave up like that!

"No, you can't just leave like this!"

"You! Give it to the Sect Master again!"

This time, Xie Lao Huang took a ruthless hand, and immediately worried about fifty disciples, the number of which was twice that of Gu Zhong. They rushed to Gu Zhong and the others, of course he still stood still, after all, Gu Zhong hadn't moved yet.

"Tang Wu, Lao Zhao, Xiao Hei, Xiao Tian, ​​Ye Huan, you all go together."

Gu Zhong didn't let all his disciples go, and to deal with more than fifty demon disciples whose cultivation bases were in the spirit sea realm, sending a few of them was enough.

"Ah? Why is there me again!" Ye Huan opened his eyes wide, and he was indispensable for fighting.

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