Super Master System

Chapter 395: Can't mess with

"Woo...Head, what bad idea did you have..."


Two disciples from the Temple of Heart Faith came across the garden when they happened to see Zhou Ruoxiao dancing a sword, and they couldn't help being attracted by his graceful posture and posture.

Curiously said: "Which elder sister of the branch hall is this, so beautiful."

"I saw her in the martial arts conference before, she was standing next to the head."

"Is it a direct disciple of the head?"

"Swipe!" The sword intent closed, and Zhou Ruoxiao's chill was released immediately, and the two disciples passing by were scared to speak out.

Tsing Yi fluttered and left the garden.

"The aura is so strong, what qualifications do you need to become a direct disciple of the head?"

"I have to work hard! Strive to become as strong as this senior sister!"

The two disciples gave their inspirational speeches, and at this moment, Ye Huan drifted past them.

"Don't think about it, this is your uncle, the sister in charge, don't mess with anyone."

"Ah?! The head and the younger sister!"

The two disciples were shocked. People at the same level as the head, really can't mess with...


After recruiting hundreds of disciples, the headmaster Gu unlocked the shadow storage missions [Conscientious] and [Comprehensive], obtaining a total of 2000 experience points and 1000 contribution points.

Although the hidden mission rewards are relatively small, it can be regarded as a surprise, Gu Zhong doesn't dislike it.

Coupled with the fact that there are more disciples of the martial art, the system will give more disciples tasks. After the disciples complete the tasks, Gu Zhong will naturally have more experience and contribution points.

At that moment, Gu Master felt that he was going to become rich again, and he could sit back and relax again.

The refreshed sect missions are relatively rare at the first level, mostly at the second and third levels, and even the fourth level!

The disciples who started early are relatively strong, and they will tacitly choose the second and third levels when they receive tasks.

As for the first level, it is left to the juniors who just started. Of course, the inner disciples will also take the outer disciples to do some advanced tasks.

Gu Zhong was very pleased.

He wanted to build a strong school, but more importantly, it was to build a sentimental school, where disciples could help and encourage each other, instead of fighting for their own desires all day long.

Level 4 missions are a bit difficult. Most of the high-level spirit beasts are killed, either requiring sufficient manpower or only inner disciples.

The welfare of new entry disciples is definitely indispensable.

Healing Pills and Spirit Recovery Pills must be handed in one, and the speed-increasing pill and body shaping pill will also be distributed in appropriate amounts.

In terms of martial arts and mental techniques, Gu Zhong did not issue them one by one, but the inner disciples were responsible for issuing the mental techniques first, and then according to the growth of their cultivation level, they would release the martial arts suitable for them.

The sub-temple hall master is solely responsible for the sub-temple.


After taking the Sculpting Pill, the disciples were shocked to feel that their physical body and strength have improved to varying degrees. As a martial artist, they naturally understand how far-reaching the martial arts will be in the future!

After they had cultivated the Saint-Pin Heart Technique, they truly understood why the Cangshan Sect had risen in a short period of time and became the face of the current Black Mountain City.

They regretted that they had not been able to join the Cangshan Sect earlier and wasted their cultivation time. I feel more guilty for my hesitation and doubt before.

of course. At the beginning stage, it is certainly necessary to be taken care of by the seniors, and it is normal to get on the court and **** abuse.

But they don't mind, as long as they can become as strong as the seniors, it doesn't matter to be abused.


The disciples began to accept tasks on their own, either alone or in teams.

In the next time, Gu Zhong's ear will often sound the reminder that his disciple's mission is completed, and the experience value and contribution value will continue to rise.

Gu Zhong gave all the sect affairs to the disciples below, and suddenly became free, so he turned a deaf ear to things outside the window and began to practice.

Only half a month later did the realm move from the seventh level of the true pill realm to the eighth level. Why use tragedy to describe it? Why use talent? Because he took Sanpin Juqi Pill throughout the whole process.

And there is the Holy Spirit's physique blessing, which took only half a month to be upgraded to one level, which made the ancient master very dissatisfied.


Gu Zhong frantically said: "Half a month of painstaking practice is equivalent to someone else's one or two years, and he has only improved one level of cultivation!"

Of course, if these words are heard by others, they want to beat the Gu Master series again.

You must know that the True Pill Realm is different from the Linghai Realm. How many people can be upgraded to one level in a few years? The ancient master can do it for half a month, which can already be described as a monster.

As a result, this fellow was still not satisfied.

"Forget it, I'm going to see how the medicinal materials are grown in the medicine garden."

During this period of time, under the care of Gu Yihan and ten disciples, the area of ​​the pharmacy has expanded tenfold.

It was planted with all kinds of medicinal materials, and the scattered spiritual power gathered in the sky, giving people a feeling of clouds and mist.

Inside the kiosk.

Gu Yihan sent a few spatial rings and said, "Master, this is a high-quality medicinal material recently harvested."

The medicinal materials had matured as early as half a month ago, because Gu Zhong focused on cultivation and he did not bother him, so he temporarily stored it.


Gu Zhong took it and took a sip of the tea ceremony: "Not bad, how about those disciples?"

After receiving the praise from the head, Gu Yihan was happy, and said, "It's all simple tasks. Those juniors are also very caring, and there is their credit."

"However," Gu Yihan continued.

"Because of the restricted environment and the restricted environment of the first planting of the monk yam, I am afraid it will take longer to mature next time."

"No hurry, take your time." Gu Zhong said.

Planting is not something that can be done overnight. I have learned the story of Guzhong Elementary School, and it is very good to have this efficiency.

After leaving the pharmacy, Gu Zhong left for the training base.


Standing on the first floor of the training base, after four hours of mind training, Gu Zhong has been able to keep his face unchanged and as stable as Mount Tai.

Since there was a training base, as long as he had free time, he would come to train. He didn't pursue the ultimate tempering, he had already adapted to it early.

If Lin Xiao, Lin Chen and others do not deliberately challenge the record, they can adapt well.

"Go to the second floor."

Gu Zhong ignoring the interference of the first floor, walked to the front of the stairs, his mind changed and appeared on the second floor.

The second floor of the training base was lit up early, because Luohe and Tie Aniu had already started to practice first.

Tie Aniu and Tie Zhu are cousins, they look alike, and their training directions are also very similar, which caused Gu Zhong to admit the two of them many times, but Aniu was more stable than Tie Zhu, and he came to the second floor to temper his muscles and bones earlier. Up.

Gu Zhong still knows this. So there is no confession.

The two of them were sticking out their tongues at this moment, bearing the test of sometimes extreme fire and sometimes extreme cold.

Once it can't bear it, the soul that turns out will automatically dissipate.

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