Super Master System

Chapter 388: Misheard

The ancient clock was sitting on the rock and said: "Just keep it here, let's do it when the time comes."

Old Zhao said: "The head, I think that 80% of the hall master of the Blood Dry Hall already knows that we have killed more than a hundred of their disciples, so I am definitely afraid to come forward.

"Don't worry, we have a way to get them out."

"You can just wait here."

Gu Zhong continued to observe the terrain, and then pointed to the cliffs outlined, and said: "It won't be long before they will come down from here, go around behind us and attack us."

"No way."

Old Zhao said: "The cliff and the mountain wall are as smooth as a knife, at least a few hundred feet high. If you jump down from above, even those who are strong in the real pill level will be seriously injured."

"Unless they are fools... anyway, doing so is tantamount to suicide."

"If you don't believe me, go to the back mountain with this seat." Gu Zhong said.

"Well..." Old Zhao replied dubiously.

At the same time, Gu Zhong took more than a dozen disciples and went around a large circle, and came to the back of a cliff about a kilometer high. The torrent of torrents below made people fall from above, and even if they didn't fall, they would have to be washed away by the water.

To be honest, when Gu Zhong learned that the blood withered hands would actually agree, he felt very funny in his heart. One of them, a school in the valley, would be tired enough to climb to the top of a mountain as high as a thousand meters.

Then jump down from above? Gu Zhong was also very curious about whether his **** hands would fall to death, so he had to come and see with his own eyes.

Before long, night fell. There was a rustling movement from the valley.

Not to mention that the Cangshan Sect disciples are Trinidad, they are all people who have been training at the training base for more than half a month, and this perception is still there.


Old Zhao, who was always vigilant, whispered: "Someone has come down."

"Hush!" Gu Zhong made a silent gesture, and leaned against the stone wall with his disciples to feel the movement.

I only heard the sound of breaking through the air from above, and I jumped down from above.

"Fuck!" The sound of breaking through the air when heavy objects fell from his ears, Gu Zhong's mouth twitched, thinking that the disciples of the **** hall are all bungee jumping enthusiasts? The heart is quite big, it can stand it.

The disciple of Xuekutang didn't even tie a rope, so he jumped off the cliff, which made Gu Zhong admire very much.

He didn't think that these people would really make fun of their lives, so he jumped onto a big tree and observed with an eight-fold lens.

Sure enough, when the Xuekutang disciple fell into the air, a cloud of blood mist suddenly exploded, and the whole person turned into a state of emptiness.

Without the body, nature is not restricted by natural gravity.

The corner of Gu Zhong's mouth twitched, "You are a **** ghost."

Although he had seen the evil sect of Xuekutang a long time ago, when he saw something anti-human here, Gu Zhong couldn't help but tremble twice.

It was obviously not the first time that the people in the Blood Withered Hall jumped off a cliff. When they were more than ten meters above the ground, their physical bodies began to slowly recover. After they fully recovered, they would only have to fall to the ground within five or six meters.

"I don't know if you ghosts can block the laser gun in this seat."

The ancient clock set up the laser gun, turned on the enhanced mode, and locked it on the head of the person who was about to land.

"call out----"

Pulling the trigger, the bullet went silently and directly penetrated the disciple's forehead.

The mind and body were out of touch, and the balance was gone, and he fell into the night, with no signs of life.

The **** cousin who is still in the state of soul, and the perception ability declines in the state of soul, did not realize that those companions who landed on the ground were dead.

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

Gu Zhong pulled the trigger one after another and killed dozens of disciples. This clock fell to the ground ahead of time, holding a gun, and driving a plug-in to the player who was about to land. It really felt like flying.

Gu Zhong didn't kill them all, after all, his goal was not to kill them all.


The Hallmaster of the Blood Withered Hall and several team leaders settled down one after another.

However, after waiting for everyone to fall, after doing some inventory, it was found that there were more than ten missing, so they all stared.

"Hall Master."

A team leader whispered: "Will the technique fail and fall into the river?"


The **** hand said: "No matter what, let's search for the person in the dark place first, and find the disciple who will send a signal to the headquarters in the future, forming a situation of encirclement."

Search for people in the dark, send a signal to disciples in the headquarters? Forming a trend of encirclement?

These keywords were all captured by the eavesdropping function of the eight-fold mirror. Gu Zhong's mouth evoked a successful smile, and everything went according to plan.

It seemed that this puppet was pretty good. When he thought that he would have another "obedient and capable" puppet, Gu Zhong was very happy.

Gu Zhong's eight-fold mirror was always locked on the target, seeing them walking in his direction, and then gave his disciples combat instructions.


Tang Wu, Ye Huan and others summoned the weapon and the blue light shield.

There were 20 members of the Cangshan faction, but the female disciples Wang Manman and Zhou Ruoxiao did not follow.

There are also more than 20 people in the Blood Withered Hall, the hall master is the nine-tier of the real pill realm, and the five leaders are the first-tier of the real pill realm.

Without two main output, this is undoubtedly a test.

However, Gu Zhong has confidence in his disciples and can be easily dealt with, because can these people be better than high-grade spirit beasts?


"Hall Master, who on earth is attacking our blood withered hall."

On the way, a leader pressed his voice. Although he was a magical way, walking in the dark woods, he couldn't help feeling a little scared.

Another team leader said: "Even the deputy hall master is injured, the other party is not kind."

"Huh." Xue withered hands coldly said: "People who dare to come to my place to kill me, this is his mother's own death!"

"Yes, yes, tonight is their deadline!" With the words of the hall master, these disciples took courage and continued to move forward.


Suddenly, a slight leaf blowing sound came from my ear.

"Someone!" the leader whispered.

In an instant, the blood withered hands and more than a dozen other disciples became vigilant, but squinting their eyes to observe the surroundings, there was no gain at all.

Is it a mistake?


There was a clearer sound of breaking wind, as if it was nearby. The hairs of the disciples who had been brave enough to succeed have stood up. Looking around in a cold sweat.

The people in the Blood Withered Hall hurriedly leaned together, but still no trace of humans was found.

No spirit beast! But this wind is very weird!

Under the dark night, there was the sound of stepping on the grass, but there was no trace, which was undoubtedly a bit creepy.

Reminiscent of the dozen or so disciples who were missing just now, the people in the Blood Withered Hall were not frightened.

A team leader whispered: "We will not be attacked, will we?

"What a sneak attack! We are here for a sneak attack! Let me embolden me!"

The courageous and **** hands of Yi Gao cursed angrily.

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