Super Master System

Chapter 373: coming

"The pill that the elder Bai brought is displayed here. Is there anyone else who wants to compete with the middle-grade weapons of the Yunyun school?" Gu Qing'er smiled softly, and the hall of the venue became a little noisy.

"The Bai family's pill is not bad, but compared with the Jiang family's Lingyuan Pill, it is still a bit worse."

"Yes, I don't know if the Jiang family can be interested in this weapon."

"Old Liu, I think the weapon suits you well, why don't you show the baby you brought?"

"Hey, don't worry, don't worry, I'll wait for the weapon of the Black Mountain City Ling family."

"You kid, it's for this reason."

"Hahaha, you still understand me."

The warriors talked fiercely, but no one wanted to participate in the auction, and the tactful and clear voices counted down to three.

The head of the Liuyun School can choose one of the elixirs brought by the Ziqi furnace and the elder Bai.

In the curious eyes of everyone, the head of the Liuyun School raised the number one wooden sign.

"The head of the Liuyun faction finally chose the purple gas stove. After the exhibition is over, the two can sign an agreement in the background to exchange exhibits from both sides."

Gu Qing'er's voice fell, and there was applause in the exhibition. A deal was reached in less than a quarter of an hour, and everyone officially entered the state.

The elders who were not able to exchange successfully did not feel uncomfortable because of this. Their own exhibits have been displayed, and the order is high, which left a relatively deep impact on everyone.

Then there are suitable exhibits, and he can still participate in the auction.

On the contrary, it was the odd fan faction, who completed the transaction so quickly, even if there were still good things in the future, there were no exhibits to participate.

Of course, there are also some warriors who have ideas about the purple gas stove. They can't help but feel a little disappointed. They can only look forward to seeing better exhibits than the purple gas stove in the future.


Immediately afterwards, a dozen exhibits from different families and sects were displayed. Half of the exhibits were successfully exchanged, and only a few exhibits with too partial functions, although they caused quite a stir.

But no warrior dared to try his own risk and exchange the treasure he brought for an unreal item.

Gu Zhong felt that these warriors brought such exhibits, the purpose was not to exchange them, it was more likely to build momentum for their own school.

"If you can come up with a partial magic weapon, those bystanders will definitely think that there must be a mysterious background behind this person, at least not as simple as it seems."

"Then are they simple or not?"

Zhou Ruoxiao asked with a rare seriousness, turning his head slightly.

"Um... I don't know..."

What if someone is really not easy...I am not the roundworm in his stomach, how would I know?

"Cut~then you analyze so much for it?"

"Hey hey hey, sister, it means that your brother is thinking about it?"


"Next, I won't explain more about this exhibit. This is the fourth-grade Lingyuan Pill from the Black Mountain Chengjiang Family."

"The Jiang family held an auction before, and it is estimated that those who have personally experienced this pill at the scene, know better than I am."

"Start bidding below."

"Ding Dong..."

"Ding Dong..."

"Ding Dong..."

The bidding sounds kept ringing, and those forces that had not participated in the bidding, almost all rang the bell at this time, and the last time this happened, it was when Lingjia displayed the middle-grade fire-attribute weapons.

However, Ling's family used a medium-grade weapon in exchange for a purely condensed fire ore brought by a six-class sect. The materials extracted were enough to make a hundred and eighty medium-grade weapons from the ancient clock.

"I don't know what good things this Lingyuan Pill can exchange for."

Gu Zhong tilted Erlang's legs and looked at the hall expectantly. Gu Qing'er was talking about the characteristics, functions and attributes of various exhibits in sequence.

"Why haven't it reached you yet?"

Zhou Ruoxiao knew that the Lingyuan Pill was taken from the ancient clock, and also knew that Gu Zhong had better medicines than the Lingyuan Pill. What she was more puzzled was the two forces on the third floor with them. , Seems to have not participated in the show yet.

As for what they were waiting for, Zhou Ruoxi had the answer in her heart.

"Uh ha ha ha..."

"Mine is yours, it's too strange to say that, I'm so sad."

After listening to Gu Qing'er's description, Gu Zhong felt that every exhibit that participated in the auction was worth more than the Lingyuan Pill, and he would only make a profit if he chose any one.

If the Jiang family’s income from participating in the exhibition were not exchanged for gold coins, he would not get much benefit, so Gu Zhong stopped paying attention to it. Finally, the Jiang family chose a rare medicinal plant worth two million gold coins.

It can be regarded as expressing his attitude towards Gu Zhong. The headmaster wants medicinal materials, so he can come to Jiang's house to find me in the future.

It has to be said that Jiang Hai and Ling Feng are very smart, choosing the materials needed for refining weapons and pills, so Gu Zhong can't say anything.

"Two old foxes."

Gu Zhong's mouth cursed, but it didn't matter in his heart. After all, the two hottest exhibits were from Heishan City, and they undoubtedly slapped the warriors who looked down on him and Heishan City severely in the face.

It's too late for him to be happy, so how can he be in the mood to care about such a little benefit?


Zhou Ruoxiao straightened her delicate body and looked sharply at Gu Qing'er in the hall.

"Next we will show the exhibits brought by the VIPs from the third floor."

"Because the guests on the third floor are all important guests personally invited by the teacher, so the identity will not be revealed to you. Any exhibits that have not been redeemed can participate in this auction."

Gu Qing'er suddenly showed a brilliant smile, and most of the warriors in the hall had lost their souls.

"What this distinguished guest brought us is a high-end, high-grade spiritual tool."

"Upper grade?"

"What spirit weapon?"

"High-end high-end products, it should be the highest-level exhibit in this exhibition."

The warriors in the venue gradually became acquainted with their gods. They only knew that there was an ancient clock on the third floor, but there were two other families who didn't know which school they came from.

However, they guessed in their hearts that the high-end exhibits must come from one of the other two mysterious characters. Anyway, it is definitely not something that the kid from Black Mountain City can do.

"I don't know what the upper-level magic weapon is, I haven't seen it yet."

"Hey, me too, it's an honor to be able to see me this time."

"It's not in vain."

Everyone looked at Gu Qing'er expectantly, and waited for her to take out the advanced magic weapon.

"Don't worry, let me introduce the purpose of this artifact."

"This is a piece of protective magic equipment. Having it you are equivalent to using it for the second life."

"Because it protects our most important part."

"The most important part??"

"Hahaha, could it be??" Some people drove directly on the spot.

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