Super Master System

Chapter 367: Special invitation letter


One person said: "On this road you are walking, you must come up with a platinum invitation letter to be eligible, otherwise, you will stand behind us and line up."

"Brother Zhang, we must have a golden invitation letter to enter this road. Do you think a sect that has just been promoted to the seventh rank can get it?"

"The gold invitation letter can only be obtained by spending at least three million gold coins in Profound Sky City. Not to mention the Black Mountain City, even the Qiliu sect in the city of Flames may not have it."

"Haha, it's fine if we know it in our hearts, why should I speak out and embarrass Gu Master? You say yes, hahahaha."

All forces in the outer zone laughed. Saying not to say it out, in fact, it is a sing-a-and-changing mockery, deducting the two words of meanness to the extreme.

The bronze mouth on the far side, the various forces in Black Mountain City waiting to enter, looked extremely ugly.

Just now I was targeting the Cangshan School, and now Chi Guoguo is satirizing the Black Mountain City and the entire southern region. Any local people who are a bit **** will definitely not be able to stand it.

Especially the Funan city high-level man who fanned the flames at the beginning, originally only wanted to embarrass Gu Zhong, who knew that he even took him in.

Holding an iron face, he was extremely angry but didn't dare to attack.

Gu Zhong shook his head helplessly. He wanted to keep a low profile and walked in silently. Seeing the arrogant and domineering group of people, his temper suddenly appeared.

"This little brother."

He pointed to the road where the forces in the outer zone were standing, and said, "Is this a golden invitation letter that is qualified to enter?"

"Yeah." The San Purity disciple said.

Gu Zhong shrugged and said: "I was thinking just now, how can there be so much trash in the line? It turned out to be a bunch of gold scum that didn't have platinum invitations."

The word scum is obviously humiliating!

The forces in the outer zone suddenly became angry, but just about to open their mouths to attack, their expressions suddenly solidified, because Gu Zhong summoned the invitation letter made of platinum.

Under the refraction of the sun, the white glow on the front of the invitation letter swept across their faces one by one, closing their eyes quickly.

How could he... have a platinum invitation letter!

It is said that the Three Puritanism only issued the platinum invitation letter to the sects above the sixth stream, and the sects below the sixth stream are useless.

"A group of gold scum, let's line up slowly."

Gu Zhong shook the platinum invitation letter and said proudly, "I'll go in first."

"Oh, right."

After walking two steps, I stopped, then turned around and smiled: "My seven-tier sect is really better than you."

The forces in the outer zone can only watch him enter.

Although his eyes were full of anger, he was incapable of doing anything. After all, he was platinum, and he was gold.

In other words, gold invitation letters are all scum, and those with brass cards will definitely feel more inferior.

However, the Black Mountain City forces ranked at the bottom, seeing the warriors in the outer area looked like they had eaten flies, their hearts were suddenly darkened.

Are you still crying? Still pretending?

Sometimes, if you don't pretend to be coercive, others will think you are a fool.

So Gu Zhong could only take out the platinum invitation letter and swagger in in front of a group of gold scum.

to be frank.

If it weren't for the arrogant forces of these foreign counties, the headmaster Gu would definitely not want to be so arrogant.


There is no one to pretend to be so reluctant.

All forces in Montenegro are very comfortable now!

They have long been uncomfortable with this group of foreign powers who think they are superior.

Gu Zhong was able to take out the platinum card in the crowd and knock them **** their faces. This is undoubtedly very relieved!

However, it is also reflected from the side that a seven-stream sect can have the highest standard card produced by the Three Puritanism this time, making the Black Mountain City forces deeply aware that the relationship between the Cangshan Sect and the Three Puritanism is extraordinary!

In fact, if it weren’t for the old man from Funan City who made this, Gu Zhong wouldn’t know that his invitation letter was different from others. When he received this platinum invitation letter, Gu Zhong still had a small complaint in his heart. For a moment.

Women just like to make these fancy things, and invitations are so fancy and luxurious.

Unexpectedly, there is still this meaning in it, but then, what the **** is Gu Qing'er woman doing?

No matter, just go in and know.

"Oh my God!"

"The ancient head has a platinum invitation letter!"

"This is a status symbol that money can't buy!"

The black mountain warriors who watched the excitement around him felt a strong shock and awe in their eyes.


Inside the exhibition area, there is a long passage with many famous paintings and antiques hanging on both sides, which is very luxurious at first glance.

The ancient clock took Lu Qianqian all the way and stopped at the huge exhibition hall.

In the center of the venue is the booth, surrounded by rows of seats, where the guests of the bronze invitation letter are located.

The user of the gold invitation letter is on the second floor, with a separate wing, which is condescending and has a broad view.

Platinum card users are on the third floor. There are not only wing rooms, but also luxurious decorations, which are a symbol of identity and dignity.

"Old Master!"

As soon as Gu Zhong stopped, Gu Qing'er led a group of disciples to greet him hurriedly, her bright face with an enthusiastic smile, and said: "If you have missed a long way to welcome, please forgive me."

Martial artists have been seated on the bronze seats one after another, and they cast surprised eyes.

Ever since the Mingyue Sect was destroyed, the Three Puritanism has been dominated by a family in the Profound Sky City, and its status in the hearts of all forces has risen. I did not expect to be so polite to the ancient leader.

"Where, come here to make Gu feel at home." For some reason, when I saw Gu Qing'er this time, Gu Zhong had a feeling that he couldn't tell. How could this woman be like a person?

In the wing room on the second floor, high-ranking sects of six or seven sects from all sides were also looking at the ancient clock standing at the entrance.

Some of them think deeply, some disdain, some smile.

"Is he Gu Zhong?"

In the luxurious single room on the third floor, a beautiful woman standing in front of the window, her eyes fixed on Gu Zhong, and she whispered softly.

This woman is young, her long brown hair falls down her shoulders, waterfall-like bangs cover the left half of her beautiful face, and her skin is white and smooth like pearls.

The exposed right eye is like a clear stream, and there is a noble temperament that makes people respectful.

Gu Zhong might not notice the gaze of the same sex, but he could easily catch the gaze from the opposite sex, so he instinctively raised his head and stared at the other person.

Although he only saw half of his face, Gu Zhong couldn't help but marvel at him. This woman is very beautiful. Not only her appearance, but the aura in her eyes and the noble temperament exuded by the whole person, it is difficult for people to dispel Pay attention.

However, the head of Gu is also a person who has seen the world. After only one glance, he withdrew his gaze, and said to Gu Qing'er: "The leader wants to preside over the overall situation of the exhibition, but he came out to meet him personally. I am really ashamed."

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