Super Master System

Vol 2 Chapter 1267: Reno

Going straight to the place where Xi Yuwen was located, Gu Zhong's eyes were cold as frost. Speaking of which, if Xi Yuwen was not making a ghost, how could such a lot of incidents happen.

But Gu Zhong was a blessing in disguise. If he hadn't encountered Le Ye, he would not awaken the elemental attributes of the thunder, let alone use the spirit-attracting talisman to draw out the thunder seed.

But now Gu Zhong must solve the Xiyu pattern as soon as possible before he can leave this cave.

Because of the serious injury, Xi Yuwen was still in a coma. Gu Zhong raised his palm, and a cloud of purple light radiated from his hand, wrapping Xi Yuwen's body.


Xi Yuwen let out a painful groan and made a head-holding motion. After moving his fingers, he finally dropped his arms weakly.

The sudden tingling sensation caused Xi Yuwen's consciousness to recover briefly.

He slowly opened his eyes. When the influence of the ancient clock in his eyes gradually became clear, there was a brief surprise in his eyes, why is it him?

But when I think of my current situation, I don't seem to be surprised to see anyone.

"Don't be too surprised, this seat is here to save you."

Gu Zhong said in a slightly bewitching tone.

After hearing Gu Zhong's words, Xi Yuwen didn't lift his eyelids, but instead took advantage of his peripheral light to glance at Le Ao, who was standing not far away.

Although he was seriously injured and his meridians were all damaged, but his brain was not stupid yet, Le Ao couldn't possibly let him go.

Even if what Gu Zhong said is true, then he must pay a price that is more painful than death.

"help me?"

"Hehe, stop telling jokes...hehehehe..."

Xi Yuwen retracted his gaze, leaned weakly against the stone wall behind him, sighed, and then closed his extremely heavy eyes.

"Well, I'm actually here to kill you."

It can be seen that Xi Yuwen has been tortured by Le Ao and doesn't want to live anymore, and Gu Zhong simply becomes a good person, so he can forget it.

Sure enough, if the average person heard this sentence, even if they were not afraid, they would at least feel a little surprised and angry, while Xi Yuwen closed his eyes and showed an undesirable smile.

"It seems you have been waiting for a long day."


Gu Zhong nodded slightly, the purple light in his hand became more and more intense, small lightning began to condense in the air, and the cold tone and murderous aura made the broken meridians on Xi Yuwen's body aching.

The hairs stood up uncontrollably, and in the purple light, a thunder and lightning that was as thick as an arm suddenly shot out from the purple light, and struck straight towards the door of Xi Yuwen's face.

The breath of death enveloped Xi Yuwen tightly at this moment.



The heartbeat was amplified countless times, filling Xi Yuwen's mind.

"Do not----"

Just when the lightning was about to strike him, Xi Yuwen exhausted the little and all his strength, and issued a final cry for help.

"Do not kill me!"

Gu Zhong’s eyes kept falling on him. The moment Xi Yuwen opened his mouth and screamed, his palm raised, and the thunder and lightning that exuded a terrifying atmosphere suddenly turned into a purple spot in the air. .

What if Xi Yuwen didn't respond, did Gu Master really kill him? ?

That's right, Gu Zhong was gambling, whether there are people in this world who are not afraid of death. Of course, there are many people who are not afraid of death. In history, there are many heroes who have righteousness and regard death as home.

But from another point of view, they also cherish their lives, but they have encountered something more important than their own lives that they need to protect.

And Xi Yuwen is obviously not such a person. A gentleman is still afraid of death and divides death into Taishan and Hongmao. What's more, Xi Yuwen is an unscrupulous villain?

Gu Zhong had already given him the choice of life at the beginning. This person wanted to put a cup in front of Gu Zhong, so don't blame Gu Zhong for giving him a taste of death.

Sure enough, if there are people in this world who are not afraid of death, then this person must have never died. Gu Zhong wanted to let Xi Yuwen die once.

Even if Xi Yuwen was really not afraid of life and death, Gu Zhong had a way to kill him first, and then bring him back to life.


"Figured out?"

Gu Zhong's gaze turned to the side of Le Ao, and Le Ao snorted lightly, did not speak, but casually sat on the stone bench next to him, clearly intending to stand by.

Gu Zhong also shook his head, as if responding: "Keep your eyes open and watch."

"Eat it."

He put a good-quality healing pill into Xi Yuwen's mouth, raised his hand and patted his chin, and the pill fell down his throat.

A warm current quickly dissipated at the pubic area, and Xi Yuwen's gray complexion suddenly became a bit of color.

He suddenly raised his head to look at Gu Zhong, and asked in a somewhat urgent tone: "What do you want me to do?"

Gu Zhong said he would save him, and Le Ao was beside him. Although I don't know when these two people got together, Gu Zhong is the only one who brought him a life these days.

"Can you really save me?"

Because of the healing pills, Xi Yuwen's voice became a bit louder.

He felt strange when he heard it. He knew better than anyone what was going on in his body, and a pill made him feel the pain of his internal organs at all.

He even had an illusion that he was not hurt at all.

What pill will take effect so quickly?

The healing pill that the ancient master can refine now, oh no, it should be said that it is the healing pill that can be refined in the virtual alchemy pavilion, the highest grade seven-rank healing pill.

In addition to helping to repair injuries, it also has the effect of refreshing and reducing pain.

This is something that even higher-level healing pills on the market cannot do, the healing pills unique to the ancient master and the disciples of the Cangshan faction.

Feeling that his energy and spirit are getting better quickly, Xi Yuwen's whole body wants to tremble comfortably, and even the look in Gu Zhong's eyes is a little more anxious.

His current symptoms are a bit like that... addicted.

The main reason is that Tianleao destroyed and repaired his meridians, drained the aura, and then fed it with a pill to restore the aura.

All his waking time was spent in extreme pain, and the short-term soothing sensation brought to him by the pill will make his mind and body in a kind of extreme excitement.

Gradually it became a drug addiction. The pill that Gu Zhong gave him was a more powerful medicine.

The drug addiction is getting worse.

Gu Zhong saw Xi Yuwen's almost irrational desire, so he deliberately slowed down and said

"Of course, or what do you think I'm here for?"

Gu Zhong walked to Xi Yuwen's body step by step, as if looking at a dog, with cold eyes looking down at him, his palm slowly stretched out and patted his Tianling Gai.

The tone was extremely bewitching and said: "It's very simple, give your soul to me, and Le Wang will plant a slave mark in your consciousness. From then on, you will become Leinu of Le Wang."

"Your cultivation base and your status as King Wu will not change."

"If you have a chance, you can even go back to Hongsheng City and continue to be your prince."

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