Super Master System

Vol 2 Chapter 1263: Will do it

Le Ao frowned fiercely, what the **** was this stinky boy Xi Cheng doing.


After Lin Xiao realized that the head was missing, he called out anxiously and realized that the head was taken away by Xi Cheng, Lin Xiao turned to Huashang suspiciously.

"Xicheng, he..."

"Brother may have something to tell Master Gu."

"Let's go to the lobby and wait for them."


The ancient leader who was pulled to the backyard by Xi Cheng also looked strange.

Say in a very locomotive tone:

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"Hey, if it is not a last resort, I will not rush to bring you out."

Xi Cheng's face was anxious, regardless of Gu Zhong's disgusting expression, he leaned over his body straight, and whispered to Gu Zhong's ear.

"It's about..."


Gu Zhong couldn't help shouting in surprise, "You said Xi Hengfeng made Hua Chang Le Ao's goddaughter?"

"This matter is still Le Ao mentioned?"

"Then the old man is not after your sister."

In fact, these days when Gu Zhong was comprehending the Ziyun Jue, his thoughts were always in a closed state. He didn't know anything about what happened outside. The reason why he could sense that Le Ao was visiting outside his room every day was only because of the thunder of Le Ao's body. Too rich.

Following these breaths, Gu Zhong could sense the trajectory of Le Ao these days.

But he didn't expect that this bad old man, after just a few days of attention, began to call Hua Chang's attention. Gu Zhong can be sure that Le Ao doesn't want to kill Hua Shang. If he wants to kill him, why wait until now.

Men and women, even if they were a couple of hundred years old, Gu Zhong could only think of that.

Beast, Le Ao, how can you figure it out? Your son's bones are not cold yet, so you started beating the attention of the beloved woman.

It’s not that Gu Zhong’s thinking is crooked, it’s mainly that Hua Chang is so beautiful that she is so beautiful that Le Ye is willing to die for her. Both father and son look abnormal, and Le Ao indeed seems to give birth. People with such abnormal thoughts.

But in fact, this matter was really misunderstood by the head of Gu. Although Le Ao had no good intentions, he was not so perverted. Unless he wants to make Le Ye angry...

But, Huashang is a person whom the head of the ancients fancy, it is impossible to give it away.

However, when Xi Cheng discussed the matter with him, it seemed that he didn't want to ask him for help, but he wanted him to help conceal it, not to mention it in front of Hua Shang.

It shows that Huashang still doesn't know the truth.

"You can conceal it."

"But I don't have the ability to control Le Ao's mouth. If you conceal it today, it is only temporary. How can it be a long-term solution."


Mayor Xi Cheng sighed and said, "I don't know what you said, but there is no other way."

"I wonder if the ancient master has a good strategy?"


Gu Zhong said straightforwardly.

The corners of Xi Cheng's mouth twitched, so that's not it. Since there is no way, can't we just hide it?

"Brother, don't be discouraged, if there is a chance, I will help you."

Gu Zhong could feel the loss of Xi Cheng, and his relationship with Hua Chang was really good, different from Xi Hengfeng and his son.

This kind of pure family affection without any interest relationship is very rare.

Of course, Gu Zhong would not comfort him out of sympathy. There are too many poor people who are separated from each other in the world, and he is not a holy father.

He was supposed to take care of Huashang's affairs, so why bother to take advantage of Xicheng's favor.

In particular, Xi Cheng is already a "owner" who has been certified by the small department. In this case, he is showing favor. Xi Cheng will not be grateful to him in the future, but will only obey.

Sure enough, Xi Cheng's slightly dim gaze moved to his shoulder, Gu Zhong's powerful palm warmly covered it, and there seemed to be a flood of crystal water in his eyes.

Moved: "Brother, thank you very much."

Macho tears? ? The headmaster Gu has never seen this battle before, and quickly stopped and said, "Don't engage in it, don't hold too much hope."

"Specifically, I have to let me explore the tone of that old thing."

"Well, it's enough to have you."

It was not that Xi Cheng had never thought of asking Gu Zhong for help, but judging from his time with Gu Zhong, Gu Zhong really didn't need to offend their brothers and sisters, Le Ao who had become an ally.

So he just told Gu Zhong not to talk about it in front of Hua Shang, but he didn't expect Gu Zhong to take the initiative.

How could Xicheng not be moved.


Inside the lobby on the top floor of Hakodate.

Le Ao had been waiting for the main seat for a long time. Gu Zhong and Xi Cheng walked side by side from the gate, and Hua Chang who was sitting next to Le Ao immediately got up from the stool.

He ran all the way to Xicheng and asked anxiously: "Brother, you are really strange today, are you hiding something from me?"

"Huh? No, you think too much."

With a calm smile on Xi Cheng's face, he pulled Hua Chang back on the stool.

Le Ao cast a glance at Xi Cheng, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. How could he not know what Xi Cheng was thinking.

The fact that Huashang is his goddaughter is already a matter of ironclad clamors. No matter how Xicheng is a demon, this fact cannot be changed.

"The ancient head really made this king wait."

After waiting for ten days, as soon as the person came out, he was taken away by Xi Cheng without discussing business matters.

Le Ao wasn't a temperless person, even if he still had a little awe of Gu Zhong, he still had to ridicule a few words.

"Hahaha, Le Wang has been waiting for ten days, so why don't you worry about waiting for this moment."

"What's more, I said, I promised you, it will definitely be done."

"What do you mean?"

As soon as Gu Zhong flashed, the whole person brought a thunder light and sat down beside Le Ao.

Le Ao's eyes sank, and his heart secretly said, such a fast speed, such a strong aura, although after the fusion of the Thunder Seed, Gu Zhong's cultivation level has not changed.

It was still the Ninth Level of the Primal Spirit Realm, but Le Ao didn't dare to look down upon him at all, because in addition to his cultivation base, Gu Zhong also possessed all kinds of jaw-dropping abilities.

And any one of them is enough to allow an ordinary warrior to ascend to the sky in one day. When these abilities are gathered on one person at the same time, even Le Ao can't get an accurate answer.

"Before, I promised you that I will avenge Le Ye and find the murderer who really killed him."

"I heard that Xi Hengfeng has already given you the culprit."

"It saves a process in this seat."

Process? ? Co-author, is this cooking? ?

Hua Chang's slender eyebrows trembled, always feeling that Gu Zhong's words were a bit wrong.

"Indeed, this king Zhengchou doesn't know what to do to dispel this king's hatred."

"What good advice does Gu Master have?"

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