Super Master System

Vol 2 Chapter 1261: Gu Master woke up

Xi Cheng smiled bitterly in his heart. What he thought was, my silly sister, you can't protect yourself, and you are worried about what these unrelated people are doing. He knows that Hua Chang still can't let Lin Xiao go, but Lin Xiao is too weak. I can't protect myself, let alone her.

It is really difficult for Xi Cheng to support them together. What's more, compared to Lin Xiao, Xi Cheng is more worried about his sister's reaction after knowing that she was mortgaged by Xi Hengfeng to Le Ao.

"Brother... You have something to say..."

Seeing Xi Cheng's delay in responding, Hua Chang outside the door anxiously urged: "Didn't you always expect Gu Master to wake up soon?"

These days, when Xicheng has nothing to do, she ran to Gu Zhong’s room, knowing she could not see the situation inside, she was so persistent, don’t ask her how she knew this all day long behind closed doors, the question is that Lingnian perceives Lin Xiao I accidentally discovered it while breathing.

By the way, now that Gu Zhong was about to wake up, but his brother was so calm, Huashang finally found Huadian.

Brother must have something wrong! Otherwise he won't be able to hide it! A light movement of the wrist will forcefully break the door.

"Bang bang—"

At this moment, an unusually burning purple light burst into the sky, accompanied by deafening thunder.

Hua Chang subconsciously stopped the movement in his hand and looked up at the purple light that exploded in the sky.


Lin Xiao walked out of the room with surprise in his eyes. Because the direction where the purple thunder and lightning exploded was the location of the ancient bell room, and at the moment when the thunder sounded, the spiritual mind between him and the protective barrier in front of the ancient bell door was completely broken.

The enchantment was destroyed, and it was destroyed from within, Gu Zhong woke such a world-shaking way.

That's right, the sky is blue, and the sky above Hakodate suddenly thunders and lightning roars, and the purple light is surging. The citizens of Leling City will never think that this is an auspicious sign from the sky. On the contrary, the familiar thunder and purple light aroused It belongs to the memories of the terrible night they experienced together.

In an instant, the lively market is like being held down by the pause button. In the next instant, everyone, whether it is a hawking vendor, or a customer or shop owner who is trading, puts down everything in their hands at the fastest speed. Go back to each house and find each mother.

Then closed the doors and windows tightly, opened the enchantment that had been prepared, and in the blink of an eye, from a height, Leling City seemed to have become an empty city.

The ability of the citizens of Leling City to avoid danger can be seen. In Hakodate, Lin Xiao and Hua Shang also rushed to the ancient bell room in the shortest time.

Lin Xiao and Le Ao were standing outside the door, Xi Cheng first gave Le Ao angrily, but didn't notice that the door of the originally closed room was gone.

However, Hua Chang paid attention to this when he came. After all, Le Ao and Lin Xiao can stand together in such a harmonious way, mostly because of that man... Hua Chang exclaimed: "What's the matter?"

Only then did Xi Cheng look at Le Ao's incredulous eyes: then he was stunned.

Gu Zhong still sat on the carpet in his original posture, but dozens of flashing and weird purple lightning appeared around his body.

And these lightning beams are increasing at a speed that the naked eye can't catch, and they will soon increase to hundreds.

In a short time, the number of thunder lights increased to thousands or even thousands.

Gu Zhong's figure was gradually swallowed by lightning, and his whole person was bathed in the raging and manic thunder and lightning.

It's just that these thunder lights may be a dangerous element of horror and shock to outsiders, but from the perspective of Gu Zhong, he seems to be an emperor who accepts worship from believers and courtiers.

Gu Zhong opened his eyes at this time, and his pupils had completely turned purple, forming a triangular area with the lightning symbol on his forehead.

It's just that although Gu Zhong opened his eyes, there was no expression in his eyes. He stretched out his palm mechanically with the palm facing up, and a ball of thunder and lightning burst out quickly in his palm.

Growing to the size of a fist, it showed an extremely deep purple color, releasing a violent but extremely light aura. With the cultivation of Xi Cheng and Hua Shang, it was impossible to see what kind of power it was. From the perspective of elemental attributes alone, this is a pure and incomparable thunder-attributed heaven and earth element, but it is different from ordinary heaven and earth elements, and it is a little bit alive.

It seems to have just been produced by the creator, and it has not been contaminated with even the slightest magazine.

But what is certain is that it definitely does not come from a certain exercise or martial arts, but rather like a thunder derived from the body of an ancient clock...

Wait, this is the attribute of the thunder element, from the ancient clock...

Isn’t that only the elemental attribute warrior can do it... so now the ancient bell is already...

That's right, those who can absorb thunder elements are not called elemental attribute warriors. Ordinary warriors have a certain affinity for thunder elements, and can derive heaven and earth elements from their bodies. That is the elemental attribute of the real cow breaking. Musha.

The question is, can anyone really awaken the thunder element from the body after sitting in a room for ten and a half months?

Xi Cheng felt that his three views had been impacted, and even if it was placed in the Hongsheng Empire, it was absolutely unique.

If it was in the past, someone asked Xi Cheng this question, he would only think that the person was sick, but now... Xi Cheng only thinks he is sick... a disease that can't figure out whether he is in a dream or reality.

It's just that in the presence, it is not him who is the most impacted, but the Thunder Elemental martial artist Le Ao who has practiced the Thunder System Cultivation Techniques and martial skills all his life.

His eyes had already opened to their maximum unconsciously, and the surprise in his eyes gradually turned into astonishment.

The difference from Xi Cheng is that he is more aware of the changes that have taken place in Gu Zhong, and it is not excessive to describe it as a reborn and upturned one.

The ancient bell not only integrated the Ziyun Jue, but also completely refined the Ziyun Thunder Seed in the body.

He is now not only a thunder element warrior with a high affinity for thunder element attributes, but also the only warrior in the world who can breed thunder spirit from his body.

That's right, the large group of purple energy that grows in the palm of Gu Zhong is nothing else, it is just a group of vivid thunder spirits, which can be transformed into any shape according to Gu Zhong's ideas.

Only if the ancient clock is still in a short-lived unconscious state before being awake, will it appear as it appears.

You know, he was immersed in the Thunder Valley for decades before he made the first Thunder Spirit that belonged to him. Although the speed of refining the Thunder Spirit was much faster, the rank of the Thunder Spirit was also getting higher and higher.

But it has never been like the ancient clock, a Thunder Spirit derives from his body.

Le Ao has always believed that only Thor, who has the supreme control over the world's thunder elements, can do this.

But Gu Zhong was in front of him...and he did it just by raising his hand.

Le Ao really didn't know whether he should admit that Gu Zhong had begun to possess the spirit of Thor or he should praise that his mine control ability had reached the pinnacle.

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